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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1497439 No.1497439 [Reply] [Original]

Market drops 2.5% in one day. Index Futures in Contango.
Volatility up

>not a single happening bread

I think this might be the big one.

How you playing this?
Flight to quality
Long volatility
Short everything
Casual spreading of rumors

Who is ready for the dark days to come.
The politicians never had any real control over this machine.
Record numbers of bankruptcies in my area, those were just the overleveraged. The somewhat leveraged are next. We've been riding the Lightning so long.
I know I'm near my personal breaking point. Only my instincts, my shorts or oil mooning can save me now.

>> No.1497447

Tomorrow, myself and everyone with a brain will not be watching the memes. We will be waiting to play the $UVXY spike or $JNUG bounce.

>> No.1497449

(I meant one or the other; not both. I expect VIX to go haywire soon, but I don't know if it'll be tomorrow. If it is, I would definitely expect it's the big one.)

>> No.1497451

I just want to watch the financialization bubble pop and the cancer eating our economy to burn itself out of existence. Having this much of our economy dedicated to moving money around is bad for real economic growth.

>> No.1497456
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Was just about to open a happening thread. Asian markets down 2% already gonna be a big red day in the US. Also both bonds and securities declined on Friday, pretty unusual. I don't wanna scream S H E M I T A H too early lads, but shemitah is what it's looking like.

>> No.1497464

I know the conspiracy theory is this year, but the last Shmita ended last year.

>> No.1497497

Tomorrow anyone with a brain will be bailing the fuck out.

The house of cards built by central banks buying bonds with debt to stimulate economic growth is going to crash the fuck down.

Everyone knew this shit would fail. It was just a matter of when.

>> No.1497501

Is it really banks playing with debt AGAIN?

>> No.1497502
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I need real people, large accounts making big moves, or stories of economic success/troubles to be weighed in aggregate. The times are not dark for all, but possibly for most or enough.
How are businessman performing.

I see aggressive service industry loans and failing medical professionals.

But the jobs are too slow this summer.

>> No.1497504

I think we'll get through one more quarter.

Janet Yellen is keep interest rates steady this week and we'll be in for a rocky 3 months. Consumer spending will be down, December will come and the Fed will raise rates. All hell will break loose then.
Wont be as bad as 2008 though.

>> No.1497511

Governments this time.

Have you been sleeping through qualitative easing?

Great interest rates stay the same. How much money has the govt borrowed to pump into the market to create a false economy?

Who the fuck is going to pay it back?

>> No.1497515

>Who the fuck is going to pay it back?
It's just going to be wiped man. Remember; when all the debts are paid, there is no money in circulation.

There will be a 20% correction come Xmas and HIllary will pass out in the Whitehouse when asked what to do.

>> No.1497517
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We all know the why son.

Tell me what, where, and when.
And a couple of whos if we're slow to the party

>> No.1497521
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>this week
the fed meeting is sep 21, dingus

>> No.1497556
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i think as we progress into modernity, the concept of a monetary system will become obsolete. it will become more so then it is now, just numbers moving around to satisfy an equation. i mean the trillions we owe other nationscould really be whiped away with a software failiure

>> No.1498177

approaching resistance levels. will it break

>> No.1498179

>Futures in Contango

Are you sure you you know what contango means?

>> No.1498192
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>> No.1498197
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>a """software failure"""

>> No.1498229
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>Tomorrow, myself and everyone with a brain will not be watching the memes. We will be waiting to play the $UVXY spike or $JNUG bounce.
>Was just about to open a happening thread.
>Tomorrow anyone with a brain will be bailing the fuck out.
How does actual retardation feel? Is there physical pain, or just a constant dull sensation?

>Have you been sleeping through qualitative easing?
QE ended in 2014. Some of us are awake enough to not sound stupid when we post.

>> No.1498517
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Bitcoin is doing great though.

>> No.1498544

>QE ended in 2014.






>> No.1498874

U.S. core stocks are up 8% YTD, mid-caps up 13% YTD, small-caps up 12% YTD, long-term bonds up 14% YTD.

Please answer the question I asked in >>1498229. You're a perfect test subject.

>> No.1498891
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>Market drops 2.5% in one day. Index Futures in Contango.
>Volatility up

every time markets goes up vola and vix goes down and vice versa. it's just that the financial reportes with absolutely zero knowledge do not understand these simple correlations.

vix reacts to price, that's it.