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14927313 No.14927313 [Reply] [Original]

how the fuck is this fair?
was I nerfed?

>> No.14927357

I have severe ADHD, depression, and insomnia. Life is hell mode for me.

>> No.14927411

Lugol's is the solution. You're welcome.

>> No.14927583

Checked. Pls tell me more. I’m sick as fuck of doctors prescribing me adderall. I despise that demonic substance.

>> No.14927643


>tfw you wish there was some redeeming quality to this and not just being nerfed by chance

>> No.14927778

Man up, ADHD can be a great tool. Comes with some downsides, they arent terrible if you stop being a pussy and appreciate yourself. Takes time and, most importantly, a mentality opposite of the one OP is displaying. Every post in this thread will be shit, I guarantee it.

>> No.14927810

i love myself most of the time but when I have a day where literally nothing gets done because I'm unable to concentrate on one thing for longer than a minute (not an exaggeration) it can get a literal frustrating.
what are the upsides?

>> No.14927817

put garlic on your feet you'll be cured in a month
you're welcome

>> No.14927993

>Bursts of hyperfocus you can tame into superhuman skill sets. Muscle memory and behavior patterns. Mindfulness and passion mandatory.
>Emotional stimuli everywhere. When every input incurs an emotion, you get that foggy feeling that comes with adhd. Do not be distraught as this fog is not a lack of focus but actually the opposite. With a slight mentality change, you will understand that it is normal to be overwhelmed by experiencing humanity at 100x the intensity others do.
>Strength. Sounds like you were diagnosed later in life. Going undiagnosed makes for a rough childhood. I myself remember little of mine, but I remember how it felt. Your mental strength will improve if you come to terms with your past. Don't wear adhd on your sleeves, most are surprised when I admit to it.
Most importantly, you have to forgive yourself. Inward anger is not discipline. This is the hardest part. Love yourself and those close will see you as worth supporting and motivating. Developing a morose outlook is ineffective. Your closest friends and relatives will subconsciously want you to fail if you act like it is inevitable, even if they love you. Go take what is yours.

>> No.14928035

based as fuck. saved.

>> No.14928099

Hyperfocus has been proven to be a meme. It's literally just a normal focus on one thing and your brain being unable to switch focus to something else because it doesn't have dopamine to do that. That's why it feels like you can't do anything else/ lose track of time. Nothing actually gets powered up.
I agree with the rest of what you say though.
I've been meditating for about a year now and while the attention benefits have been pretty minimal, it's vastly improved my emotional regulation.
I'll keep in mind the intensity thing, i've never considered that angle.

>> No.14928207

Checked and interesting. Agree that is possibly the case but a little placebo effect can go a long way. Also helps if you already have a natural talent or skillset in the mix admittedly.

>> No.14928259

I love adderall. I really don't know if I actually have ADHD, but I think I do. I love the shrink that for me the script.

>> No.14928268

There's no such thing as fairness. Stop worshiping your flaws, survival of the fittest still applies.