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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 225x225, 2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14934557 No.14934557 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw created a phishing findom account a few months ago on biz's advice after those threads, and for trolling
>thought shiiiiiet shy now it could be easy money
>twitter asks you to verify phone number
>ok whatever
>doesn't go anywhere, just forget about it and move on
>deleted the account later since i had no use for it and plus i wasn't really feeling it
>8 months pass, skip to today
>dad mentions he saw i joined twitter because he got a notification that a contact joined twitter (me) but it was some girls profile telling people to send her money
>say no no i don't have twitter at all
>................then i remember
>oh no no no no, spaghetti everywhere
>didn't even try to explain just pretended it was a bug with twitter
>he obviously knows
>mfw realise my boss probably got the same notification as well as everyone else who has my phone number

welp i'm about to kms bros. this is not possible to explain to a 60 year old boomer. you god damn fucking faggots now my dad thinks im some fucking freak pervert. i cant even begin to imagine how this looks to him because he is a literal boomer

fuck you faggots

>> No.14934568

yea right closet fag

>> No.14934569

room temperature IQ

>> No.14934570


>> No.14934588

fake but still funny

>> No.14934596

i used a girls pictures and shit dude
it never went anywhere but it has tweets like how those findom girls tweet

i know

really is not fake man. not even memeing

>> No.14934600
File: 170 KB, 360x346, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He used his real phone number

>> No.14934624

>he used a real money
What a dork. There are paid services online that provide a temporary number for receiving an SMS.

>> No.14934635
File: 21 KB, 274x237, 1487377702704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best. Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.14934636

really cool blog will read again later today

>> No.14934639

believe me i have never been more embarrassed than those 10 mins. i am still cringing now to think about my dad thinking that i was larping as some girl and it even sounds fucked uppppp now i think about it
the boomer mind could never understand this

>> No.14934660

Since when does twatter send a notification to all your contacts? Unless you use your dad’s number to register

Either fake faggot or manchild

>> No.14934668

it sends a notification to people in your contacts (people that have your number) telling them that one of their contacts has joined twitter. my dad probably has 5 people in his contacts, he ain't a retard

>> No.14934673

tell him you were trying to scam them to make money.
It's better to have them believe you are evil, than a degenerate.

>> No.14934699
File: 102 KB, 1064x1108, 1562122444578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next time use a google phone number

>> No.14934712

Dilate, tranny

>> No.14934719

but he never explicitly mentioned it. he kind of just hinted toward him knowing but i didn't want to say oh yeah by the way i was LARPing as a girl on twitter to make money from retards. It's just too fucked up. a biztard could understand that but a boomer? No way thats alien ground

>> No.14934740

Put on your bobsled helmets

>> No.14934781

LOL, thanks for the LULZ.

man, I love /biz/

>> No.14934822

ok, then you have to live with the fact that your father and boss are convinced that you are gay or at least get turned on by larping as a girl.

>> No.14934839
File: 69 KB, 225x225, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so fucked man
i dont either of those things and i never even made any fucking money from it

there is just no way to explain without it sounding bad

>> No.14935022

Bro it's so stupid simple.
Some chink/russian cloned your SIM and used your number.
How fucking ez is this shit?
Fuck I miss when we did crypto on /g/

>> No.14935034

not op
how the hell do i use Google numbers in europe?

>> No.14935088

Wait this actually terrifies me because when I was a 8/pol/ fag I tried making a Twitter a couple times before getting banned. Idk if I used my phone number

>> No.14935156
File: 111 KB, 1233x797, 1530201749114-fig1i_iphone_sim-copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read that.
Basically someone pulls some bullshit with your cellphone company to clone your SIM; it's like a form of identity theft, but for your phone.
Whatever your cellphone provider is: look for the generic message they send you about something weird going on or some update made to your account, or alternatively, look up a scam message some scammer would send you about setting up your phone (i.e. you can pretend you got phished by a scam text, OR you can pretend like someone pulled identity theft w/ the cell phone provider)

pic related is the identity theft route for tmobile
Figure it out.

Leave me some ETH for a tip, this is some reputation-saving advice I just gave you

>> No.14935159

I actually did the same. not giving my real number tho.
Got hate from other scammers for stealing their pics. couldnt continue when the first degenerates messagee me.

>> No.14935216
File: 40 KB, 763x273, at&t phising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example of an AT&T phishing message

>> No.14935226
File: 36 KB, 602x294, Verizon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example of one of the Verizon "my sim got cloned/hacked" instances

>> No.14935268
