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14927887 No.14927887 [Reply] [Original]

Is it so hard to get a job

>> No.14927900

just got a job offer today that offered me 50% less then standard salary. gonna take it and milk them for all i can while I look for another

>> No.14927908

Maybe you're applying for jobs you aren't qualified for? I hear the local McDonalds is hiring

>> No.14927912
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>> No.14927922

It’s probably because of your grammar
I already work there faggot

>> No.14927958


That's what SUNNYD said 10 years ago.

>> No.14928125

unironically because of high immigration rates

>> No.14928351

Boomers, liberals, and immigrants

>> No.14928378

and it's a good thing

>> No.14928409

Interesting... immigrants have yet to take my $100k programming job
Could it be because you retards all have nigger tier brains that niggers are able to steal you McWagie jobs?

>> No.14928435

wagies are the ones getting milked not doing the milking

>> No.14928445

le learn to code meme

>> No.14928470

>he fell for the programming meme
>calling anyone else retarded
i'm unironically on the floor laughing at the absolute state of your entire profession at the moment
t. pen tester

>> No.14928477

Because people that are better at selling their value are getting the jobs.

>> No.14928496

>I’m a good wagie cuck boy

>> No.14928520

Tyrone? Is Ahmed about to take your “””job”””??!

>> No.14928574

? I have a job now that I've held for 3 years and just started submitting appys 3 days ago and I've already got 9 calls asking me to come in for an interview. What's so hard?

>> No.14928588

code monkey
I would rather get a more prestigious engineering job

>> No.14928603

the world isn't all the same

>> No.14928615
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What happens if you apply for multiple jobs and the job that wants you that you don't really want wants you but you want to take the other jobs that you applied for? Should I still go for the interviews and quit if I already accepted an offer?

>> No.14928618

How many years of job experience do you have? It wouldn't happen to be 20+ years and you just keep jumping sideways are you?

>> No.14928652

I am a programmer. There are millions upon millions of pajeets that can do this shit, any ape with a functioning brain can do it. The wages aren't going to scale with inflation and COL, mark my words.

>> No.14928667

It's not hard to get a job. Employers are throwing jobs at literally anyone these days

>> No.14928748

They are hirind until the McBots take the jobs before minimum wage hits $15 an hour

>> No.14928754

*Stares in H-1B Visa*
Don't worry, the panjeets will take your job for %25 of what you're being paid soon enough.

>> No.14929100

Do you have Battletoads?

>> No.14929171

I don't know I really struggled with my C++ class... Then again I almost never showed up or did the homework...

>> No.14929174

Where I live in Canada minorities in high tier jobs such as working as a doctor far out number the majority white population.

COPE HARDER CUM SKIN. We are taking over and there is nothing you can do about it!

>> No.14929186

Yes. Fuck everyone else. Just do what’s best for yourself and yourself only. It’d be one thing if we lived in an ethical world but that isn’t the case.

>> No.14929187

So when you get out of the military, they make you do civilian transition courses. We had this panel of a couple cocky cocksuckers come in and give us advice on resume writing and shit, bragging about how they don’t really read any of them and how we have to stand out to be competitive and all this shit. I’m like fuck you motherfuckers, employers act like it’s this great gift to pay someone to do all your shit work for them. Fuck that and fuck them.

So OP, unironically use your network to find a place that is actually worth working for. Nepotism is key. If you have to, crawl through a mile of shit like Andy rom Shawshank, but don’t ever forget you’re better than the normies

>> No.14929262
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So I should just accept the job and resign if I got a better offer?

>> No.14929323
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>There are millions upon millions of pajeets that can do this shit, any ape with a functioning brain can do it
t. first year student who made his first babby Dijkstra program in java last semester

>> No.14929420

kek at the Sunny D tweet

I don't need a job already made it off CHR swing trading. Feels good.

>> No.14929486

High population, low jobs.
Compaines hire only certain people.
You just need to wait longer.
Soceity wants you to indirectly kill yourself.