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File: 33 KB, 500x500, PepetheFrog_692y-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14939805 No.14939805 [Reply] [Original]

Talking about BSV obviously.

>> No.14939844 [DELETED] 

I'll tell you where good sir
Mumbai, Muharaja street, right around the holy cows avenue
You're welcome good sir, please do the needful.

>> No.14939863

Delicious salt is delicious.

>> No.14939886

Bath salt no good for my skin sir
Please buy bsv, good coin, many moons

>> No.14939919

Lmao what?

>> No.14939940

Do the needful.

>> No.14939978

You can't develop "apps on bitcoin cash satoshi vision" because it's not a dapp platform. You can develop apps or sites that upload files to the blockchain, without "on".

>> No.14939985

Kek I honestly cant tell if Corecucks refuse to break character to the bitter end or are actually Indian.

Give me some more, senpai.

>> No.14940100

>develop an application that utilizes the underlying bitcoin ledger
>not on bitcoin


>> No.14940250

OK, so if my web app uses paypal, it's "a web app on PayPal"

>> No.14940364


Is paypal a premissionless public immutable ledger? Or can they just say they don't like you and shut down your revenue stream/they get shut down and all your records apps disappear?

>> No.14940399
File: 62 KB, 612x613, boo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This goy needs to get some new material. Wouldn't last a week in vaudeville with this shtick.

>> No.14940433

The preposition "on" applies to execution environments. BCHSV is not an execution environment like Ethereum or EOS, it just has a centralized gateway for uploading files, and that's it.

>> No.14940517

False. People make apps to facilitate the service to non technical people. You can upload shit yourself if you know what you're doing. Same goes for ETH.

>> No.14940558

Post your hand with a timestamp.

>> No.14940572

That's still not "on".

>> No.14940586

>upload something on chain
>not "on"


>> No.14940591

>develop on chain
>upload on chain
Different things, aint they?

>> No.14940603

"runs on" then, dickwad. you sound like someone who bleeds once per month.

>> No.14940627

guys imagine doing that instead of building smart contracts for chainlink

>> No.14940665

Don't you mean: "post bobs vagene"?

Are they? Show me an ETH app that isn't web based at all. How are people flooding the shitcoin's chain with cats if there is no interface. That's fucking weird.

>> No.14940679


Fine, I'll buy an [Unknown Amount].

>> No.14940680

No, it does not "run on" blockchain because BCHSV does not have dapps, it's a pajeet platform with a bunch of centralized gateways run by amateur devs

>> No.14940705

>the interface to a dapp

>> No.14940731

yes it does run on the bsv blockchain

>> No.14940742
File: 81 KB, 1200x923, 1549559378188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know what interface means

>> No.14940770

You don't even understand how your own shitcoin works, jeet. Your webapp connects to unwriter's centralized server to upload a file, and that's it. No code runs on chain.
>muh vishnu-tier tech

>> No.14940829

like, the same way that bsv itself runs on the rupee-filled hopes and dreams of street shitters?

>> No.14940872

there's no such thing as "decentralized". its only the pedos and anatchists who believe in infinite decentralization so they can share kiddy born and disobey the law. Apps still run on the bsv blockchain, no matter the source of the code. cityonchain and moneybutton arent dependant on unwriter's server

>> No.14940920

If you don't like what unwriter has developed, compete and make your own shit. Or continue to be retarded and harp on about decentralization. The only thing decentralized about blockchain is the mining process, transactions and the ledger. A true to definition "dapp" doesn't fucking exist and it never did. What makes "dapps" interesting is the fact that they can be executed without a centralized server (yes that includes BSV). If the app is on chain then all the fucking miners have it. Best of all, unlike ETH contracts and apps can execute via one node and not fucking all of them. Complete assbackwards approach on ETH's part which is why it's dying a slow and extremely painful death.

>> No.14940970

this should be useful opie

>> No.14940971

>What makes "dapps" interesting is the fact that they can be executed without a centralized server (yes that includes BSV).
No, it doesn't. Stop pretending not to be a shitcoin, Poo.

>> No.14941029

>idk how mining works the post

Congrats on this, seriously. Go have your chain raped by cats while I start uploading 2GB blocks tomorrow.

Also another thing that makes BSV superior to ETH is the fact they don't strive on this "tokenomics" faggotry. The scammiest shit that has probably ever existed. I heard Sirgay dumped another 700k on you fags today.

On BSV someone makes an app and if it works you can just give them a micro transaction in BSV to utilize it. Kind of like how products and services are suppose to work, but I digress. I'm sure you have more premined tokens to buy.

>> No.14941262

i think you need to go re-read all of unwriters stuff and reevaluate your shitposting
everything is running off of bsv
go trawl the lists of apis and dev tools