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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14944350 No.14944350 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14944392


tulips werent perfectly primed to destroy the entire international finance system

>> No.14944457

>international finance system
anon, it's simply referred to as your retirement savings

>> No.14944541

Go snuggle with your shiny rocks you boomer faggot

>> No.14944926

Sweet. This again. Bearish exuberance is rising. They're paying discord again.

>> No.14944986

I wish I could cut that whores head off as well as the nigger and Jew op for posting this

>> No.14945017

During Tulip Mania the price never dropped 80%+ and recovered.

>> No.14945868
File: 32 KB, 380x313, 1ngwfp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing an immutable worldwide ledger to a flower during the 17th century

>> No.14945894

I've missed you buddy. Whole load of newfriends fresh off the boat for you to trigger!!!

>> No.14946058

Daily reminder it doesn't matter, the money doesn't magically disappear into oblivion.
If a million people lose $100 each, someone else has to gain that 100 million.
You just have to be in the latter group of people.

>> No.14946063


>> No.14946074

daily reminder that several fucking nobodies made it during tulipmania

>> No.14946123

you can't
that girl gets big black dick'd every weekend
you will die alone and sad

>> No.14946126

joke's on you, I have an ugly bastard fetish so I'll never be triggered negatively by your propaganda

>> No.14946180


>> No.14946205


>> No.14946217

Bitcoin has appreciated orders of magnitude more than tulips ever did lol (or any other asset bubble in human history)

>> No.14946826

Someone's salty as fuck.

>> No.14946959

You are to in you sub conscious. People like you are all slave bitch npc’s that always conform to what your slave masters promote to you. Like somebody with Stockholm syndrome you trick your brain into accepting it all as fine and dandy as a coping mechanism. Everything you do in your life is a form of escapism to keep yourself from sucking off a shotgun, because the reality/truth of our situation is too harsh for you to accept, so you want to believe in jew lies, but deep down in your consciousness you know it’s all shit, you know you are a bitch to the system and society is falling apart and you are destined for the chopping block. Surpress it all you want. Be a cuck who accepts niggers dicking down your women like you don’t give a shit. But you do give a shit, you give a shit about everything shitty that is not good for our people within our society, you just lie to yourself.

Either that or you are a shitskin/jew, it’s only one of two options.

>> No.14947049

/pol/ is that way incel

>> No.14947094

I jus mad u ain smashin homie

>> No.14947100

No its just the new financial system. Its very clear, if you see how hot and bothered linklets get with their honestly pathetic breadcrumbs you should have seen how wild the breadcrumbs were the drug lords were finding back in the day on bitcoins connections to the elites and governments. Its ok anon you can always buy in now and ride out the ×100 bitcoin has left over the next 10 years.

>> No.14947135

>lives in society
>the same society that hates you for being a white male
>stole your birthright
>betrayed you
>trying to replace you with nigs
>o-oh no society is falling apart, we must try to stop it!
I feel you, if society collapses then nigs will starve and Jews will go without daily access to white children to rape and murder. We must FIGHT!

>> No.14947145

That was 2011.

Then it was Tulip Mania 3.0 in 2013.
Then it was Tulip Mania 4.0 in 2017.
And it will be Tulip Mania 5.0 in 2020.

>> No.14947155

Nice grammar nigger. You are not welcome here, go back to Africa while you still can

>> No.14947206

You fool we fight for our survival. Why do you think it’s good we go extinct. Jews will always have slave goyim. Once the nig golem is of no more use they will all get executed and replaced with Indians and Chinese kept in line with blockchain, smartcontract ai technology. Our rulers are not retarded that’s why they rule over us.

>> No.14947214 [DELETED] 

Take a step back, what do you think OP is trying to accomplish with this post?

>> No.14947247

Western civilization has been pozzed since day one, it is literally dysgenic and this scenario was guaranteed as an ending to it. Read Kaczynski and stop being a bitch boy.

>> No.14947770
File: 80 KB, 640x640, Ddg2uay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rub your two brain cells together and keep trying to have sex.it will probably cure what ails you

>> No.14947928

Reddit: the post

>> No.14948080

Yes, we can't all make it, but some of us will.

>> No.14948123

>When /pol/tards out-islam muslims

>> No.14948226

Have sex

>> No.14948235

hes right, whether you think its acceptable or not.

>> No.14948244

idk if you can, that ripped black guy seem tough.

>> No.14948273

lol Post tits, retard roastie

>> No.14948282

Based and red pilled. Fuck, this board is full of redditfags.

>> No.14948289
File: 79 KB, 739x415, IMG_3337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a pure mass of 169kg and train akaido every day with my AR15. Bitch will be begging for mercy (both of them) when I lay down true justice

>> No.14948293

2 years after seeing this image i just realized she was trolling

>> No.14948389

>daily reminder that humans are Tulip Mania 1.0 and will be lucky to last 100,000 years just lol