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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14949753 No.14949753 [Reply] [Original]

How much coffee do you drink /biz/? Do you try to keep it in check or do you just go all out?
Do /biz/ness men believe in god or is money the only god?

>> No.14949767

i drink several pots of coffee a day and have for years. the redpill is that we, each one of us, are "god"

>> No.14949775

there is only one god for biznessmen and its called Mammon. Also coffee is for closers

>> No.14949787

i could easily drink a pot in the morning, but i try to limit myself to 3 cups. maybe a cup at lunch.

>> No.14949871

coffee is for wagies so they can properly function for thier masters

>> No.14949913

I take caffeine as part of a pre workout but I dont drink cups of coffee.
how much of a /biz/ archetype Ive no idea, I just buy and hold, maybe drinking t g at stuff is normal for people with jobs.

>> No.14949929

>Do you drink coffee?
I refuse to drink coffee because it fries your brain. I refuse to become like boomers who can't even use a microwave after years of alcohol, porn, tobacco, drugs, and coffee.
>Do you believe in God?
I'm uncertain on what my beliefs are. On one hand I believe in the possibility that God exists and created us all for his entertainment and takes extreme joy in watching us fight, succeed, fail, etc. I also believe in the possibility that maybe I'm the only real human here, or I'm one of the real humans and a large chunk of the population are actual NPCs or the world is somehow formed around my perspective. My third belief is that maybe there is just a higher force and our position in existence is something we can't yet understand. I don't have a strong single belief because it's more or less impossible to argue against these because we know so fucking little, so we can only speculate and so I tend not to worry about or think about the existence of God so much because it's pointless to me.

>> No.14949940
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>> No.14949950

Cute hog, is it yours?

>> No.14949951


>> No.14949963

Everyone knows the real God is the Asuka prophecy reptilian

>> No.14949979

What about green tea?
A monistic pantheistic version of him à la Baruch Spinoza

>> No.14949981

One single cup of black coffee, no sugar, as breakfast (plus some cookies). More than that reduces the effect, makes you addict and/or produces headache.

>> No.14949984

I drink coffee continuously throughout the day. I don't drink to feel awake or anything I just drink it because it taste good, its free, and has almost no calories. Caffeine is a meme IMO. I don't feel any different and I can drink a cup of coffee right before bed and have no issues sleeping. I don't even drink on the weekends and I don't feel any different, not "withdrawal" like people meme about. Its funny one morning I watched someone accidentally made a decaf pot in the morning and one normie fuck who still commented later about "feeling better now that I had my coffee." Lmao, its like the experiment where they gave people drinks they said were alcoholic and people acted drunk even though it had no alcohol. No reason not to drink coffee all day long, much better than most other drinks like soda, save just water.

>> No.14949997

Coffee is for weak willed faggots desu. Learn how to stay awake without the caffeinated jew you failures

>> No.14950009
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>> No.14950037

You just get tolerance quickly. If you drink it all day of course a cup won't make a difference

>> No.14950047

I go all out, during holiday or when I have free and can relax I automatically reduce the amount to 2 macchiatos per day. One for breakfest and the other after lunch.

Drinking coffee all the time feels very nice. I dont get awake anymore but I like the taste of good coffee and Im nervous and jacked to the tits all the time. Its a good feeling, but after a while you get exhausted or you develope a cyst in your stomach. Then its time to reset.

>> No.14950164


Thing is I didn't notice it when I started. I drink black though, I think what most people feel is the sugar. A lot of normie fucks at my office go to starbucks, even though the office coffee is free, and get stuff like double chocolate caramel frappuccinos. They get wired as fuck on the quarter pound of dissolved sugar they just drink and think its the caffeine. Then they have the insulin spike sugar crash and think they need more caffeine when its really just the ass loads of sugar they are essentially injecting into their bloodstream.

>> No.14950184
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>> No.14950905

this is true, wagie myself and without a cup of coffee i definitly dont function

>> No.14951365


>> No.14951380


If those are your beliefs it’s quite simple then.

You’re going to fucking hell godless fag

>> No.14951391

Never drink it. I don't want to personally support the continued wealth transfer from the white man to the global south.

>> No.14951393
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I no longer drink coffee, either meth or amphetamines.

>> No.14951436

ah, the christian neckbeard

>> No.14951450

I do stimulants like all decent /biz/raelis. Money is indeed God.

>> No.14951467
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