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14960456 No.14960456 [Reply] [Original]

Sup anons, do you believe that crypto will skyrocket if/when major economies struggle/collapse?

some of my crypto mates subscribe to an idea that the collapse will be bad for everything while I think that it will collapse fiat currencies.

>> No.14960523

The collapse will benefit large cap coins. In particular I think Bitcoin will have significantly larger percentage increases than any of the boomer rocks.

>> No.14960618

It really depends on the cause to be quite honest. If it's a rush to exit markets and into cash I think crypto would suffer right along with everything else. If however it is a sector that is collapsing and people are fleeing into commodities, I think that would be a positive for crypto.
Like I said, it definitely will depend on the underlying causes.

>> No.14960629

Of course it won't skyrocket. Commodities are the first things to go in the case of collapse.

>> No.14960631

a deflation economy will screw everything up. Cash is king in this situation, i'm still thinking of where to park my money.

>> No.14960739

Everyone will probably dump crypto, but I'll be here and in the markets ready with my nigger dollars to scoop it up. That's the game. Otherwise I'd just buy silver and gold like a retard and bury it in my backyard.

>> No.14960778

bitcoin, monero, ethereum and potentially a few others will probably see pretty gains. A lot of alts will be holocausted.

>> No.14960807

Proof of work based cryptos with artificial scarcity (btc , bch , ltc , xmr) would moon the rest of the market would collapse.

>> No.14960822

Ethereum is fucked 10M coins are created per year , literal 10% yearly inflation compared to btc that will have 1.80% yearly inflation.

Any inflationary crypto will be dumped hard in recessions btc , ltc xmr would pump hard since governments print money during recessions.

>> No.14960840

Crypto and traditional assets are going to crash at the same time. It's not a safe harbor. If anything, the crypto crash is going to start first, probably only like a month away while traditional assets still have a couple months.

>> No.14960860

Bitcoin is not a commodity you dolt.

>> No.14960920

Except for gold and silver?

>> No.14960990

Crypto dumps, gold and silver moon

>> No.14960998

The only crypto's that will survive will be the one's that actually work. Eth will die a violent death along with all the erc-20 shit choking on transaction volumes that it can never handle. BTC will lock up as well but will still be used albeit with 24hr wait times. smaller, faster operating coins with mobile wallets and blockchains that can handle the volume will be the only survivors in a fiat failure scenario. USD is dying a slow, but accelerating death already.

>> No.14961013

hello have you heard of LIGHTNING NETWORK?

BTC is king and dominance will only grow from here. Alts are fads.

>> No.14961146

Yeah sure dude, the lightning mobile wallet that requires you to set up a payment channel, create a utxo before creating the utxo you use to actually pay for something, and make sure you and the receiving party have a multisig transaction enabled? gtfo with your lightning shit. it's a solution that creates a larger problem and makes it unusable on mobile for everyone but the turbo nerd.

>> No.14961526

is it possible for BTC to partner up with other blockchains like elrond/etc (which have sky-high throughput) and route the transactions through them?

>> No.14961532

... you guys realize btc is a hedge against the world economy, right?

>> No.14961663

No. But If Blockstream can be surgically removed from the Bitcoin Development and they can stop fucking killing Bitcoin it could be closer to possible.

>> No.14962862

Wasn't Bitcoin invented for this very reason?

>> No.14963805

Nobody's gonna rail against OP for sing N word in his pic. White completely unacceptable!

>> No.14963845


>> No.14963892


>> No.14963917

yes and no btc will be the anchor to many cryptos but its not a partnership and more like using alt networks instead of mainnet for small transactions cause its cheaper.

>> No.14963922

> he doesn't know about EthPlode

>> No.14964159

crypto dies if the economy collapses
the only reason it thrives it because people have liquid capital to risk on wild speculation

>> No.14964206

won't die but like all asset can take a hit at the beginning. then when they rev up the money print to get out of the deflationary spiral while countries suffer a cascading bank collapse due to bad debt that's when crypto moons.

when this two event coincides the phoenix is born from the fire.

>> No.14964255

>Can bitcoin partner with others
no, that is why it and every other permissionless blockchain will die a violent dead. They are ideological fever dreams that have no future. Only one "crypto" will survive, the one that is able to adapt to literally every environment and has a CEO able to work together with other branches without scamming them, like for example xrp

>> No.14964272

Neckbeards sell their BTC to pay rent.
BTC skyrockets if the internet still kinda works. The blockstream satellites might turn out to be the ultimate to be a 5d chess move.

>> No.14964283

I'm pretty sure we saw what happened when Turkey got shit on. Turks withdrew everything from crypto. When rough times come, people want what they have in cash, which is the reason we see bank runs.

>> No.14964308
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crypto will shit the bed like all assets
because there is no money lest for speculation
what will moon is food and energy

>> No.14964327

>do you believe that crypto will skyrocket if/when major economies struggle/collapse?
history shows it does newfag, check out what happened in '13. Cyprus bank issues...

>> No.14964345

you had dirty russian money
in the coming collapse you will have lack of money

>> No.14964391


Hardly anyone's using it. There's no reason to even use it because it's insecure. It's still vulnerable to network congestion because the transactions ultimately have to be settled on the main blockchain.

>> No.14964464


there will not be a collapse. the real question is how crypto will do in a recession or low growth period that will likely happen in the next decade.

>> No.14964536

Its going to be so funny to look back at these posts on here in 20 years when bitchcoin is worth nothing and the whole tulip mania around it is dead. everyone will laugh "I cant believe people thought fiat would collapse" as crypto fags commit suicide lol.

>> No.14964542

True on the russian money, but the spike of '13 was a general fear around the world banks would start doing this to RoW.
I was working in a UK pub in '13 & spoke to a few of our banking punters about BTC.

the rich want to preserve there wealth, £1 is better than 0.

>> No.14964553

this, but the exact opposite

>> No.14964573

Cypriots seem to be keener on holding gold in my (albeit limited) experience of living there.

Is there any data showing an apartment flow into crypto at that time or just anecdotal mate?

>> No.14964598
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the problem with BTC is it only works if there is a greater fool
you preserve nothing if there is no new money to buy in
you will have perceived moon on the way to ruin, but after the bail ins (the collapse point) there will be no more money and crypto will crash dead

it goes like this
degeneracy > fixing > fixing the fix > money, money money money zero interest rates > eventual need to unwind the ponzy > deflation

but there is a theoretical another measure
to outlaw cash and go negative interest rate and nationalize all banks, and go full socialism
IF that happens then you get to 1 mil per BTC

but it wont happen, we will hit the wall, do bail out, bail in, gamble with inflation and end up with high interest rates

>> No.14964634

you forgot to consider the demographic shift and the end of the Boomer bulge, respective that generation losing all their spending power and "investing" all into their health. The ponzi is dead and the result will be chaos, mass unemployment, hunger and death squads

>> No.14964642

the 5th reaping, falling right into the jew hands.

>> No.14964663
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sure sure
but lets assume you can survive the first 3 months of martial law, during and after that time, energy and food will moon to the sun
what mean is, ability to have electricity/water and to house the rich and unprepared
and then 5 years later the reset will be complete
it pays to have a seed bank too, but it all only matter if you can get to the other side

>> No.14964674

and meme coins will not help you to get to the other side
meme coins will help you great deal in communism though

>> No.14964695

Idiot, da jew as you call a bunch of oligarch whose whole wealth and power depends on keynesian retardation and consumerism breaks with the boomer bulge dying off.
>ib4 importing shitskins and giving them credit
What those oligarch require to is a certain level of stability and security. Through the importation they have already lost grip on about 25 - 40 percent of the population, enlarging the social cleavages will ensure chaos even more and will result in something similar or worse than the late 1920's, early 1930's.

>> No.14964737

From the start (already happened) to complete martial law, it will take time, the Boomer bulge will not die off from today to tomorrow, it will be a rather slow decline with sheep realizing it, when it is way too late, this includes da rich. There is no reason to house or protect da rich of today as they will either be poor by the time they realize what is happening or already be robbed, killed and removed.

You are right with one thing though, energy sources (be it coal, wood, water streams, oil, nuclear material) and food (human energy resources) will be the currency for the next 50 to 100 years if it really goes full chaos and we will fail to find and raise a new Hitler

>> No.14964760

Its Anecdotal, I haven't seen many charts going back to April '13 (can't remember where I saw it, too lazy to look). But literal banking boomers where talking to me about it (even though they laughed at me before).

I'm just stating my experience, no one can predict the future, simply speculate. I personally disagree with 'there will be no more money'. I would say there will be more money but its value will be lower. I also don't see anything apocalyptic, historically ppl will put up with it. But hey, what do I know.

Best of luck Anons

>> No.14964761

see the collapse will happen because of a credit freeze
just like 2008, population does not matter
in the next credit freeze the goberment will have a choice to hyperinflate or to curb
the goberberment will choose inflation for as long as it is possible, BUT in the end they will have to go one of 2 routes, full cashless communism or to normalize interest rates
either way people die

>> No.14964768

and the credit freeze is natural thing
if the interest rate is zero or negative there is no reason to lend
only big banks will be able to get credit from the central bank and with that credit will buy everything
to prevent that the elites needs to do something

>> No.14964831

>population does not matter
That is where I 100% disagree montetarist macro economist. It doesn't matter if there will be credit freeze or as much cheap monies as you like to get, if there is no way to profit from it, there is nothing fiscal and monetary policies can do. On a micro economic scale profit means selling shit to shitheads, if the shitheads become less and less, and in addition are losing purchasing power, there is no reason to invest. Mix this with the shitheads losing overall trust in the legacy system, the institutions, and their agents, you can turn on the wheels in any direction, it will result in institutional and systemic failure; also in a society with cleavages as deep as today which a certainly not becoming smaller, no ideological mambojambo will be able to reach hegemonic power and what that means is just pure chaos

>> No.14964845

Fiat collapse is the best case scenario for bitcoin and will unironically lead to mega moon

>> No.14964852

how do you profit from that
>> sell safety to the rich and unprepared

>> No.14964877

What do you take as barter? Boomers can't work, they are too fragile, Boomers cannot bare children, too old. Boomers cannot hold a gun and protect your energy sources, too old. Hell you can't even slaughter them and sell their meat. Most that are considered rich today and also those unprepared are dead weight that can at most be used as fertilizer

>> No.14964897

get land titles
the collapse wont last forever, and have no pity for these degenerates that ruined the world

>> No.14964957

>Land titles
Backed by fucking who?

>> No.14964966
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I guess everyone have their wet dream, your is a bit too extreme. People will not fall into chaos as some of you led to believe. Remember in end those are just numbers, our resources hasnt change, it just be a wealth transfer.

>> No.14964981

after the reset you will have a reasonable claim
during it, you have to lay low

>> No.14965000

There will never be hyperinflation
Inflation is caused by labor, not by money.

>> No.14965019

you poor fool
enjoy your hopium and pray to whatever god you believe in that he will ensure you will survive. You are one of those that will maybe realize what is happening when logistics break and you stand in some supermarket and have to fight for a pack of rice.

>> No.14965031

Also cryptos, gold, these are all just fear indexes.
Anyone who has read even a tiny bit into crisis finance knows people want government bonds when any crash kicks off. And due to that, USD will never fail.

>> No.14965045

and since hyperinflation is impossible it is a great bait bait bait
except that if FIAT was to inflate as it did in hundreds of times in history you will be rekt

>> No.14965050

ok, so you are really a doomsday boy.

>> No.14965054

ur retarded

>> No.14965062

Hello Milton
Tell me how we could pump double digits of trillions into the money supply, and inflation is barely 2%.
"inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon" my ass.

>> No.14965070

nice strawman. I laid out what I think is most probable to happen. It is an institutional trust crisis that will shuffle the deck new, but with no ideological school having the resources and power to ensure they win, it will be a damn dirty war to figure out who survives.
kek, you mean like the idiots that bought Austrian bonds after WW I and saw them tumble down and down and down to 0

>> No.14965074

The bust won't happen when everyone expects it. That's why the upcoming dip in 2021 will be a blip on the bull market. I recommend going long 10x on the economy then. Interest rates will rise in 2023-2024 and in 2027 we will have the real "big one" after the civil war.

>> No.14965078

Or people who bought russian empire bonds.
Here is the thing, don't buy fucking non-USA bonds

>> No.14965099

the empire of trannies and niggers will last forever right

>> No.14965109

land of the global reserve currency will last

>> No.14965125

parallel to swift created - check
literally everybody hates the dollar - check
US abuses its status daily - check
oil is being traded in chink chonk rmb - check

>> No.14965141

>Bonds of any legacy state system
The US and china will have a bad awakening. Unironically Russia might be the only power that will somehow, also with massive loses, survive what we are heading toward.

>> No.14965153

Nobody has the answer to this, we haven't had a big crash during the lifetime of crypto.

>> No.14965156

Wishful thinking from China
Trump will basically dominate china eventually since any export led economy cannot contest USA who holds the printing press in their hands

>> No.14965177

China does not need the US
they can export to the rest of the world

>> No.14965192

Rest of the world does not fucking consume!
What, you gonna sell something to the germans, who famously eat 2 meals per day, drive same car for 20 years and own 2 jackets (one for summer, one for winter)?
The french? Who eat only local bread and local wine?
Indians? Who have no money?

>> No.14965195

China can be happy if it survives the next 5 years as a united country. Without anybody to export to, do to massive loses in power and debt crisis, economies like china are the first to die.

>> No.14966168


Weird moon though, $10 million per bitcoin, but a loaf of bread is $100

>> No.14966254

This is like celebrating a 10% sat increase of a coin when bitcoin is down 20% the same day

>> No.14966349

What's an alt?

>> No.14966390

>he still believes in lightning network


like applying a band aid to a massive gash on your leg.