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14945121 No.14945121 [Reply] [Original]

is it gay to make a fake account of chicks to sell nudes? I used to do it but I cant anymore.

I dont flirt or sext with dudes but I have dudes calling me baby and trying to flirt and send dick pics and shit its so fucking shameful but im too disabled to work


I was going to use the money to invest and get a business idea going or something but now im scared to and want to throw all my money away. I dont want to live off faggot fuck money and base my entire life around faggot fuck money

but like is it gay to just scam people?

>> No.14945210

Madge Im getting a little worried about our Wayne its starting to concern me. Well Madge he never leaves the room I know hes a cripple and all but he hasnt been outside in two years and loads of stuff gets delivered and hes never off that computer. He seems to have plenty of money but hes only on $40 a week on the sick Ive no idea what hes doing. Anyways I had a little sneak at the last package and you know Madge it was full of skimpy womens underwear! I dont know what the sick little puppy is doing but what on earth is he playing at? Hes also got a photo on the wall of some effeminate chinese guy from a film called tron. Oh Madge do you think hes one of these transvestites that gets off wearing skimpy slinky silk underwear? Whatamigonnado?

>> No.14945224


>> No.14945266

I literally made thousands doing this kind of shit in the early 2010's. Gambled it all away.

>> No.14945806

the money that comes from this is cursed I think I always hear problems after people do it. god struck me down after and ruined my life after I finally got money for the first time in my life

why dont you do it again

>> No.14946342

karma is real sometimes but seems to be self inflicted and happens to people with conscience

>> No.14946376

I audibly kek'd. I knew dudes do this but I somehow never thought about how that would fuck with your subconscious heavily from literally sexting other guys talking about slurping dick. I guess it would help not having a conscience though

>> No.14946425

Become a transsexual then you'll have no moral hangups about it. Shit, then you can start having sex too!

>> No.14946562

I said I dont sext or flirt with dudes. but yeah just this version is kinda fucking with me but I awlays look up to rich successful people so doing this degrading shit for a few thousand fucking sucks

then again im self conscious of EVERYTHING. even if I was selling fucking cat products or something I would be self conscious. I dont even understand what I should be embarrassed about anymore

>> No.14947637

Same it doesn't make any sense. Don't ever do speed or meth or you'll end up with voices criticizing you all the time

>> No.14947730

mines because I wanted to be a rapper. now everything looks gay. I spent years in my room getting drunk and smoking weed watching rappers on snapchat and Instagram literally every day watching their entire life while I rot away in my room in poverty and it made it so I dont wanna do anything but rap

>> No.14947766

You need a bot to handle the chat for you to avoid PTSD.

>> No.14947895

I dont think one could sell it for me I had to sell drugs growing up so I just naturally can sell stuff cheaper. I would really like to automate though even if I take a hit in the sales but right now its the only thing I can do. I want to get some other businesses started and try to get this shit automated somehow

>> No.14948755

I have been thinking about this too
Using the pictures of dead porn stars and putting them on Instagram or something as well. Or find software to have an instagram AI

>> No.14948828

>find girl
>make her your bsns partner selling her used socks & panties
>find weirdos on craigslist/ Tumblr/ Insta that want that shit, meet up with them or ship to people across the country
I used to make $5-800 a week doing that shit with this girl who was down back in 2012. It's a damn shame she got married a year after because I made so much fucking money it was insane. I tried to find a girl who's down to do that shit recently but it's tough af, good luck anon

>> No.14949303

at the end of the day you know if you are gay or not. You can't be convinced or forced to believe otherwise you can do gay shit like this for money but until you start being able to get hard and get off to it you know where you stand. It may not be honest money but it's still your money now.

If you really are thinking about just throwing it away which I don't suggest throw it away in a meaningful way. Donate it or wait till chirstmas or someshit and buy a bunch of expensive ass toys for one of those church toy drives so some young kids will know happiness for a short period in their life.

I get not wanting to start a business with the money because there is a pride in being truly self made but still I wouldn't know it away if you don't want to donate it or spend it to help others make your own life better with it. Get into a hobby you always wanted to get into buy a motorcycle, travel etc. The time you spend doing something you love will help clear your mind and figure out what you truly want and want to do. So Ideally I'd suggest spending a little of it to make yourself happy (not bullshit that doesn't last like an escort or drugs) so you get time to relax and think while enjoying something it'll help you realize what you want to do with the rest of the money, donate it, spend it, start that business etc.

Good luck Anon

>> No.14949491

Y'all retarded, it is not gay to enjoy imagining yourself sucking cock if you also imagine that you're a woman.