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14927292 No.14927292 [Reply] [Original]

I will be putting up my 2 million link sell wall and dumping link below 10k sats with market sells within the next 30 minutes. You have 30 minutes to dump your links or I'll dump them for you.

T. Early adopter whale who caught the XEM 17,000x usd moon mission

Yes there are oldfags with 9 figure net worth still browsing.

>> No.14927302

Thanks just bought 100K ChainLink tokens

>> No.14927311

shut up retard

>> No.14927319
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>> No.14927322
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Your funeral nigger

>> No.14927328

your nigger funeral

>> No.14927342
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If this isn't Larp

Rip the Bandaid, your a hero

I believe in you

>> No.14927346

>Yes there are oldfags with 9 figure net worth still browsing.

If you came here for a task, you’re not an oldfag. You make it sound like you came for some shitcoin pumps then left. I’ve been here 12 years. I’ve been through all kinds of life stages and states. Nobody ever leaves here. When I’m worth 9 figures I’ll still be here shitposting. Where else am I supposed to go?

>> No.14927355

You won't do shit nigger

>> No.14927374

All that said, please don’t be a LARP. Please draw one massive red candle so long it goes off the screen unless you have a 4K display. Drop this vapourware shitcoin where it belongs. O

>> No.14927387

Fuck it, I am dumping.

>> No.14927402

You are now being called out. What market are you going to post your sell on? We need proof of nolarp or delete thread, no?

>> No.14927417

Do it so I can take out a second mortgage and have fuck you money when it moons again

>> No.14927457

Thanks OP. I hope this is real I love watching crashes.

>> No.14927468

15 minutes left...

>> No.14927472

You fail to realize that it isn't going to moon again and that's why I'm exiting this scam. My whale friends and me been paying all of the pajeets to make all of the $1000 end of year threads to make suckers like you hold onto these bags forever. There is no more need coming with Swift or Microsoft it is all just a big fucking scam to make you retards hold onto thr bags while we exit.

We are moving onto vechain now to pump to #5 now.

>> No.14927490


>selling what ill be hundreds of millions in 3 years for 5 mil

It's okay OP not everyone can handle being that rich

>> No.14927492

commence the dump

>> No.14927494
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sold every single one of my 100k stinkers. don't disappoint me

>> No.14927497

What market are you going to put your wall on? You aren't a larper, are you Anon??

>> No.14927507

>2 million out of 1 billion link
Whew lad. Delusional

>> No.14927513

Do it. Sell even more. Dump it below ten cents. Please almighty LARP whale

>> No.14927518

If Link really does dump I'm going all in on VeChain

>> No.14927537

This. Sergey is dumping 700k every day. You think a measly 2m stack will crash the price?

>> No.14927538
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> He falls for the partnership meme everytime.
Comeon man, get some good shit.

>> No.14927544

If it doesn't dump I have a cousin who works with a guy in New York that is getting ready to sell a bridge. He says we can set up some sort of toll system and make bank! Hit me up if you are interested in the purchase of this bridge soon!

>> No.14927556

>T. Early adopter whale who caught the XEM
early adopters call it nem, bud

>> No.14927562

I thought the summer sale was over. Bring back the $2, I'm buying.

>> No.14927607
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just dump the coin already im holding to break even or zero i dont give a fuck what you do.

>> No.14927616

5 mins

>> No.14927621

9 figure whale. Okay prove it. Hit me with all you got!


I will screenshot. Tired of all the larping on biz. What the fuck happened to this place!

>> No.14927648
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>We are moving onto vechain now to pump to #5 now.

>> No.14927654

lol sure pajeet. You don't even got 2 million rupees.

>> No.14927681

Will hold and monitor to see if what he says is true.

>> No.14927682
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30 minutes gone. Another larper blesses the board. And it goes on.

>> No.14927713

just one of the binance short sellers
get rekt gaylord

>> No.14927726

Wow you shook it out so much I’m so glad I sold before.

>> No.14927776

Either OP's another LARPer or even 2million isn't enough volume to make a significant difference.
That being said:

>> No.14927816

What dump faggot?

>> No.14927930
File: 57 KB, 500x500, ADB6901E-4D64-4AF2-89B1-8AA5D2C73DC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is homosexual and not real.
OP is that butthurt Jew who is trying to file an SEC complaint.

OP needs to have sex with actual women, not trannies.

>> No.14927987

People just need to learn to hold LINK without touching it for a couple of more years

>> No.14928335

how fucking embarassing kek