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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14964722 No.14964722 [Reply] [Original]

>even if you have $1,000,000 that's nowhere near enough to retire due to the federal reserve constantly printing money

>> No.14964734

the dollar is not store of value
use something else
BTC is not it either
buy gold

>> No.14964746

based boomer. but gold aint a store of value either.

>> No.14964800

Uranium is the new gold, it even has a burn rate which will increase as nuclear power increases.

>> No.14964818

buy gold fag

>> No.14964873

accumulate heavy water

>> No.14964923

buy gold,silver, land, property, animals, guns, ammo

>> No.14964930

>it even has a burn rate

Because of the half-life? lol

>> No.14964933

how about if we have 1 bitcoin instead?

>> No.14965065

Data will be the fourth industrial revolution, everyone who's holding capital in the cornered markets of meatspace will never make it.

>> No.14965096

>buy a bunch of proprieties and rent them
>buy a bunch of gold
Congrats you evolved to a three digit IQ being's level. Keep playing ? Y/N

>> No.14965106

you are right
buy real estate, can't go too wrong unless you let yourself get raeped by jews and "color" of title

>> No.14965180
File: 39 KB, 382x631, nadine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true

You're 25 years old with 1 million cash.
You can invest 900k in stock funds and get 5% dividends annually...thats 45k per year or $3800/mo. and you retain your capital. This is very doable.
Purchase a nice 300k home here in US. 100k of your million is down payment down, 10 year mortgage, payment 2100/mo. Auto, ins, food, etc are easily within your remaining 1700/mo.

People like OP don't live in the real world after what you constantly read online. You think all houses are 2M for a shack near Google HQ or similar delusion. You don't need a Lambo,...a gently used Nissan or Toyota will work just fine. at 1/40th the cost.

Stop deluding yourself and FIND SOLUTIONS THAT MAKE IT WORK.

>> No.14965203

>You can invest 900k in stock funds and get 5% dividends annually

Where do I do this?

>> No.14965231
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>> No.14965301

Yea but people who usually blow their money like niggers usually end up being poor. Even 500K is life changing money. I watched this documentary of this dude that won over a million at the casino and within a year it was all gone. You spend money and if you can't afford the payments or paying for it in cash with your positive cash flow, You cannot afford it. For example if you have a Mercedes AMG with a 1000$ payment insurance included then you have to be making 1000$ a month or more to own that car.

>> No.14965821

>Yea but people who usually blow their money like niggers usually end up being poor. Even 500K is life changing money. I watched this documentary of this dude that won over a million at the casino and within a year it was all gone. You spend money and if you can't afford the payments or paying for it in cash with your positive cash flow, You cannot afford it. For example if you have a Mercedes AMG with a 1000$ payment insurance included then you have to be making 1000$ a month or more to own that car.
This. Listen /biz/tards. I have a 500k stack. I also love in a condo in Florida a couple miles from the beach. Said condo was bought at the bottom of the mortgage meltdown for 25k. The hoa fee is 139 bucks a month. My bills total around 600 a month and that's everything. Electricity, internet, phone, groceries, random bullshit, you name it. The condo is gated on the outskirts of a million+ metro areas, life is beautiful. I don't work so I just do whatever the fuck I want all day and my stack is so fat I continue to accumulate since I'm nowhere near eating into my principal. 500k is plenty of money believe me.

>> No.14965881

Kek, FL condo? What a joke. I'm moving to the Rockies, or northern Idaho. Enjoy living in the third world tho

>> No.14965898
File: 143 KB, 750x500, LjX8Rgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I mean.
You have 99.99% more discipline than 99.9999% of people in this world.

>> No.14965930
File: 38 KB, 458x630, trinity1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can live forever on $40,000 then $1,000,000 properly invested means you made it if you can stick to a budget and not fuck yourself over. Pic related

>> No.14965939

>Kek, FL condo? What a joke. I'm moving to the Rockies, or northern Idaho. Enjoy living in the third world tho
Yeah okay buddy. I used to travel for business so I've been from one end of the US to another, visited every metro area over 50,000 people, including Canada and Mexico. Dozens and dozens of trips. As long as you're not somewhere in the middle like Arkansas or Nebraska it's all the fucking same. And Florida is a huge state covering hundreds of miles both ways. Some areas are shit and others are spectacular. Just like everywhere else. The advantage for me is a love in a very nice low crime suburb within walking distance to Home Depot, Target, Starbucks, Best Buy, and a fucking thriving mall if you can believe it. The weather is wonderful 9 months out of the year and it's 95% white if that matters to you. Might not sound like much but I'm happy as a clam.

>> No.14965941

everybody this nigger kept his money under the carpet

>> No.14965980

depends on where you live
eastern european master race here
1 million is enough to make it

>> No.14966043

This but buy bsv

>> No.14966045
File: 1.65 MB, 1600x1449, Screenshot_20190725-090255_Remotix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related me spending much time in the Rocky mountains. It's nice. Utah, Colorado, Wyoming are grest but don't kid yourself, it isn't some kind of promised land unless yiu just happen to really like it there. Good luck to you though.

>> No.14966060

If only governments and banks were run on Pledgecamp. We'd have a much fairer and ideal world...

>> No.14966167
File: 40 KB, 800x450, pepelaughz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice 300k home here in US. 100k of your million is down payment down, 10 year mortgage

That burgers are hilarious

>> No.14966175

$PGX fren

>> No.14966178

you can't really store value. you gotta either grow it, or it stagnates. entropy is the natural order of the universe.

>> No.14966193

why do you dress like a nigger white boi?

>> No.14966347

That was a loooooooong time ago (20 years)ad I thought it was cool. I grew up

>> No.14966394

Sure it is if you are smart
>buy luxury trailer and live in lot paying $500 month rent
>buy houses with remaining money
>rent them out
>live off the money

>> No.14967273
File: 166 KB, 820x885, 370-3709335_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-1500618808068-wojak-pink-scream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Saves 1 Milly after 25 years of full time wage cucking
> Now has the purchasing power of a half Milly
> Will be the purchasing power of a quarter Milly in another 25 years


>> No.14967393
File: 276 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190725-182400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any mutual fund. Hell you can get half of that by just keeping your money in the bank.