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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 600x600, globe-xgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14976113 No.14976113 [Reply] [Original]

This is the target coin in Cronet Whale Syndicate Group.

You are all being played by shills.

>> No.14976141

PnDs? Shills? In MY /biz/?

Well I never

>> No.14976155

Just wanted to give a fair warning. If I can prevent at least one future suicide it was worth it.

>> No.14976197


>> No.14976269

lol. they're trying to find the rat in the group right now. hahahahahaha

>> No.14976374

No shit warning to all newfags
>random crypto
>suddenly 10 threads saying how """good it is""""
>low volume

>> No.14976467
File: 48 KB, 500x599, 8wunxkps0j431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generic fud.

>> No.14976517

I'm gonna buy in because of the fundamentals and because I'm closely familiar with Tor/VPNs and the pitfalls. Sentinel will apparently solve these issues when mainnet comes (exit nodes won't see your IP, which a lot should be assumed compromised, and VPNs with data retention and centralization). I'm not getting EVE vibes from this, this seems like a gem despite absolutely and utter shit tier volume. Waiting to enter after a correction, hoping for 800-1k vits range

>> No.14976534

Link the discord or IRC channel. Also, name some other recent PnDs

>> No.14976571

Post screencaps, just black out the timestamps

>> No.14976576

Are you for real?

>> No.14976613
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1520602994004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generic fud right as it starts to take off
Someone has fomo boys

>> No.14976628

Post screenshots or a source or gtfo. No result on google for this made up group. Clear fud because you missed out.

>> No.14976666

I remember how much LINK was fudded when it started taking off. It’s like having deja vu.

>> No.14976707

First dump started at time of post.

>> No.14976718

2 more re-pumps before exit.

>> No.14976750

Lol, "results on Google." You know that chat channel apps arent indexed on search engines, right

>> No.14976758

i dont understand, how will people profit off this pump when the buy orders are much less than the buy price?

>> No.14976800

look @ that dump OMG...thank you whale bro 2 minutes earlier i was ready to pull the trigger

>> No.14976802

Hmm generic claims with no screenshots or sources of some never before heard of group. Notice how there is no mention about the fundamentals at all. No refuting the thousands of users using the network everyday. No denying the working tech that is the clear leader in the dVPN space. Someone missed the pump!

>> No.14976812


>> No.14976817

yeah in "just" 1.5 years look at that spread... i was ready to dump 2 btc on that shit just for the shills stop it just stop it.

>> No.14976827
File: 339 KB, 750x947, D1CB51A6-3F8C-4968-B42D-00825D47B01E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait for the pullback

>> No.14976830

Someone sold 1 eth on a orderbook with a wide ass spread, you can paint huge red and green candles so fucking easy.

>> No.14976835

Amazes me how some faggots still can’t spot blatant pnd shills.

>> No.14976839
File: 192 KB, 1687x694, 1278696F-7AFD-45AA-9F43-0EEC3CCC6D70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha what dump? The only sell order on the books for a grand total of 1 eth?

>> No.14976897

for those who are following the shills this is a PND some one is monitoring closely the Threads...ive never have more than two replys on any thread in less than two minutes.

>> No.14976938

so you've lurked this board for less than 6 months or you have link filtered on catalog? even vidt threads were blowing up with replies every 30 seconds when it was mooning from 7 cents to 15 cents in a week or so. same with LIT, FNT, COTI, REN, etc

>> No.14976959

oh and duh, how could I forget about qnt. turns out promising projects and pnd discord tranny coins receive attention on this shithole. the trick is figuring out which ones are worth your money and time. this unironically could be one despite the abysmal volume.

>> No.14976964

Damn snitch

>> No.14977300

Sentinel? There are like 3 sentinel, fuck mysterium substratum scam see their ico raise and their price. Sentinel is still over the ico price from last 2 years.. should we trust it?

Maybe not.

Lets download this trash app and see even if this shit works

>> No.14977324

Try it for yourself. Downloaded the free dVPN Android app yesterday. Works just fine.

>> No.14977356


>> No.14977748

how do I join PnD groups? I still remember wolong...

>> No.14977957

OP so you knew the coin was going to pump 50% and didn’t get yourself a bag? Do you hate money?

>> No.14977966

Sentinel sucks
OTO cash on the other hand just doesn't stop pumping

>> No.14978216

Tell us something we don't know

>> No.14978449

Post a screenshot Op, i think you are Just mad about missing out on sent and you are fuding

>> No.14978469

Kek pathetic fud. Try harder.

>> No.14978659

without proof or screenshot this is clear fud, i have not seen legit fud about this project other then people saying it has no volume

>> No.14978682

Gay and obviously fake. Poor attempt at fud.

>> No.14978818


>> No.14978828

OP has provided literally 0 proof, he could just post a screenshoot, its literally something that requires no effort