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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14931551 No.14931551 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 19, I'm autistic and I have several other mental illnesses. When I turned 18, I got an "early retirement" which means I get nearly 2000 USD monthly in NEETbux (AFTER PAYING TAXES) every single month, and I will continue to do so for the rest of my life unless I get a full time job. I'm allowed to have a part-time job and keep the money I make there in addition to my NEETbux but I don't know if I'm able to work. I'm saving about 500 USD monthly, and I currently have 12k USD saved up.
I've always dreamt of buying a nice house, one that would cost about 250-300k USD. Due to my low income, banks would however probably never be willing to borrow me more than one third of that amount. I don't think I'll ever get married but it's not completely off the table.
What can I do to be able to buy a nice house when I'm in my mid thirties?

>> No.14931563

wtf why couldn’t i be born a retard too??

>> No.14931573

Apparently being a lying fucking mistake is one of your mental disabilities.

Take a picture of your check right now with your info blurred out or never post this larp ever again.

>> No.14931586

what country? us? thought you guys had so social system like that.

>> No.14931589

I get neetbux too but only ~400 USD for food and other needs per month wtf, although rent and utilities are also paid by them. I tried to get diagnosed as a retard but they said no, it's only depression blablabla

>> No.14931606
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Here's my neetcheck. It feels good to not be an americel.
I live in Denmark.

>> No.14931614 [DELETED] 

>What can I do to be able to buy a nice house when I'm in my mid thirties?
that wont happen because you get retardbux
you cant even legally own $2k worth of crypto
if you can post on 4channel then you can also flip burgers
congrats on cheating the system just to live like a bum off the backs of people who actually work

>> No.14931622

Cope wagie

>> No.14931630

Not on an "early retirement". There's no limit to how much I'm allowed to earn.
The funny thing is that I filed for temporary NEETbux when I turned 18, and they gave me permanent NEETbux instead.

>> No.14931634


>> No.14931649

Oops I meant that there's no limit on how much i'm allowed to own, not earn. Even if I were a millionaire I'd still get neetbux.

>> No.14931758

You already made it, my friend.
What are those permanent neetbux called?
I'm collecting unemployment benefits btw.

>> No.14931811
File: 115 KB, 500x610, 55638A4A-F2F1-4F01-9A77-C92A9B506313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus ... and in the meantime I struggle to get bus fare. Why was I born not wanting to sponge off anyone?

>> No.14931839

>there's no limit on how much i'm allowed to own, not earn
Fuck. Here in the united states NEETbux only lets you have $2000 in assets.

>> No.14931846

Slave morality.

>> No.14931899


It's the same here unless you're on fortidspension.

>> No.14931962

Buy BTC and transfer it to OTO. Wait until OTO hits $50. Sell. do this again one more time with $70K, and boom, you have 2-3 of your houses you desire. Literally that easy.

>> No.14932733

OP, are you norwegian?

>> No.14932956
