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File: 34 KB, 1194x639, lition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14953162 No.14953162 [Reply] [Original]


I'm looking forward to this coin getting more exposure and liquidity. I'm not expecting instant moonage or anything, but I do love how theyre giving 5% bonus if you send it before listing date. Also feeless trading if you send 10k lit and whitelist the bep2 wallet before listing.

>> No.14953209
File: 429 KB, 500x500, LITIONlightbulbwasser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14953228

what is binance dex

>> No.14953237

Fucking finally!!!

Also fuck Fernando Ribeiro, monkey soup cannibal

>> No.14953344
File: 785 KB, 639x892, Lition_Lohwasser2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait for the people who "dont care about the project" to brigade this thread again with their FUD that consists of made up bullshit that they cant prove. Or then stuff thats already been adressed in the AMA last week.

>> No.14953411

here we go again
shitty forced memes created by discord trannies promoting their pnd shitcoin.
the same thing they did two weeks ago

>> No.14953436
File: 112 KB, 900x840, 7F183ED3-448C-487A-B423-2779C8D56254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Token bonus comes from reserve and no cap hahahahahahahhahahahahaha flooding the market with extra coins who were uncirculating.

Vidt bonus came from the team’s own stack and was capped to prevent dumping.

Difference between a pajeet shitcoin and a legit project

>> No.14953641

good for vidt. i like them as well :)

SAP chose to co-innovate with the pajeet project

>> No.14954028

that didnt take long, literally obsessed. Isnt a good signal for vidt when all its holders are insecure fags like this. You have no trust in your own trash, so you feel its your job to try to make others look bad so people have a reason to buy vidt.

>> No.14954075

>they don't know about hashing
token still not needed

SAP partnership tokenwith private sidechains, working product (3mm revenue), GDPR compliant, staking, autist Lohwasser, STOs and more usecases is needed

>muh total supply
thes are literally partnered with SAP. SAP is bigger than Oracle. This is Link competition you brainlets. The fully diluted marketcap is only 25mm. they have a lot of funds and marketing is only starting. this is 20x next year

>> No.14954117


I dislike scams. So I warn people. LITiots brigaded VIDT threads first


Oh, you the same SAP who NEVER confirmed the so called "partnership"? I see

>this is 20x next year


90% uncirculating. Belarus devs. Main dev and only inhouse dev connected to 2 exit scams.

>> No.14954334

they have 7 devs in house and 14 outsourced. SAP CTO is advisor and they cannot talk about the contract with SAP yet. they will once Lition has developed.
biggest german bank works with them for STOs

>meanwhile VIDT
>Founder worked for Airbus, persuades them to use his shitty token only in cybersecurity
>they don't know about hash functions
>literally who

SAP 163 billion, Volksbank Raiffaisen one of biggest banks besides Sparkasse

>> No.14954581


Oh no no no he's so naive!! Team dumping on your ass as we speak ahahahahahhaha

>> No.14954624

scheduled token unlock you brainlet

>> No.14954659

this is an inflationary token with regular token unlocks that will flood the market with new supply, thus bringing the price down but
>this is good for LIT

>> No.14954665



>> No.14954669
File: 53 KB, 500x375, 1516999289744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>VIDT threads got brigaded by LIT ppl FIRST

All these VIDT niggers do is lie and lie and lie. Seriously. I am following this senseless war since 3 weeks ago and you niggers at pothead HQ/VIDT cannot seem to stop fudding with pure lies. Your memes are cringy while fudding and are sooo fucking repetitive.
Also it was VIDTards who started this shit flinging 100%. Because of that shitflining I went into LIT and didnt even looked into VIDT because their community here on boz proofed to be pajeets and sheeps. Now jump infront of a train, Pajeet. You streetshitters look good while smeared all over a train station. ;)

>> No.14954704

>3 weeks
kek I’ve been following this for a month and a half since mid June and LITfags 100% started the shit flinging first. I’ve spotted multiple instances of pajeet broken english from LIT holders fuding VIDT too, haven’t seen this in any VIDT threads. It all comes from the fact that LIT and VIDT were 7 or 8 cents at the exact same timeframe from June 8-10th or so and VIDT has outperformed LIT ever since

>> No.14954746


Ah yes the aggressive LIT holder is here too. How are those 0.0008 bags? We're at 0.0012 btw, 50% higher

Telling us to kill ourselves and calling us niggers wont make your bags less heavy!

LIT pajeets started this and now you guys are crying because you're getting rekt. Picked the wrong coin pajeet!

>> No.14954813

>mama he started
poor little pajeet

>> No.14954839


Looking at your other reply it looks like broken pajeet English

LIT holders = pajeets confirmed yet again

>> No.14954876

Ich spreche halt kein jüdisches Englisch, du Untermensch. Hör dir weiter deine Schwuchtel Kooks an

>> No.14954883

Idiot, most LIT investors are German

>> No.14954906


My bad. You're a low IQ nazi. Explains a lot


>He thinks buying a shitcoin makes him an "investor"

>> No.14955001


What if ... wwww-what if we join forces we would be unstoppable .... litards and vidiots best frens forever?

>> No.14955009
File: 237 KB, 1320x743, equal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Binance DEX means literally NOTHING. EQL was shilled here as something that will moon after DEX and now it has 1k USD volume. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS DAILY VOLUME. Fuck DEX and fuck that shitcoin.

>> No.14955027

german vidtfags were shitting on lition energy a few weeks ago for being 20€ more expensive than the competition
>even krauts don’t trust krautcoins

>> No.14955055

The product isn’t for the poor German neets on this board. Vegans pay more for ethically sourced food, some people pay more for ethically sourced energy.

Lmao I don’t even know why I’m defending this, I don’t even own either VIDT or lit

>> No.14955193

>t. my ass
Typically. Say something you cannot proof and then fling shit at the one who cannot proof it aswell (who started).
As I said multiple times before...VIDT shillers are the most annoying and retarded ones ever seen since LINK shills back in 2017.


>> No.14955947

LMAO @ believing people will pay €20 PER MONTH more for "clean energy"

"but muh energy token"

Anon, I...

>> No.14956098


>> No.14956263

KEK. Dr. Lohwasser is da shiieetz.

>> No.14956291

I can't even baka, cause my neck fucking hurts from the last couple of weeks with your bullshit. LIT is the most Legit project atm. And you cunts just keep on going with your endless streams of totally unfounded bullshit. KYS.

>> No.14956311

20x next year? More like 100x.

>> No.14956383

How does buying LIT not make you an investor? Care to elaborate?

>> No.14956422

People are literally so full of guilt these days that they'll sell their fucking kids just to save a cockroach on the other side of the planet, so what the fuck are you even on about, Rakeesh?

>> No.14956894

10x for the heads up anon I would have missed the 5% bonus.

>> No.14956951

hey guys i'd like to make use of this 5% bonus.
Do I just throw up my buys on binance now? is that all I have to do?