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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14933917 No.14933917 [Reply] [Original]

>we just win

>> No.14933940

hundreds of littlerally whos

>> No.14933957

hundreds of 2017 scamcoins

>> No.14933967

Does the team realize they have to actually work on their shit instead of announcing partnerships every few days?

>> No.14933985

This is Adelyns "job"
Second only to feeding Sergey

>> No.14934001

its not the team retard, it's the actual projects that want to suck sergey dick, they are in line and very excited about chainlink, and they can't fucking handle it.
that's why they scream they have partnered with chaianlink as soon as possible. sergey doesn't announce shit. he just retweets whever a literal who groupy wanting his russian papa cummies screams partnership.

>> No.14934002

These retards announced the announcement a week ago then deleted the tweet. Typical useless hype scam shit coin. Really ashamed to see link associated with this garbage instead of focusing on enterprise adoption.

>> No.14934068

they don't, chainlink doesnt announce shit. just look how many ERC20 scams there are on ETH...
they will just add value to the network, so who cares

>> No.14934322

All of these companies that announce
their use of link... Where is their network traffic? Ethhorse is still the sole customer of link on miannet.

>> No.14934337

Great news, been waiting for this.

>> No.14934558


>> No.14934609


>> No.14935158


I fucking love Sergey playing it all cool.

>> No.14935172

>Said the 4channel poster

>> No.14935182

saved for my cringe folder

>> No.14935185

I want Sergey to evolve into jaba the hut

>> No.14935189

We are the chads of crypto.
Every shitcoin and company wants a taste of Chainlink.

>> No.14935199

still no use case, no real companies just shitcoins

>> No.14935223

sirgay is allowing the press releases, he also put libra in his presentation to bait more buys. he knows exactly why he put that shit there. then he wants to act surprised/clueless when confronted lmao, what a fat retard

>> No.14935238

They've been adding new nodes every few days you idiot.
Also feel free to check github and pivotal.

>> No.14935281

He is giving hints you absolute shit for brains damn low IQ effort no linker

>> No.14935290

>Where is their network traffic?


They're at 65k jobs since launch, you turdbrains.

>> No.14935292
File: 296 KB, 680x745, 1512947791957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low IQ

>> No.14935602

little Larry who

>> No.14935624
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>> No.14935625

does winning mean price is going lower?

>> No.14935689

65k eth horse queries. Where are the hundreds of teams?

>> No.14935890

That's the "Heartbeat" which is basically Chainlink itself requesting the price of ETH from these oracles. It's to keep the network "alive". So fucking scammy.

>> No.14935910

NKN gets hundreds of new nodes daily. Means nothing.

>> No.14935914

AHAHAHAHA holy fuck my sides i don't think i've heard of INT chain since the martian was posting on this board

>> No.14936010


>> No.14936083

Sergey is the true Pachamama

>> No.14936093
File: 64 KB, 430x650, jewsergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14936125

Not the same kind of nodes

>> No.14936126


>> No.14936155

You have no reading comprehension or any clue how any of this works.
Congrats I guess. It really is quite a feat.

>> No.14936168

With my 2 whole link.. am I going to make it?

>> No.14936249

dont you understand? no one is using link. The test net has been live for MONTHS. ZERO USERS.

All those "partnerships" are just trying to get exposure. They'll never use link, and even if they do, who cares, they are dead projects with 0 users.

>> No.14936283

yep, it costs basically nothing to wash trade thousands of transactions per day. No one is actually using it.

>> No.14936304

>test net
>zero users


>> No.14936318

shhhhh don't tell or newfags will dump

>> No.14936340

I held INT since Jan 2018.
Please pump my bags!!!

>> No.14936359

while the literal who's etc. are funny, I hope no one is taking it seriously, this is the beginning of a ramp that BTC has never seen before, every smart contract platform wants a piece of this pie. Who cares about partnerships, everyone is banging down the door to get external data onto their chains even with the current network state being centralized and growing slowly.
I genuinely couldn't care for any anon that misses the inevitable pump to the heavens, this demand will only compound

>> No.14936380

99% wants to use Chainlink; the rest wants to be LINK.

>> No.14936434

the only reason i remember it is because it resembles a horse cock
i can never unsee that now, excellent marketing btw

>> No.14936452

fuck off with your philosophical bull shit nigger #cope