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14973913 No.14973913[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I learned about this here, on biz, 6 months ago. I’m sick of doing it, but god, does it work.

Before the “business board” trannies come itt, I’ll let you know that investing as much time as I did in this really paid off. After 3 months, my erect cock had elongated from 4.5” to 5.5”. I was finally confident enough to try and hookup with girls at the bar.

I got a qt gf some time after, and now, after 6 months, my erect cock is 6.5”. Larger girth too. I’m also getting more confident at work, and I’m about to get a promotion.

My goal is to get to 7.5” in the next 8 months (progress hs slowed down).

Invest in yourself faggots. Only takes 5-6 hours per week.

>> No.14973927

Just get a bathmate you poorfag.

>> No.14973950

Great way to eventually fuck up your dick. Better to have a 4.5 incher that works than a dead dick

>> No.14973996

how to op can you post tutorial video? do you warm up? how do you keep from jerking off? How do you keep from getting full erection? progress pics?

>> No.14974033

This is the go-to guide for beginners https://www.pegym.com/forums/beginners-forum/2166-jps-90-day-beginner-routine.html

Not posting pics cause my dick is pretty recognisable (birthmark)

First couple weeks it's hard not to get hard. Try and not to think about it. Gets easier.

>> No.14974068

Not having any issue so far. I lift too so I've got a great blood circulation. Worst case scenario I'll start using viagra a couple years before you do (if girls are even interested into you by that time)

>> No.14974456

How long do your sessions last?

>> No.14974998

Post before and afters

>> No.14975015

lmao faggot

>> No.14975034

"Hey, I recognize that dick!"

>> No.14975063


>> No.14975070
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>my dick is pretty recognizable

>> No.14975107

Just want to confirm that this does work but be gentle with your member as you can fuck yourself up if your too rough

I jelqed back when i was about 20... im 30 now... i went from 5.25 to about 5.75 in 3-4 months... i missed somedays but i was pretty dedicated for those months... i did kegels while i was doing so... my member is still ~5.75 so the gains are permanent

Just felt like sharing because i know the feeling of thinking you have a smaller member... i stopped because even at 5.75 no girl complains... i like rough sex and they do too... just be dominant and it really doesnt matter

>> No.14975111

>Wait a minute, that cock...

>> No.14975140

Do these actually work or is it just Austin Powers nonsense?

>> No.14975145

>I'd know that penis anywhere!

>> No.14975150

I fucked about 12-16 chicks in my life... inly one complained and that was after u broke up with her... she never complained all the times i fucked her

She was my first so that fucked me up mentally... but after getting over it and fucking other girls.. i realized that im good ... she was just hurt... and now were friends again...

Life is funny

Ps she is poor as shit too
So i laugh at that internally

>> No.14975152

you should be happy with your average penis now. fly too close to the sun and you might break your dick. not worth it.

>> No.14975164

imagine being happy with less than 8 inches

>> No.14975187

Is 8" too big lads? I feel like it might be too much for some girls.

>> No.14975203

it's austin powers nonsense and they have a paid shill army that puts Fakestoshi's BSV pajeet brigade to shame.

Stick to jelqs and hand clamps. NEVER skip warmups and cooldowns (rice sock) or else all you'll end up doing is build scar tissue. And even then it's pretty iffy if you'll ever see results (I jelqed with great form for 5 months and never saw any gains).

FWIW, I also tried pumps, hanging, and chem PE (injected vasodilators and growth factors into my dick). None of those worked either. Still at 7.5" L x 5.25" D right where I started.

>> No.14975204

You would do great with hoes
Find promiscuous women
They will love it
May have to hold back some tho
The base of your dick shall remain dry

>> No.14975215

Perfect size for Asia boy pucci

>> No.14975216

If you keep a regular schedule, don't miss too many days and don't overdo it, Bathmate can give you semi-permanent gains. The longer you stick with it the more permanent it becomes. It's slower than jelqing but you could also do both.

>> No.14975226

i took 5 different antidepressants for about 4 weeks a year ago while i was severely suicidal and now my dick seems shorter and i bust in seconds.
what kind of medicine can i take to fix this?

>> No.14975229

are you memeing us or is this worth the time?

>> No.14975261

> I did 6 months of research bro
> Jelking works, my dick got longer by pulling on it, AND got thicker
> Before and after photos proving it?
> Sorry no, my dick is just too recognizable
And people are still taking OP seriously.

>> No.14975307

Natty 8" here, never get laid. It's like have a lambo and no license

>> No.14975366

Don't really want to fuck hoes though. Just want a qt gf.

I don't know really.

>> No.14975480

if you fuck up its game over,penis injury will probably take 3yrs too recover if lucky

>> No.14975501
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My power region began to grow immensely around this time. The stretching and tearing and then healing period method of jelqing that I had moved on to was working. I had shot up from 1 or less inches to easily 6 or 7, and the scars along the way were proof that this was all thanks to the jelqing. I sometimes thought that the scars were bad because they didn't look like they would ever heal, and then I realized that they were proof of my progress, and of my drive to go on, and any girl who looked at it would understand that and know that they were honorable and symbolic - and also, she wouldn't care, because it would be so big she would totally freak out anyway.

Pretty soon, I was elected to be one of the moderators of the main jelqing board I posted on, JelqOrBeJelqed dot com, and I reigned supreme. I gave tons of advice to starter jelqers like I had been just last year, and told them that I was the ultimate vision of success and proof of the power of jelqing. About halfway through sophomore year, I developed my own unique variation on the tearing-and-healing method, which involved consumption of an all-dairy superfood diet and self-induced numbing of the region, and then MORE ferocious stretching and tearing. The method, which I called Super Rip-And-Repeat System, had soon gained enough reputation and was proven to work as a highly advanced method.

My adherents on the board took my word as the word of a jelqing god, and strictly followed my instruction, and this power was the first time in my life that I felt truly in control. Even better than that, though, was knowing that I was helping people like me, who needed help like this, who needed a positive force in their lives, and a guiding hand to slice up their private parts and stretch it out to unthinkable lengths.

I was forcing the hand of nature and in some ways had literally become a god.

>> No.14975508

Hmph... retards

>> No.14975579

Does this increase un-erect size as well? I'm 6'5 erect but nonerect is like 4

>> No.14975606

You didnt gain 2" in 6 months with just jelqing. Did you have horrible eq before you started?
You need to do tunica tugs, although at 7.5x5.25 you should just chill out and be happy with what you got.

>> No.14975608

Jelqing doesn't work you retards. The only thing you are gonna get is an erectile dysfunction.

>> No.14975619

Yes, although you are already a shower not a grower. Jelqing and PE will increase your flaccid size and improve the hang.

>> No.14975656

Carnivore diet

>> No.14975673

You mean i'm a grower ? My unerect penis is just pathetic i'm so ashamed of it whilest my erect penis is all veiny and thick

>> No.14975699

4" flaccid is above average. You have a nice size flaccid bro. You are a shower.

>> No.14975715

4 inch is above average for flaccid. The absolute state....

Anyone messing with angion method or phallogenesis program?

>> No.14975790
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>chop dick off
>use link gainz to buy bbc
>graph it on your body
>have bbc
>have sex

>> No.14975944


I play sports with my coworkers and I know some of them are on here

Don’t want them to know my secret

>> No.14975964

You already mentioned your cock has a unique birthmark, so they know its you.

>> No.14975998

Wait why would your coworkers have seen your dick?
The fuck?

>> No.14976187


Hearty kek

>> No.14976209

Locker-room? We measured our cocks. Have you fags never done this?

>> No.14976222

I also lost 20 pounds

Yeah I’m sure I got the only unique birthmark

>> No.14976232

^ that’s right when I gained confidence at work kek

>> No.14976639

It's not a myth bizfags. I've gained an inch myself doing this and pumping. Erections are rock solid and waifu can't get enough of it. It is just part of my exercise routine at this point even though I've eased off at just over 7" bpel.

>> No.14976765

I really really don't want to google this or click on any links, can I get a qrd on this? never heard of it.

>> No.14976781
File: 10 KB, 225x225, DC0A8420-72F5-4DEC-A6AA-F99F819BC7EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw came jelqed out from the factory

>> No.14976792

So you play sports naked with your co-workers? What the fuck

>> No.14976840

Yeah we’re too poor to afford sports clothes because our suits are too expensive