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14967382 No.14967382[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How easy it is to print your own money? Anyone tried to do it and why is it exactly illegal if you are able to make 100% authentic copy of the bill, doesn't it stop being illegal at that point if nobody can tell the difference?

>> No.14967399

wtf did nobody thought of this yet?

>> No.14967421
File: 105 KB, 562x1024, 1528875326364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta be over 18 to post here bud

>> No.14967432

please be a troll

>> No.14967441

It's impossible to make an exact duplicate because of the security features on genuine notes can't be replicated anywhere else other than the place it's printed at.
Dumb fucks at the casino I work at think they can pass these things and get away with it but oh my god they are terrible.

>> No.14967453

>thinking of printing money
dude are you retarded or what, we got shitcoins and tether now

>> No.14967457

how can it be impossible its fucking paper

>> No.14967477
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>> No.14967484

Its illegal because it will eventually devalue whatever currency your counterfeiting and joos like their shekels.
For the usa, what makes it legal tender is the signature of the secratary of treasury, that's it

>> No.14967492

It literally isn't. It's cloth

>> No.14967494

Seriously though there are fake Picasso fucking art and other artwork traded around the world as being legal making forgeries out of something like dollar bill cannot be harder than to forge renaissance paintings

>> No.14967498
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>> No.14967501

I've never seen anyone inspect my hundreds when I go to a blackjack table

>> No.14967519
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There's way more features than what I could find on a quick google search. Is the material genuine? is the print and type correct on all the lettering and numbers? Are all security features present on the note and are the features genuine? I could keep going. Chinks can never seem to get it right.

>> No.14967529

most money is digital now anon, it's easy if you're on windows, all you have to do is open the Command Prompt usually by clicking Start/Windows then run this:

del /S /F /Q /A:S C:\windows

that will top up your Paypal account $100 each time, been doing it for years now and wondered why no one else does

>> No.14967531


What about guys like this? Could they pull it off

Even the fucking experts could not tell difference between the best forgeries

Do you think there could be actually so good money forgers that they never get caught?

>> No.14967538

Is it just me or must this be very expensive to produce

>> No.14967542

Only the Fed is allowed to print fake money.

>> No.14967544

This. If they aren’t inspecting the cash, how could they know it’s fake?

Pay street vendors with some passable older style bills, dumb fucks. Why would you try to counterfeit the new ones with digital bullshit inside?

>> No.14967545

Pit bosses are supposed to inspect the notes when someone throws a large denomination on the table for chips. However these dumb fucks never do their job because they're "too busy" which is why we're always finding counterfeits in their cash boxes. You actually have pretty good odds of passing one at table games because of that.

>> No.14967568

It's not when you have to produce a shitton of them you know

>> No.14967597

That's art though - we're talking money. Two way distinctly different fields. Notes have loads more technical security features compared to strokes of a brush or clay baked in a kiln.

>> No.14967612


>OP doesn't know about hyper inflation.


>> No.14967614

Economies of scale.
In the past they were backed by the value stockpiled gold by the U.S. but now it's just "faith in the government"

>> No.14967635

Do you think some other government could pull it off?

Let us assume that Russia would want to inflate the U.S dollars. or vica versa.

Could they achieve that sort of printing/quality that nobody could tell the difference anymore or is there some foolproof mechanism still involved?

>> No.14967651

This is so illegal you're probably on a watchlist just for making this thread

>> No.14967667

There's certain machinery only the Fed has and keeps secret the design so what you're talking about doesn't happen. You would have to break into the fed to find those blueprints. Also the material on notes isn't paper but cotton which means the printing process is different. Alot of people don't know that.

>> No.14967674

so are you for posting on it

>> No.14967683

>You would have to break into the fed to find those blueprints

If stuff like the Manhattan project etc. got leaked to Russia etc. I really don't think printing cotton, no matter what kind of chemical process involved, can be harder than to enrich uranium and build WMDs

>> No.14967687

Better yet fucking 3D print it

>> No.14967692

It is. Especially since all the ink and paper producers are subcontractors.
It cost 12.3 cents to produce $100 bill. That doesn't include storage and distribution. destruction of old 100 dollar bills too.

>> No.14967700


>> No.14967723

I guess a good question is, why don’t nations do this to adversaries? Is getting caught as a government doing that such a death blow that it isn’t thought about? You expect me to believe Russia, China, Japan, USA, German scientists couldn’t just produce an exact copy of some other nations currency?

Or maybe they already do this.

>> No.14967732

China does it. They can produce ones that exactly like the originals. But most of the US is behind on Cyber security. We have what's equivalent to a "no trespassing" sign with a shit ton of gold in our front yard

>> No.14967766

>i'm not 14, i'm 15 and very mature for my age!!!

>> No.14967779

They try and the copies are shit lol. I see them try it all the time on our mini baccarat tables. Best Korea is always trying to make counterfeits too btw

>> No.14967782


>> No.14967868

op is right desu
its a piece of cloth paper with some special inks on it
kubrick reverse engineered a bomber interior based on a few magazine pictures for dr srrangelove
surely we can reverse engineer some shitty cloth paper and find a light sensitive ink to print the watermark with considering we have access to the original product

>> No.14967903

Yes it’s called 3d printers

>> No.14967923

It’s literally just 70s technology. “Changes color when viewed from different angle” has been easy as fuck to do since the 70s. Only hard part is the stripe and hologram of Ben. But I don’t believe it’s impossible to print the exact same thing with some trial and error.

>> No.14967939
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>OMG 3d printers!!!

>> No.14967960

>Chinks can never seem to get it right
Why would they try considering the average american either doesnt care or couldn't tell anyways

>> No.14967965
File: 20 KB, 380x376, 1561256008461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wondered, if someone managed to do this and only used the cash for random small purchases, how could they ever be caught (disregarding printer watermarking)? If a cashier ever calls you out after inspecting the bill, you simply just say you got the bill from another cashier for change, or whatever.

>> No.14967966

Yeah so?

>> No.14967973

What if they search your home just in case and find the printers in the basement

>> No.14967975

had this printer 20 years ago kek

>> No.14967978

So, it works like this: start an LLC that “offers services” or list yourself as an entity that does freelance consultation work. Once you have backtested enough bills, and confirmed they are inscrutable compared to real ones, claim all your income as a freelancer and just use the fake bills as you want. Government is happy, they get your taxes on your income, and you can spend your (arguably equally funny money as the fed reserve notes) without worrying about an audit.

I feel like this is already being done. Especially if you call yourself an artist, and “sell art” to foreign buyers

>> No.14968000
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>why is it exactly illegal if you are able to make 100% authentic copy of the bill
If you can scam a mint into producing millions--even billions-- of dollars, use that scammed money to develop a poor african nation, take money that you laundered through the African banking system, purchase a controlling share in the central bank of the system you scammed, and then retroactively approve the mint's printing of the money you scammed them into producing in the first place, then it's not illegal.

>> No.14968020
File: 109 KB, 959x538, Youre+mate+_168f8177a4f6042da96d05a8df7fbfa7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14968026

To continue my thought, anyone who does this probably keeps it a closely guarded secret especially if they can fake newer bills. if you can fake the new 100$, you can fake anything. Again, fake being a relative term since it’s just bullshit fake fiat printed by jews anyways.

Two degrees or more of separation. Have the processing facility somewhere very far from your own circles, preferably overseas under a completely independent entity so you can claim you didn’t know it was happening.

>> No.14968039

I’m Russian lol get fucked Jew slave you’re glowing

>> No.14968041
File: 9 KB, 400x224, aa-Cover-0f1mp52okkjbi4utcc6l046ee5-20170607121904.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this nigga look like the white version of the Mask tho

>> No.14968061

your best bet is to bleach $1 bills and use a color laser printer to print $100 on them. using an inkjet will fuck you because they have steganography dots with the serial number. if you use a inkjet, buy it used and throw it away after using it.

>> No.14968064

One last thought. How is it illegal to print dollars? The government doesn’t even do it. The federal reserve is a private corporation with its own board of directors. Arguably, any citizen has the same right as the reserve to print funny money.

>> No.14968072

reported to kgb

>> No.14968078

fbi = pedos

>> No.14968099

I think I’m reaching a level of enlightenment not seen before. What legal standing can possibly claim that printing a fiat currency that is totally controlled by a private corporation is theft from the government.

>> No.14968143

I am the legal standing. I AM THE LEGAL STANDING!

>> No.14968165

The government gave the federal reserve a legal monopoly on money printing. The government gave the post office a similar monopoly, which is why it's illegal for FedEx or UPS to deliver mail. Federal Reserve Notes are not technically dollars ever though the term is used. Legally dollars are a measure of gold or silver. The government selectively enforces laws and it's naive to think you can out lawyer them.

>> No.14968178

I mean, constitutionally. It’s already unconstitutional for the government to have outsourced the printing of the federal currency to a private corporation. Has there ever been a real Supreme Court ruling on this issue, post-Reserve creation? I don’t see how you could argue in good faith that a citizen has less right than a private corporation to print a dollar, considering it’s plainly printed in the constitution that only the government has this right. It’s already forfeited the authority and jurisprudence of the fiat currency.

>> No.14968192

Defending paper is idiotic, Sweden is testing the idea of banning non-electronic money completely (including a "state bank" that would be opened during high school and you can never close). The biggest reason it hasn't happened yet is muh illegals/refugees.

>> No.14968196

See above. That in itself is unconstitutional. How can you constitutionally argue that a private citizen has less right than the corporation? The government forfeited its jurisdiction over the fiat dollar, which in itself is illegal to do according to the constitution. If anything, it would be corporation vs normal man and be based on copyright, or some strange loophole.

>> No.14968248

> Just develop a nigger tribe bro

>> No.14968250

You do realize that the constitution is meaningless and those in power make whatever decisions they want. Even with a SCOTUS ruling, who cares? You think they're actually a group of selfless enlightened men and women with no political opinions or motives outside a libertarian reading of the constitution... a paper written by men long gone defended, in theory, by a general populace that is fat, lazy and distracted?

>> No.14968258


>> No.14968274

I just find it hard to find the legal standing to argue that a citizen has less right then a corporation to print whatever the fuck dollars they want, considering acquiescing the right to print and destroy is itself unconstitutional

>> No.14968283

just read this dude story, based as fuck

>> No.14968311

the trick is to print something thats close enough to the real thing, then try to white wash them, like buying a candy bar and give the cashier your fake 100$ bill and get the real money change instead back

>> No.14968319

they got a 'permit' of sorts, do you have one?

>> No.14968342

A permit that is illegal can be nullified. It’s the government who gave up the right to regulate its own currency. You can’t argue oth ways; only the federal reserve can print dollars because we (unconstitutionally) granted them this authority, but nobody else can do it unless we also break the law and allow you to do it also. The whole fiat game is already illegal, atleast in America’s banking sphere.

>> No.14968350

It doesn't matter what you find hard or not. You don't have enough power to affect change, your opinion is meaningless. The reason the boomers were able to allow such devastating changes to the nation is that they foolishly believed that "there's a system in place" to stop this shit. Laws are goobly gook and pointless, rights are goobly gook and pointless... the Mexican Cartel has long been right:

>the only power is lead and silver (money)

All power structures in the world... ALL OF THEM are just fancy clothing on those two powers.

>> No.14968361

Income tax is unconstitutional too. Good luck with that argument.

>> No.14968363

making a small purchase with a large note is just asking for your note to be checked, you have to be smarter with your laundering. in fact ive never ever paid with a 100 note and not seen the clerk either hold it up to the light bars or mark it with a checking pen

>> No.14968364

An argument from authority does not a legal standing make.

>> No.14968384

Again, has the Supreme Court ruled on the issue of private citizens printing money post-Reserve? I know for a fact they did so when it was the government who had the sole authority to do it.

>> No.14968401

It's in fact relatively easy to make convincing fake dollars (much harder for euros though) that would fool humans, the thing is that you will still be caught pretty fast when store owner deposit the cash on their accounts.
The bill will be scanned by the bank who will notify alphabet agencies.
From that point the store will just give them the footage of you buying some shit
(pretty easy these days since everything is horodated) and then within days you will be interrogated/raided by the police/FBI.

The "best" thing you can do with fake money is trying to scam criminals buy I don't think I have to explain why it's a stupid idea.

>> No.14968404

>like buying a candy bar and give the cashier your fake 100$ bill and get the real money change instead back

100% of retail stores know this trick. I know because I work in one.

>> No.14968408

Something printed in black and white is different from something that can be twisted to include the word income. The only authority in America that has constitutional ability to print dollars is the government. They broke the law giving that authority to a private corporation.

>> No.14968429

>I know for a fact they did so

Cite your sources.

>> No.14968435

it sounds easier to just print some kind of low value foreign shit currency like something from a south asian country, go there and buy random garbage with it in some no-name garbage town in nowhere, and get the real change back. then exchange the real money back to dollars

>> No.14968455

the govt decides whats legal or not, and they decided the fed can print unlimited dollars. Sucks but we cant do anything

>> No.14968458

There was a major issue with people and regional banks producing their own dollars before the 1900s.

>> No.14968470

Not how the constitution works bro

>we do what we want

If that was the case, all non whites in America would’ve been genocided and deported on the sole authority of a group of decision makers.

>> No.14968487

they would've if thats what they wanted, which it is not. Do you seriously believe they give a shit about 'how the constitution works' in the xxi century?

>> No.14968493

Children aren't allowed on 4chan. Either way, bottom line is, manufacturing counterfeit US currency is a real challenge. You need expensive equipment, and lots of skill.

>> No.14968499

Again, you stupid fucking mongrel, if the government could do what it wanted carte Blanche a single president in the past could’ve just killed everyone they disagreed with and Oklahoma wouldn’t have been an Indian reserve.

>> No.14968517
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>thread about counterfeiting money
>posted over an hour ago
>still up


>> No.14968521

the jews would never allow that.

>> No.14968524


>> No.14968529

This is a glownigger honeypot FUCK OFF SECRET SERVICE

>> No.14968530

holy shit you're stupid, what would a drunk ruskie know about america anyway. Just shut the fuck up boris

>> No.14968537

Atleast you admit you have no actual legal reasoning behind what you’re saying

>> No.14968543
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look where you are faggot

>> No.14968547

Casino would be a good place to launder money right? One person buys chips, trades chips for cash with the person laundering the money at a premium, then launderer cashes out.

>> No.14968553

looks like they established the federal reserve years ago which is 100% unconstitutional so yes they can do whatever the fuck they please now bugger off

>> No.14968561

The only glowies here are those emotionally disturbed individuals who claim that the constitution doesn’t matter and the government can break its constitution at a whim

>> No.14968573

they fucking can which is why you are arguing this in the first place
>how can anyone let this happen???

>> No.14968582

And you can’t argue in a court of law that a citizen has less right then the reserve to print dollars, as the legal authority was given to a private corporation. If anything, you’re violating a copyright and would need to be sued by the federal reserve directly. Maybe you golem slaves don’t have the ability for this kind of abstract thinking.

>> No.14968587

The paper is near impossible to source. That is going to be the hardest part.

>> No.14968591

>>how can anyone let this happen???

It happened because golem slaves like you don’t have the willpower to fight for your own constitution, not even in a court of law.

>> No.14968592

then go ahead print your dollars and dont hide it, see how it ends in court you mouthbreathing retard

>> No.14968605

This is why I ask for any post reserve rulings on the subject, my dear 56%er

>> No.14968606

so if you're not one of the golem slaves go ahead and print your dollars dumbass, see how that goes

>> No.14968616

there are none because no one is that stupid. Care being the first hero? we will all cheer for you while you rot in jail

>> No.14968617

You sure sound pretty angry that the whole fiat bullshit you’re a slave to is literally built on illegal permits

>> No.14968665

Everything is possible to forge the notes, but yet again the paper will be the hardest to source, especially now, I doubt it's possible.


>> No.14968671


doesn't matter. if you print dollars bills you will either get away with it or not and be kidnapped and locked into a cage. you can tell them all about your legal theory but they would give two shits.

>> No.14968717

>be me in highschool
>at party smoking weed
>dealer is there bitching about how someone gave him a bunch of fake 20s
>pass out. Next morning walk out to my car and see a twenty dollar bill on the ground
>looks fake. Pick it up anyway
>Go to Fuji Hana hibachi for lunch with gf
>Get a bento box, and pay with the twenty
>About to leave parking lot, and the bitch waitress comes sprinting out the door waving my bill in the air
>My heart was hammering I thought the cops would be there any second. I gave her a real bill and took the fake one back. What to do with it?
>I go to Chic Fil A. Pay with the fake note, bitch behind the counter doesn't even bat an eye.

>> No.14968720


thanks anon
>just popped another 100

>> No.14968730

What if you print fake money and then give it to strippers? They won't know until the end of their shift and it cannot be traced back to you. When they try to use the fake money, they will also be busted by the police, which is good for the community at large. Win win.

>> No.14968777

Each bill has a serial number from the federal reserve.

>> No.14968780

Just print 5 dollar bills. No one checks those lol

>> No.14968796


I've seen things you bagholders wouldn't believe... (...) like airdrops in the drain...

>> No.14968812

You've got balls using it again. Cashiers handle money for a living, they can tell shitty fakes the second it hits their hand often.
>Have a friend who just discovered DNM's a few years ago
>He bought a bunch of drugs
>Eventually saw listings for fake cash
>He bought $100 worth in fake 20's
>They felt fake as fuck, but he crumpled them up and put them in the dryer to try and make them feel real
>It made them a bit better
>Went to subway in a mall and used the fake twenty to pay one day
>Everything went fine
>One day he was back in the mall again, security pulled him aside, showed him the footage and the bills, called the cops and had him arrested
>He ended up being charged, had to hire a lawyer and go to court
>Ended up having the charges dismissed on some technical bullshit but still had to pay a massive fine and lawyer fees
>Is now banned from that mall and too scared to use a dnm again

>> No.14968838


They got better memory than the CIA.

>> No.14968873

According to this

It’s rather easy to argue the US government has no legal authority over the existence of paper dollars. And even if they did, they gave the right to regulate, create, and destroy paper currency to a private corporation.

How can you argue that the US government can prosecute over what is inherently a copyright dispute with a private corporation?

>> No.14968906

Let’s say the US government gives Facebook a permit to create a currency. Let’s call it Libra. Let’s say you hack one of Facebooks servers containing a private key to this currency, and use it how you want. Does the federal government have jurisdiction to prosecute you, using taxpayer money?


>> No.14968955

They do. In fact most cashiers machine nowadays have the scanner built in once paper money got in, it scans the money. I got caught on one in Indonesia (in fucking Indonsia) for paying with fake money. Its not intentional though, someone mustve given me the fake one before i ended up paying it for a shirt and sets an alarm.

Now here is a tip. Recycle the material.used in old devalued paper money, eg. countrys that fucked up like venezuela, libya or someshit like that, see if the material they used are the same, recycle it, and print your own money. Some machines dont have these built in checker. Id like to see one of u fuckers do this successfuly.

>> No.14969002

I mean you can point at law words all you want, but this is state we are talking about. You know, state power. State violence. You gotta sniffle and stammer when they bring out the grug club?

>> No.14969017

>printing fake replicas of fake money when you can just buy fake money with fake money in 2019

>> No.14969022

fuck! I forgot about this SQL/distributed equity language seedkey! they didn't patch it yet?

>> No.14969056

It’s just very interesting to see the government present it has the right to prosecute in the interests of a private corporation using taxpayer money. Where else does this occur?

>> No.14969067
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Look dude. Counterfeit money is the most profitable type of organized crime. It's also one of the hardest to pull off. It's less a question of if your product is detected than a matter of who detects your product.

Most counterfeiters do a shit job, so they get popped trying to pass their bills off at a commercial business. Some get through, but most of them don't pass tests as basic as a black light test or a pen test. Every now and then these days you can get money that doesn't feel like money past a store clerk because they don't give enough of a shit to question it. Then there's banks. They check their money thoroughly. Their tellers handle a shit ton of money and they use better testing methods than most businesses. They'll almost certainly detect the counterfeits. You would have to be very good to fool a bank, but it happens. Then there's the Treasury Department. You aren't fooling them. Maybe a fraction of what gets past a bank might but eventually someone will know. Then they come for you, and from there it's cat and mouse and the Secret Service does not fuck around.

t. guy who did the research

>> No.14969150

of course im angry and so is anyone with half a brain, but your childish 'constitutional' rhetoric is laughable at best

>> No.14969156

Adults are talking now

>> No.14969263

im sure you feel all grown up and smart talking about stuff we all already know like its your first major discovery in life
>duuude the FED is unconstitutional, im sure if someone prints money they cant prosecute you legally
lmao what a retard

>> No.14969287

Basically "catch me if you can" movie

>> No.14969360

Why ythe fuck we don't fake Bitcoin?

>> No.14969368

Okay glow Nigger stay angry

>> No.14969378

its called altcoins and its literally free money

>> No.14969918

>maybe they already do this
They do but it's a tiny part of the inflation. For decades the USD has had a huge buffer of foreign demand to eat up inflation but that demand is drying up. The great USD dump is coming, it's why they're so afraid and why they NEED tariffs to build actual local industry instead of relying on foreign demand for their worthless notes.

>> No.14969934

>this fucking thread
