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14952650 No.14952650 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any guides for tech illiterate people looking to get into crypto?

>> No.14952680


>> No.14952695

if you need 'guides' you were never gonna make it anyway

>> No.14952770

Crypto "tech" does not matter right now. Smart money doesn't give a fuck, dumb money will never understand fundamentals, and the only ones who do are starry-eyed zoomers who play too many video games

>> No.14952830

why do you asshats even bother wasting your life writing this dumb shit?

>> No.14952838

Why did you reply? Did I strike a nerve?

>> No.14952886

not really. 14 year old banter is easy to spot, but you should go to /b/ to shit on boards.

>> No.14952907

This. Understanding the underlying tech is a waste of time for speculation.

>> No.14953539

The Energi channel on YouTube has a nice multi-episode introduction to crypto. Imo its a lot more interesting than the typical "guy talks to webcam" videos. Also, ignore anyone who discourages you from learning things.

>> No.14953559

Read the following whitepapers:
When you've done that, come back and I'll give you some more material.

>> No.14953578

Dumbass male posting women, go get spoonfed on reddit pajeet.

>> No.14953611

buy chainlink and get the fuck out

>> No.14953661

it's like a tree, no a chain, no a chain of trees and each tree gets pregnant with a clone tree and some of those clones are zombies. simple math really.

>> No.14953712

Start by reading this: https://medium.com/@vijayboyapati/the-bullish-case-for-bitcoin-6ecc8bdecc1

>> No.14953783

might aswell go gambling in the casino if you want to speculate in crypto with out understanding the tech. its better for your health too. loosing all of your money in 90 min vs. hoping 5 years you 100x while it exitscams at the end

>> No.14953862

I disagree. Most normal market rules apply. Coming from traditional investing, I mean.