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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14932352 No.14932352 [Reply] [Original]

Another day, Another 700k.... Nuff said!

>> No.14932389

>If you have to spam your FUD
sad and tiresome. Would be okay with it if it had any effect, but it hasn't, it is just boring spam

>> No.14932394

It's getting fucking tiring seeing these retards shit over the board with their dumb FUD

>> No.14932415

They are uncreative from being too long in the same circle jerks, doesn't matter if it is plebbitors who jumped on the train or the discord fags who think they are smart with their "anon is too stupid to see we identify each other through spacing". Glad about a third of them will end up in a punjabi jail for 10 years

>> No.14932491
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Pic related.