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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14951313 No.14951313 [Reply] [Original]

What does /biz/ use for technology? What kind of laptop should a respectable businessman use?

>> No.14951332

I use ubuntu, it has been surprisingly good so far

>> No.14951343

thinkpads only

especially x220s

>> No.14951353


>> No.14951361

I'd prefer a mac if i had the money desu

>> No.14951363

Why do you use technology from 2010? Are you poor?

>> No.14951375
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Thinkpad is the only correct choice

>> No.14951376

thinkpads only

>> No.14951394

Sergey uses a MacBook, thus we all use a MacBook

>> No.14951398

>Just spend $2k on a t480 bro

>> No.14951420

Dont get the T480s, dude, get the T450s.
much better bang for the buck, spend the money you save on more linkies

t. t450s user

>> No.14951448

you can get 1-3 year old refurbs cheap as shit dude

>> No.14951457

2015 MB Pro. This is decidedly the best laptop. The new MacBook doesn’t have USB ports (???) so it’s out. Thinkpads are nice and I’ve used my friend’s 2018 thinkpad but the OS is just shit compared to the Mac OS. I know it’s expensive and not as powerful as the thinkpad but a laptop is about comfort, not performance.

>> No.14951472

To add to this, the windows surface Pro is the official gear of high level wagie faggots.

>> No.14951494

Master /g/ race here

>> No.14951504

well actually i had trouble installing my scanner on ubuntu.
in an office enviroment windows is more convinient.

>> No.14951506

I don't want to buy a laptop some greasy idiot used though

>> No.14951517

Microsoft surface laptop or Huawei mate book X pro for data analysis?

>> No.14951535

Just bought a MacBook Pro with an Intel i9 8 core processor for 4k.

>> No.14951580
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got the one for you then

>> No.14951583
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My X220T did everything I need a computer to do save have good battery life and resolution (but that doesn't matter at this size). My hinge was getting weak so I bought an x250 and other than battery life, the experience itself is surprisingly not a huge difference. Runs windows 10 better I guess. But the screen on this just shit out so I'm back to using my x250. It's not noticeable since the x220 uses a full voltage processor, I just miss the more powerful graphics chipset.

Buying a new computer for the sake of it being new is nigger behavior, especially if you don't have any real benefits to the power upgrade.

>> No.14951584

Dell latitude, HP Elitebook, IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad. Put Linux on it.

>> No.14951589


>> No.14951591

>usb-c isn't usb
retard alert

>> No.14951601

Or I could just buy something new?

>> No.14951623

x/t series thinkpad + debian
the only way

>> No.14951629

Any reason?

Huawei is 3k screen Vs 2k on the surface. I think they have the same processor. Similar price range.

>> No.14951646


>> No.14951685

Thinkbook 14s

>> No.14951724

I like the x230 you can easily replace the display with an ips. resolution still sucks though

>> No.14951807

At that screen size, 3K doesn't matter vs 2K.

I use a DELL XPS 13" running Ubuntu. I do NOT want Windows on any computer that has to do with crypto. And Ubuntu is really nice if you are not into gaming or hardcore office document sharing.

>> No.14951899

Thinkpads and Macs are the only choices for respectable /biz/nessmen.
They both basically last forever, my grandma is still rocking her 2006 macbook.
Thinkpads are more durable, kinda built like tanks, so you can treat them like crap and they'll still be fine.

>> No.14951952
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>> No.14951958

I use a Surface Pro. Pretty happy with it but I could work on any kind of laptop. I think it's just the right size for both manoeuvrability and decent screen real estate.

>> No.14951976
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I bought x250 and I am very happy with it
i have dual-boot windows 10 and Debian Buster

>> No.14952124

Give me a reason not to buy the most expensive cuckpad right now?

>> No.14952133

Anything that can run excel, powerpoint. Preferably a Windows machine w/ hackintosh just incase you have to deal with applefags.

In terms of attributes it falls in this order,
>battery life

Any questions?

>> No.14952167

Great machine. I prefer something with more ports/expandability though.

>> No.14952185

Also, would never buy a tenkeyless machine.

>> No.14952193

>In terms of attributes it falls in this order,
>aesthetics at the top
>performance at the very bottom
>Preferably a Windows machine
fucking cringe

>> No.14952220

Latitude 7490. Vastly superior to any chinknovo

>> No.14952226

I agree with everything but I'd add something more: The point of a laptop is that it's a portable computer you can take with you anywhere. It's supposed to be lightweight and easy to fit in most carrying bags.

In my opinion laptops with screens bigger than 13 or 14 inches make no sense. I have a 15.6'' one and it is too cumbersome to take to places. The next one I'll buy will definitely be 13'' screen with Windows/Mint dual boot.

Thinkpads with any other OS installed than Windows reek of neckbeard sweat and virginity.

>> No.14952256

Why would you need performance on a laptop unless you're using intensive engineering software or something like that.

Besides, I have a custom built PC for that. Laptops are mostly for presentations, emails, and quickly updating excel sheets.

>> No.14952282

Agreed, but the problem with smaller laptops is no numeric keypad. Biggest laptop I might buy is something similar to the Gigabyte Aero, with less gamer-esqe branding.

>> No.14952292

I am a bit miffed about just one USB port, but if necessary I could get an extension there. For my purposes, that and the sd card slot is sufficient.

>> No.14952357

They'll all give PEBKAC ERROR if not set up correctly

>> No.14952358

Why linux is better than windows for crypto?

>> No.14952378

Windows 10 is basically a spyware machine

>> No.14952529

Elitebook 1000 or Zbook Studio X360. Lenovo is pleb tier Chinese garbage filled with spyware.

>> No.14952539

Chinkpad master race reporting in.

>> No.14952556

i use a ssd dell g7 with i7 and 16 gb ram

>> No.14952613

Thinkpad is the ugliest fucking computer you can buy. Only fay neckbeards and the weird kids you think might be school shooters have them.

>> No.14952632

I use the battlestation I built.
If I need to go somewhere, I just take it with me in a large suitcase, which I can manage because of how /fit/ I am.
I carry my peripherals and monitor in my other suitcase.
You can imagine the look on people's faces when I pull out my glowing red case and hook up my razor peripherals, glowing equally red.
Only takes about 30 seconds to setup now that I've gotten so good with it.

>> No.14952861

Your post reeks of summer. Adults are trying to discuss serious bizness.

>> No.14952887

Cope harder, wagie. You ain't half as /biz/ as I.

>> No.14953016

MacBook Air and Mac Mini, both 2012, still great performance on both.

>> No.14953034

Buy a used 2012 MacBook Air on eBay for around $300 in good condition. Thank me later. 13 inch.

>> No.14953047

Asus Zenbook pro with Arch btw

>> No.14953174

Sound sick af. I’ll be buying a similar thing in 5 years for much cheaper.

>> No.14953308

honorary nigger

>> No.14953506

You have to be 18 to post here, kiddo.

>> No.14953679

he is right tough. thinkpads are only used by neckbeards and/or technical/IT technicans wagies

>> No.14953758

not true. I'm the head of IT at the company I work for and I made sure that all new laptops we purchased for sales staff were Lenovo thinkpads. Now every sales wagie here is stuck using a chinkpad.

>> No.14953857
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based and powerpilled

>> No.14953937

thinkpad W530 with coreboot and debian
smoothbrains wouldn't get it

>> No.14954043

Surface book 2

>> No.14954082

I have a macbook 2016
But only because of my job as a graphic designer
I do have le epic gaming desktop at home but only for 3d rendering

>> No.14954182

You really don't need to unless you are doing something that requires that level of hardware. X250 is cheap

>> No.14954256

Based fellow T450 user

>> No.14954296

I really really hope this is true. Sounds based as fuck.

>> No.14954361

You are too stupid, give up.

>> No.14954412

From my company I got the Zbook Studio X360. Only chinks and neckbeards walk with lenovo.
HP/DELL masterrace. Zbook>Elitebook>XPS>Spectre

>> No.14954472

Running with an i9 and quadro p2000 and 64GB. Stay poor and enjoy your plastic bricks Chinknovo hodlers.

>> No.14954473

Based neckbeard.

>> No.14955059
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My 2 cents:

>>based Unix however
>>need to know shell scripting in order to use since GUI is shit in about every distro
>>spend more time circumventing compatibility issues with external files than getting work done

>>OS of most normie wagecuck companies
>>NSA faggotry
>>shit GUI 10x worse than any -nix distro, redundant hidden config panels, feels like every release is just new buggy pajeet code piled on top of the old shit (it is)

Mac OS X
>>Easy to use, relatively stable and intuitive GUI once you learn its quirks, however
>>Every release is more bloated and normie-catered than the last
>>Grandma doesn't know how a harddrive works so therefore we should obfuscate the notion of directory structures and other basic pillars of a good GUI for everyone
>>cum-guzzling Tim Cook is a cum-guzzling faggot

Everything sucks, decide what you want most out of your laptop and be prepared for compromises regardless of your choice.

I use a 2014 Macbook pro WITHOUT dedicated GPU that I bought on Craigslist for $700 in perfect condition. All Apple products are overpriced as hell but the build quality is better than anything IF you DYOR and buy a good model. They add all sorts of faggy features that fail all the time so it's important to get a good year of any model, just like with cars. A dedicated GPU will overheat and melt the epoxy inside of the display which will cause the display hinge to fail and crack the display. Avoid anything with that new touchbar shit, it's also useless trash that has reputation for failure.

Buy used and know how to test all hardware.

>>inb4 apple fag

I wish I could recommend anything other than a unibody Macbook but everything else is flimsy disposable plastic shit running uber-cucked windows 10 shit. If you have the time and know-how then maybe installing a linux distro on an aluminum zenbook from a few years back before they got cucked as well could be worth it.

>> No.14955342


>> No.14955498

/g/ opinions regarding tech are about as important as /biz/ opinions regarding business. That is to say, not at all.

>> No.14955513
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Lmao whatever retard. You buy a Mac if you're computer illiterate. The OS is the only nice part about it, the hardware is severely overpriced and hardly worth it.

>> No.14955759

kys apple fag but not before you watch this video

>> No.14955905

Used $500 dollar macbook is the best machine for programmers. Windows is a joke for programming (useless terminal and no package manager) and linux is an autistic child that you need to micromanage or else it will automatically shit itself. When it comes to development, OSX just werks

Also Apple has a refurb store with big discounts on the 15 inch macbook pro now.

>> No.14956308
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>micromanage Linux
It's 2019 man come on. Nobody who does anything serious with computers thinks that.

>> No.14956674
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T420s master race reporting in.

>> No.14956693

There is no alternative to linux on the server but it blows for home use. That's how it's always been

>> No.14956748

I thought biz was a serious board
why so many basednux users

>> No.14956754

Works on my machine lol. Ubuntu and manjaro are foolproof in my honest experience.

>> No.14956759

s©¥nux kek

>> No.14956765
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We like making money

>> No.14956797
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>going out of your way this hard to call someone a soiboy
Oof my dude, big yikes

>> No.14956803

Used Macbook Pro w/ Windows XP

>> No.14956811
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and the advantage of using linux over windows 10 for business is?

>> No.14956842
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its a real cunt how far we've fallen this year

>> No.14956863
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>> No.14956864

I write all my own trading tools (hence my high level of success) and Linux is an easier environment to develop in. Also I like to keep my different strategies segregated and since they pop up windows, I need them to not steal focus. Linux has a program called xnest that lets you run a "desktop" in its own window which suits those purposes perfectly.

>> No.14956875

some people want to run a node
some people want to compile ethereum contracts
some people want to mine
some people want to run a bot
99.99% wont but its nice knowing that you can

>> No.14956893

Should also mention I prefer to develop in Python which spins off new processes for multithreaded code that needs to run on multiple CPU's and the procedure to do this in Linux is much faster than on Windows.

>> No.14956907
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just turn your old laptop into a desktop like i did
all you need is some coat hangers and pliers

>> No.14956920

Alienware or anything with RGB. Respectable business men are fucking normies. Show you're a chat with flashy colours

>> No.14956936

Please be real

>> No.14956960

I'm learning python and would like to develop my own trading bots. any advice for a newbie, tips resources etc?

>> No.14956971

Okay so normies, what laptop do I buy?

>> No.14956972

Either a Macbook (cus linux) or Thinkpad (win10 sucks).

>> No.14956974

Surface Book

>> No.14956996

This will save you a lot of time
It's a library that abstracts across many exchange api's. For charting, I use matplotlib, a very powerful Python charting library. For TA you can use ta-lib though I just use the built-in Python statistics module. Good luck.

>> No.14957101
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What's going on with your pepe?

>> No.14957147
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My fucking sides

>> No.14957172
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Haha. He chillin man. Smug as ever. Was holding up the clock I use to keep track of UTC time. Shit always happens in crypto based on that shit.

>> No.14957292

sergey knows dick about tech.
louis rossman would like to have a word with you

>> No.14957411

awesome, thanks anon.

>> No.14957448


>> No.14958259
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yawn... what the fuck from my post makes you think I'm not already aware of this shit? care to offer an alternative solution? no matter what option you go with you're paying money for something designed by kikes to fail and extract more money from goyim. at least i'm suggesting buying something second hand so apple doesn't get any new hardware revenue.

>> No.14958413


>> No.14958527
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Yes, you're still banned

>> No.14958759
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>> No.14958860

quite the opposite, I think they're beautiful

There's a charm in well-built things tested by time that you simply can't get from new, flashier counterparts.

>> No.14958871

spoken like a true communist

>> No.14958948

love my cheap huawei chinkbook. no moving parts and light enough to take everywhere.

>> No.14958981

How is liking high quality non bleeding-edge tech communism?

>> No.14959022

that's like asking how is liking an ak47 communist

>> No.14959063


all other laptops are for plebs

>> No.14959208

They make great hardware but Pop_OS! sucks.

>> No.14959217


X1 Carbon is sexy.

>> No.14959251

What are you doing? Replace the screen with an IPS, anon.

>> No.14959353

I don't what the hell's wrong with me. I'm lazy. I also kinda don't want to spoil the character of the thing. One day

>> No.14959376

Boomerberg terminal

>> No.14959723

Wrf is wrong with Americans and laptops. I still remember all the Americans I knew were using big stupid fucking DELLS that were twice the weight of my laptop. Thinkpads are shit Chinese ugly laptops.

Samsung, microsoft Windows.

Mac pro or Air. Those are you only two quality choices.

>> No.14959809

Nobody cares in the real world what laptop you use.Get something appropriate for what you need to do.

>> No.14960116
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Thinkpad (P51) running Linux

>> No.14960137

Toshiba make unbreakable tanks

>> No.14960165

hp spectre x360

>> No.14960300
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buying a t430 for this fall soon

>> No.14961174

cheapest laptop i can get at walmart then when im done with it in a few weeks i scrub the hard drive and throw it into the ocean

>> No.14961466
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Hoping to start a bookkeeping business with this one I rebuilt.

>> No.14961795

Yeah yeah I know, fuck Apple blah blah blah. Louis Rossman is based but I have had nothing but good experiences with Macbooks and Thinkpads.

>> No.14962119
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oh hey bro you mind if we sit... OOHHHHHhhhh FUCK DUDE! Is that a fucking ThinkPad T470?! No way, brah! That's fucking scandatious bombatious, my man. I just got 32 gigs in my little beast, absolutely no stalls working on any projects, brah. BRO! what GNU slash Linux distro do I see there? Hang on let me look, bro. Oh okay, bro, okay bro, Arch is pretty gnarly but, ya know, I'm more of a gentoo kind of guy. Anyway, dude, my squad and I need to fly so catch ya on the flip sigh, bro.

>> No.14962160

Later on my dudes!

>> No.14962178

Are you stuck in the 90s?

>> No.14962313
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The Chad Battlestation vs the Virgin Macbook

>> No.14963178

full disk encrypted kali linux
using it to hodl my coins and sync the chains

>> No.14963247

>buying new
some of you will never make it

>> No.14963320

I got an X1 Carbon yesterday to replace my ages-old macbook. Love the simple design and it's extremely fast

>> No.14963354

Faggot Trump cocksucking supporter. What an embarrassment go neck yourself

>> No.14963358

Why use technology when you can literally retire off OTO CASH

>> No.14963504

High end Mac Pro's + 17" maxed out MBP when i travel, like a non poor-fag would.

TRV should net me a 2019 Mac Pro. Stoked.

>> No.14963524

Macbook pro 13" 2015 Retina is the greatest laptop of all time.

Everything else is a sub-par experience. The 2016+ models of the MBP are unable to attain it's perfection.

>> No.14963569

Kill yourself shitlib. You are a mentally ill embarrassment.

>> No.14963581


If you cannot fathom the timecost of maintaining a linux workmachine in comparison to OSX then you are not someone who does anything serious with a computer.

>> No.14963606

Not an issue if you aren't an idiot.

>> No.14963636


holy fuck






>> No.14963688


>"if ur smart it's ez"

No you fucking chimp. I more have important things to do like determine the architecture of the application you and 20 other chimps are going to build the next quarter and talk to goldstein about my bonus- all from my couch at home.

>> No.14963739

extremely based

>> No.14964247

Eat a dick, bitch. Even your bitch ass id is pink commie scum

>> No.14964278

>>"if ur smart it's ez"
>No you fucking chimp. I more have important things to do like determine the architecture of the application you and 20 other chimps are going to build the next quarter and talk to goldstein about my bonus- all from my couch at home.
Dumbass larp confirmed.

>> No.14964348
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