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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14955932 No.14955932[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14955945

post more pics

>> No.14955949
File: 100 KB, 622x1280, IMG_20190724_131011_700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to fucking lie to get her to talk to me and now I don't know what to do please help me guys I'm a Virgin

>> No.14955975
File: 100 KB, 622x1280, IMG_20190724_131117_735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to teach her how to trade bitcoin because it's all I know how to do and she finally said she would meet with me but I'm getting extremely fucking nervous guys

>> No.14955985

HA u fucked up

>> No.14955989


wow this is cringy as fuck

>> No.14955991

Honestly anon unless you want to have a bad experience don't bother meeting her in person if you lied. Just find one of many other women out there and use your real pic ffs.

>> No.14956006
File: 92 KB, 622x1280, IMG_20190724_131122_987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first time I've ever been able to get a woman to talk to me PLEASE HELP.

>> No.14956012

Wtf is this anon

>> No.14956013

youre a beta basedboy. pls respond

>> No.14956015

Keep wooing her. Her silence means she likes you

>> No.14956022

base autism, keking hard. tell her about link you mong

>> No.14956036

This is actually PERFECT 100% proof that your personality is IRRELEVANT.

Look at how cringe his messages her. Yet, she STILL agreed to meet.


>> No.14956037

Cringe anon.. cringe

>> No.14956040
File: 218 KB, 1080x1349, 1547608874364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok guys the only problem is that my profile picture looks like this. But she still wants to learn how to trade bitcoin PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO FUCKING SAY SHE THINKS I LOOK LIKE THIS

>> No.14956064

This but ironically

>> No.14956065

what do you really look like?

>> No.14956070

jus b urself

>> No.14956078

She's not meeting this guy to learn to trade bitcoin anon.

>> No.14956079

she's Australian? I'm pretty sure they have a totally nonsense standard of beauty, so just smoothly transition into talking about Australian ETFs and she will know you are a certified bone swinger

>> No.14956081

If I post you guys will fucking laugh at me

>> No.14956085

I didn't give you permission to use my pic you ass!

>> No.14956089

its chill dude, just keep her eyes focused on some TA charts and maybe she wont notice

>> No.14956092

You must become Catfishman. It's the only positive outcome.

>> No.14956097

Jesus, I'd probably fuck that guy.

>> No.14956099

Anon just take care of your skin and start working out. Take your pictures in 1-2 months and profit.

>> No.14956108

no way

>> No.14956119

We'd only laugh considering the situation you've put yourself in. Dudes be ugly. That's just a fact. However, Many of those ugly dudes pull because they shower, shave, and know how to speak in full sentences. I'd tell you to fake it till you make it - but fake your personality until it becomes natural, not your identity dipshit

>> No.14956121

post your picture

>> No.14956125

i could look like a 85% version of this guy if I would get my shit together (lifting, proper diet)
No larp

>> No.14956127

Arrange a date, restaurant with a bar, hang out at the bar while she waits for Chad, wait til she gets upset when Chad doesn't turn up then swoop in with the shoulder to cry on.

>> No.14956134

Just show up and keep talking about crypto, she’ll be so interested in learning about finance she won’t even notice. Make sure to keep telling her how pretty she is too

>> No.14956139

no we wont, were all frens here anon

>> No.14956140

kek thanks anon for the laugh, good you were larping with Chad's pics... sometimes I forget how autistic some of you faggots can be

>> No.14956141
File: 11 KB, 300x300, IMG_20190724_132445_758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok fine here I am what can I do to win her over please guys help me I just want to have sex

>> No.14956142

Libtard detected, avoid at all costs

>> No.14956154

Libtard detected duh

>> No.14956163

you look the same bro, just go meet, drop the glasses and say you lost some weight
she won't even notice

>> No.14956164

>Business and Finance

>> No.14956169


>> No.14956179
File: 52 KB, 512x512, 1556332187083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right click google search
>best guess by google

>> No.14956186

you have potential as a trap.
seriously, unmatch her, post better pics and look for a 6/10 at best, also go to /fit

>> No.14956190

No really OP. I think we've all seen worse.

>> No.14956193

Holy shit just reported you to the fbi faggot.

>> No.14956204

Photoshop your face on the other picture and try it again with a new woman. I promise they won’t notice.

>> No.14956220

take off the feminist glasses and stop doing that numale face, and work out for 2 years non stop with a strict nutrition plan and you'll look somewhat like that guy

>> No.14956226

Can you atleast shill her electroneum

>> No.14956232
File: 1.41 MB, 267x199, 35F448EC-A7A5-45E4-AB12-B2D6B65AEC86.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14956234

Take a showe and get a haircut you'll look just as good

>> No.14956240

just give her a thousand dollars up front

>> No.14956243

Holy shit I love this board. My sides, you're fucked anon but god damn that brought a tear to my eye.

>> No.14956268

the left doesn't believe in evolution because it's racist

>> No.14956293
File: 33 KB, 503x676, 1519146437565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do I do then you fucking niggers? How do I approach this woman without scaring her? Come on faggots I posted my pic so help me

>> No.14956298


>> No.14956306

i wouldnt meet her if I were you, anon. You fucked up after you said you had bought bitcoin at $11. If you guys meet, she will arrange with the real chad that pounds her from time to time so they both kidnap you. You will be tortured to give your private keys.

Dont mention your net worth (larp or not) with people that can get in physical contact with you.

>> No.14956332

The left believes in evolution just not its implications

>> No.14956344

top kek.

>l-looks dont matter anon! just be yourself!

>> No.14956358

The left doesn't care about science, it just believes in "science" which is just another fashion accessory to make them look cool, just like their politics.

>> No.14956384
File: 1.92 MB, 230x306, 250A59AE-E6C2-4D06-854A-22DD1F00FF6F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horseshit. Mentioning his net worth was the fucking play.

>> No.14956390

>what can I do to win her over please guys help me I just want to have sex
nothing, this LARP fucked you more than anyone because now she thinks 9.5/10 chad is interested in her, and you as a 5/10 now have to compete with that.

>> No.14956396

>for barbie and drinks
uhh... what the fuck?
these women are going to play with dolls?

>> No.14956399
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>> No.14956401

set her up with a binance account and give her some btc to get started trading shit coins you faggot

>> No.14956405
File: 52 KB, 316x500, tojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more info

Post your tinder profile including bio

>> No.14956406

The Left believe in evolution, just not right-wing pseudoscientific theories about it

>> No.14956409

imagine not being an australian

>> No.14956415

Infinity/10 gigachad*

>> No.14956419

it's upside down slut language, translates to barbacue.

>> No.14956426

Even evolutionist phd’s don’t fucking understand it, it’s like spongey fucking advanced calculus with poop mixed in.

>> No.14956430

He basically proposed to her as Chad lmao, do this with more women OP, this is hilarious.

>> No.14956434

Your ass is gaping anon

>> No.14956450
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>> No.14956457
File: 45 KB, 558x614, 049EDB41-0EDC-43C1-8FA6-BD2D1D5F5A0A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking genetic and phenotypic variation among separated populations with time is right wing pseudoscience rather than the very foundation the theory of evolution stands on

>> No.14956470

> Ooh that must mean you're a living the billionaire life now (winky face)

he caught you and she is laughing her ass over you, but you are so retarded that you don't even realize