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14960180 No.14960180 [Reply] [Original]

Frens, how do you plan on safely withdrawing your millions from Chainlink gains? Is Coinbase reliable enough to use for this? Is OTC a better idea? Anyone have experience with this in the past?

>> No.14960195

Coinbase is reliable - but you will be paying the IRS.

OTC/DEX is always an option

>> No.14960198


>> No.14960202

fpbp, just pay your taxes, that's literally the pedophiles that are in power care about

>> No.14960203

Is it dumb to leave link on coinbase? should I get a hardware wallet

>> No.14960209

I have 1500 so my plan is to sell 500 at $1000, When it reaches 1000 staking will be incredibly profitable so the rest of the 1000 LINK I will stake.

>> No.14960221
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Devs are already dumping this exit scam

>> No.14960223

yes it's dumb, get a trezor because they're open source

>> No.14960243

The government will get absolutely NONE of my link gainz, they can fuck right off

>> No.14960251

I'm sure Coinbase is reliable to withdraw a few thousand , but when it's getting into the millions it makes me a bit more nervous

>> No.14960262
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>> No.14960281

since im from south america
Link -> ETH or BTC -> money

>> No.14960296

how much you plan to get monthly by staking 1k?

>> No.14960313
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>> No.14960321

get a ledger or trezor.. cheap and easy to use

>> No.14960327

Exactly what part of "never fucking selling" was unclear to you, faggot?

>> No.14960331

Is it better to go to Link > BTC > OTC and just get a large sum wire transferred to you? Cashing out hundreds of thousands through coinbase seems ridiculous.

>> No.14960341
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>paying the irs

>tfw living on a tax haven

>> No.14960346


>> No.14960350

1k eoy sweet, this is more than indexfund. We are fucking rich

>> No.14960376

whats the deal with the 2-4-7-10%?

>> No.14960384

1k eoy was a meme created by the discord. Totes gonna happen.

>> No.14960396

it's a stupid chart i found from ct, i think staking is a meme and returns will be sub 1%, but it's nice to daydream

>> No.14960397

indeed, you should sell.

>> No.14960445

Imagine being dumb enough to think this chart means a God damn thing.

>> No.14960482

bummer, hahaha

>> No.14960494

>cashing out

>> No.14960551

How much are they paying for stacking?

>> No.14960810

> i think staking is a meme and returns will be sub 1%
No one will stake if the return is that low. You could just cash out and get 3% from a regular bank's high yield saving account.

>> No.14960817

Withdraw? Erm... Sorry, I already flipped at $4 into PNK and am awaiting a 20x compound of my gains.

>> No.14960835

How do you sell OTC

>> No.14960851

How would it benefit Chainlink for the returns to be high? What do the big players get out of it?

>> No.14960865

I will cash out responsibly, pay my taxes courteously and just be glad I managed to get gains boomers could only dream of. I don't know if I will 'make it' off LINK but I think it has enough potential to give me enough money to kickstart my life.

>> No.14960898

>> not incorporating in Wyoming
>> not keeping all of your gains legally
>> assuming you will make it

>> No.14960906
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Somebody Just Ask Sergey how he's cashing out his fat Gains. He Outta be an expert by now

>> No.14960907

Do you plan to use coinbase to withdrawal?

>> No.14960911

you can't cash out though

>> No.14960953

this is how i feel too

to the burgers desperate avoiding taxes i hope you enjoy jail fucking losers

>> No.14960956

Is there any safe way to even withdraw your fund without the government taxing it and taking most of it? I was thinking of putting most of my money into DAI and then just moving it around or withdrawing some when I need to. I also heard DAI has staking now.

>> No.14960974


>> No.14960987

i know i will

>> No.14960988

Why is cashing out large amounts through coinbase ridiculous?

>> No.14961014

Do you trust coinbase customer service when they block your withdrawal request?

>> No.14961063

Go back to one of your countless quarantine threads

>> No.14961067

yes unironically

>> No.14961085
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>> No.14961091
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You can’t deny this truth. The devs are literally dumping their bags on you.

>> No.14961094
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>> No.14961111

How is that different from relying on an OTC service’s support team when something fucks up?

>> No.14961118
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>sell $LINK on Binance
>send to CB PRO
> limit sell ETH/BTC for USD
> withdraw via FEDWIRE to bank account ($10k 24hrwithdrawal limit, sucks huge cubes)

>> No.14961121

Returns will be shit, less than 2%, because of speculation.

>> No.14961127

link ends up going more or less sideways until next june then does another 10-20x month, then goes sideways for another year before doing it again

we desperately need something to occupy our time

>> No.14961143
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Never fucking selling. The Jews and IRS can suck my peepee they will never get a single cent from my linkies.

>> No.14961187

why is it stupid?

>> No.14961204

I’ve never understood this meme. The rest of us will actually be enjoying our gains while you fags keep wagecucking because you refuse to sell

>> No.14961212

They have small stacks, let them be "comfy"

>> No.14961226

can someone explain the whole crypto and taxes thing to me? I'm not getting it.
how do cryptos get taxed, first off?
secondly, when and how do i pay taxes on them?
third, how do i actually get USD out of my crypto? none of you are giving concise and understandable answers...

>> No.14961261

yeah idk how to file them or anything. let’s say i’m cashing out 100k via coinbase where and how exactly would i pay taxes

>> No.14961328

Because coinbase customer support is terrible. Professional OTC firms will wire the entire amount directly to your bank account.

>> No.14961368

He was lying you fucking buffoon

>> No.14961374

What about putting money on paypal?

>> No.14961404

$25k per day limit. That’d take awhile

>> No.14961405

okay so after a little searching, simply search for "btc otc markets"
you'll find a list of people (eventually) who will actually be able to do all of the work for you so you won't have to depend on some pajeet over the phone getting your shit wrong.

>> No.14961411

Hm which OTC companies have the best service you think?

>> No.14961415
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Can the limit be increased by veryfing my personal data or some shit like on Coinbase and Binance?

>> No.14961425

Can you leave them on Myetherwallet?
You always talk about trezor why Myetherwallet not?

>> No.14961433


>> No.14961441
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>> No.14961455

Myetherwallet offline, what a scam, nigger?

>> No.14961467

That’s the max after verifying personal info on coinbase . OTC appears to be the way to go, but would like to hear from personal experience

>> No.14961488

Myetherwallet offline is it secure?

>> No.14961521

I’m confused about whether coinbase does OTC for individuals. Coinbase prime website (for institutions) directs to coinbase pro if you are an individual

>> No.14961537

Can you tell me if MEW off line is it secure or not please? Help LINK brother. I see all here with trezor

>> No.14961688

Coinbase can close your account whenever they want and lock you out of your funds. Take a look at the coinbase subreddit

>> No.14961713

Every wallet is as secure as your private key

>> No.14961759

But it would be fun though...

>> No.14961895

Exactly. And then you have the per day limit. Fuck that. Use OTC.

>> No.14961903

Post your wallet address for MEW and the length of the code you put in to open it here for us to verify the security

>> No.14961907

If LINK actually reaches 1000 I'll take out 4 a month and stop working

>> No.14961933

>500 at $1000

come on bud. that's not happening

>> No.14961944

newb here, what is an otc?

>> No.14961956

>'ll take out 4 a month
>ETH tanked from $1,000 to $100
>living on $400/month

imagine going back to wagecucking after you thought you "made it" lmao

>> No.14961965
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We should just create a “localchainlink.com” page for people to meet and pay cash for link

>> No.14961973
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Stfu Clement, Kleros is trash with no enterprise connections

>> No.14962020
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delusional as fuck

knock knock anon

enjoy your $833 a month HAHAHAHAHA

t. future poorfag

>falling for discord tranny memes

based and flippilled

the only somewhat reasonable linktard itt

not how it works faggot

kek yeah maybe a week best case scenario you delusional fuck

>> No.14962094

Is MEW a decent wallet for LINK? Can't buy a Trezor right now, but I want to take my LINK off of Coinbase for the time being.

>> No.14962104


>> No.14962108

Yea it’s fine

>> No.14962129
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>> No.14962138

But if staking isn't worth it the supply won't go down and demand will be met.

>> No.14962191

>Post your wallet address for MEW and the length of the code you put in to open it
The lenght of the code to open it?
Whatta fuck is this?

>> No.14962218

What's stopping someone from moving to another country and paying less/no tax?

>> No.14962231

>Open a company at Cayman
>cash out LINK gains trought the Cyman bank's account

Put LINK gains INTO blockfi a basket of crypto with a 10% year of returns


Stake LINK until the end of the times and live of staking gains

ALso don't forget to buy StakeNet, it could be useful with regulation hassles

>> No.14962239

IRS can and will track you down.

>> No.14962439

If you becoem a citizen of that country they can't make you pay taxes

>> No.14962546

They get an incentive to operate nodes...

>> No.14962641

US and most western nations tax you on your worldwide income. Gain citizenship in a tax haven and then renounce your US citizenship, pay your exit tax. Then you can extract your crypto. If you want to maintain your status of living standards, like in the usa, Switzerland might be an option-not sure of there tax rates

>> No.14962664

I will stake my 95k LINK. Will need to speak to an accountant about how to pay as little tax as possible though. I imagine it will be something to do with setting up a business in my name and then drawing down on my business account when I need to.

Did some calculations and if I’m at £1m total, making 4% a month staking, I’ll take home £2500 a month after tax, which is crap.

>> No.14962667

Anyone who willingly forfeits their citizenship for a few extra shekels is as bad the money grubbing Jews. These are essentially traitors to their homelands and deserve the absolute worst come kingdom come.

>> No.14962683

Fiat is a horrid investment, why would I ever “cash out”? I will sell some income from staking and enough for a downpayment, but I’d never hold that much cash.

>> No.14962720

Switzerland wants you to be rich before you enter.
Honestly, it's probably just better to suck it up and pay the off-ramp tax so you can actually HAVE your money and then take it anywhere you'd like to go.

>> No.14962904

The United States is a big gay shopping mall that exists solely to extract as much wealth from global markets and its own (white) citizens as possible and shove it into the hands of jews and their mulatto pets. It deserves no loyalty and will show none to you.

>> No.14962925

Retarded thread. Gtfo of my board.

>> No.14962931

>whats the deal with the 2-4-7-10%?
this is bait right? surely you're baiting?

>> No.14963051

Are u delusional? 4% a month is a 48% rate of return for passive income.... fcking biz

>> No.14963068

Withdrawing to fiat? Anon you are a fucking moron. Converting to fiat is the best way to ensure your gains go to shit

>> No.14963079
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>> No.14963083

>withdraw to fiat

>> No.14963169

Based take

>> No.14963274

>They don't know the actual point of link

>> No.14963295

You have to go back

>> No.14963316
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>> No.14963407

>How would it benefit Chainlink for the returns to be high?
quality nodes and data?

>What do the big players get out of it?
quality nodes and data?

>> No.14963413

>he thinks he can cash out

>> No.14964032

Coinbase, pay taxes, enjoy the rest of my life not fearing the taxman. They can put you in a cage.

>> No.14964037


>> No.14964059

Get a fireproof safe to store your seed phrase and hard wallet in. The hard wallet just stores your keys and can be replaced but your seed phrase is very important.

>> No.14964077

Why can't people guess random words to get access to wallets?

>> No.14964186

dude youre gonna get rekt so fucking hard lmao. Cant wait to see your pink wojaks when you get dumped on hard @$100

>> No.14964190


>> No.14964893

I have a similar amount. You would be foolish not to sell some on your way up

>> No.14965220

I will literally wait until my stack is worth more than 1 million dollars and I'm eligible for coinbase custody, then stake with them and cash out OTC through their cartel.

>> No.14965296

Some free EOS
https ://coinbase. com/

Remove the spaces

>> No.14965325
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Listen up you fucking rat-faced kikes. Yes, you!


I am NEVER, ever, EVER selling my fucking LINKIES. Not a single one. NEVER. EVER. Under no circumstances.

Do you understand?




I didn't sell at 30 cents.

LINK at 50 cents? Didn't sell.
LINK at $1? Didn't sell.
LINK at $4? Didn't sell.
LINK at $10? Still not selling, because...

I am
selling my fucking LINK.



The only way you covetous, foreskin-stealing, money-grubbing, well-poisoning, child-sacrificing, rat-faced KIKES will EVER see my LINK again is if you pump the price to AT LEAST $1000 per token... at which point, AGAIN, I will STILL NOT SELL A SINGLE ONE OF MY FUCKING LINKIES. EVER.

The announcement is over, thank you everyone for your time.

>> No.14965385


>> No.14966247
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Hodling with frens

>> No.14966288

Where can I buy OTC coin

>> No.14966336

For any burgers interested in cashing out, there is literally only one place you can cash out tax free with the blessing of the IRS.


You only need to live there for 6 months and any gains you make in that time will be tax free. There are some other loops you have to jump through, but that is the jist of it. Look into it. I will be making the move after link hits $14, I strongly encourage all other link burgers to explore this option.

>> No.14966350


>> No.14966378
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>> No.14966479
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>> No.14966612

They can, it's just so unbelievably unfeasible to do that there's literally no chance they'd ever find a wallet with any BTC in it. This is why people with weak brainwallets get hacked, because they use common phrases instead of random seed words from the BIP word list

>> No.14966636

trade to a stable coin then.

>> No.14966840

>if you don’t want to give 30% of your hard earned money to a bunch of like politicians so they can fund their pedophile cults, import niggers and give them free college, housing and health care, and shoot $50,000 rockets and random sandniggers, FUCK YOU !!!

>> No.14966907

Is there a caveat to this? Do I need to buy a house there? Are the gains really tax free? Do they need to be LT capital gains?

>> No.14967297

>I’ve never understood this meme
YOu are a retarded if you sell an asset that you can stake and live off gains while the price goes up and upper
You must be retarded to sell LINK into FIAT at 10$, at 100$ or 200$ paying 30% to the Kikes when you can NEET of f it staking

>> No.14967320

>I’ve never understood this meme
YOu are a retarded if you sell an asset that you can stake and live off gains while the price goes up and upper
You must be retarded to sell LINK into FIAT at 10$, at 100$ or 200$ paying 30% to the Kikes when you can NEET of f it staking

>> No.14967359

just use metamask. i have all my linkies on metamask
i have an old notebook i installed debian on. i only use metamask on this notebook and i store the seed phrase in an encrypted container

>> No.14967400

>I’ve never understood this meme
You are a retarded if you sell an asset that you can stake and live off gains while the price goes up and upper
You must be retarded to sell LINK into FIAT at 10$, at 100$ or 200$ paying 30% to the Kikes when you can NEET of f it staking

>> No.14967419

Yeah sorry bub but thats compromised

Get a hardware wallet

>> No.14967430
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>be germanfag
>if you hold a coin for more than 12 months you dont have to pay any taxes (pic related)
>but if you stake it its a different asset class and the holding period to not pay taxes when you cash out goes from 12 months to 120 months

what am i supposed to do?
dont stake on purpose?

>> No.14967450
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citation very much needed

>> No.14967473
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>1k eoy sweet

>> No.14967480

>I’ve never understood this meme
You are a retarded if you sell an asset that you can stake and live off gains while the price goes up and upper
You must be retarded to sell LINK into FIAT at 10$, at 100$ or 200$ paying 30% to the Kikes when you can NEET of f it staking

>> No.14967515

Why is this different from lending BTC?

>> No.14967518

Stake most of it.

>> No.14967583
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yeah, this is what i will most certainly do.
how does the staking on linkpool actually work? do i need to send my tokens somewhere? or do i just connect my etheraddress?
i dont know anything about the staking process

>> No.14967599

Have none of you ever cashed out anything? Sell on coinbase pro, withdraw, take trades to accountant, put tax money aside, pay tax and be left the fuck alone.

The crypto anarchist not paying taxes larp is fun and all but take the route that gets you left alone by the govt.

>> No.14967740

But I'm in the UK

>> No.14967770

Can you hold LINK and FTM on Nano X?

>> No.14967788

anon, you should be using coinbase fully expecting everything to be shared with HMRC.

>> No.14967828

GTFO you filthy gentile.

>> No.14967843

holy shit not one good piece of info in here. cashing out is gunn be waaay harder then i thought

>> No.14967847

3200 stack here, at a reasonable short term price point like $50 I will only make 3200 a year


>> No.14967869

OTC stands for over-the-counter

>> No.14967878

there was more than enough liquidity for it at $5. but stinkies drank their own koolaid. beats going to btc -> fiat.

>> No.14967890


>> No.14967916

Is coinbase pro have lower withdraw rates then regular coinbase?

>> No.14967928

what are they putting in the food in germany that makes you all so retarded? you went from eternal-reich to "oh noes, must pay tax on UNLIMITED FUCKING MONEY FROM STAKING FOR DOING NOTHING"

>> No.14967935

>larping as a millionaire
better hurry before the real dump begins

>> No.14967999

coinbase pro has lower fees for everything

>> No.14968014
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Sonnenblumenöl zerstört das Omega 3 zu Omega 6 Verhältnis komplett.
Hat nur Omega 6

>> No.14968156

Might be able to withdraw, but good luck buying a house or a car with money you never told the zog about

>> No.14968179
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theft is theft you fucking commie retard

>> No.14968193

What a dumb thing to go to federal prison for doing.

>> No.14968226

When you cash out the rewarded link you receive from staking you still have to pay taxes on it though. For example, if I stake 50k tokens and I cash out any amount above 50k I get from staking rewards, don't I have to pay taxes on that cash out?

>> No.14968229
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what a dumb system that puts you in a cage for keeping your own money

>> No.14968249

If link does end up reaching triple digits or more, how would anyone cash out due to lack of liquidity?

>> No.14968328

You need to be a resident of PR and stay there for at least 6 months. So you need to open a bank acct in PR, get a license, register to vote, and break similar ties to w/e state youre currently in. If you successfully do the above then all gainz you make starting from the 1st day you are in PR are 100% tax free, you still need to pay on gainz made before PR. Apparently lots of seriously rich crypto bros have done this, most notably brock pierce.

There's a bit more nuance to what needs to be done to qualify, so look it up, but moving there for at least 6 months is the most critical qualification.

>> No.14968347

I should add that you need to have a lease or own a house and pay for utilities.

>> No.14968566

Im going to tell you why that won’t happen.

>> No.14968596

Yeah I meant 4% a year. Those figures I have are 4% a year

>> No.14968663

170+ replies and not one useful bit of info. Has no one on this pathetic board never cashed out hundreds of thousands of dollars ?

>> No.14968673


>> No.14968951
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never ever, unless lolibots are invented

>> No.14969178


>> No.14969298

Im past feelings