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14921136 No.14921136 [Reply] [Original]

she broke up with me. i signed a lease on a whim to show her I'm changing. she has no interest in coming back. said she loved my company and our intimacy but it wasn't enough, despite that being all there is. get ignored on okcupid. ignored on tinder. leaving for the gym but why the fuck am i alive?

>> No.14921151

To make gains

>> No.14921169

post a picture of her or gtfo

>> No.14921179

Probably getting fucked by Chad right this minute raw dog style

>> No.14921196

Make gains, be worthy of someone good. I dated a girl for nearly ten years who was aware that we were basically set financially, that however didn't change her from being a whore.
Be ready to lose it all, enjoy it while you have it, always feel like the world is your plaything rather than your prison.

>> No.14921202

>An hero live on steam my nig, nothing else matters!!

>> No.14921276

The jews ruined white women. Become a martyr and spend your life fixing the jewish problem

>> No.14921282

>always feel like the world is your plaything rather than your prison

this sounds good enough but how the fuck do you actually do that without being/becoming a sociopath?

>> No.14921305
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>> No.14921314

Nah you're just ugly. My gf is still with me even though I beat her whenever she gets me mad

>> No.14921319

to make cash money

>> No.14921324

forget about her dude, bitches ain't shit
don't talk to her again

>> No.14921376

There are plenty of fish out their

>> No.14921413

>My gf is still with me even though I beat her whenever she gets me mad
You've got that wrong bro, she's still with you BECAUSE you beat her every time she gets out of line.

>> No.14921454
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Have fun and enjoy doing it wholesomely. Be excited for what possibilities you are now open to: what *could* your life become anon?
It sounds odd, but you can either be annoyed by what you must do (like you're constantly bumping into reality and putting up with it like a chore) or you can be learn to be nostalgic for the future. The relationship you have with reality is really the relationship you have with your self.

When you get down to the root of it, you are making your own self hurt. By not being with my old girlfriend who had expectations of retiring in her youth (and therefore couldn't be surprised by it), I have opened myself up to the possibility of being with a girl who I can surprise and enjoy being with.

Believe that your life can work out better than you can consciously plan it, it in all likelihood will proceed that way, but only if you believe it. Belief literally hypnotizes you and makes you act as though the something were true.

>> No.14921475

I have a girlfriend stop flexing you you jewish shill. I am explaining to guys who are struggling what the root of their problems is. The root of their issues and the reason why women are programmed to act like shit is jewish cultural values propagated through the media

>> No.14921523

>propaganda is propagated
Give this man an internet medal, folks.

>> No.14921553

99% of propaganda is created by Jews

>> No.14921555

God damn anon, you are the chadest of us all.

>> No.14921591

i capped this, some wickedly sage advice. it's hard as fuck to do though. i get glimmers of it this futuristic nostalgia but i can never hold onto it before the weight of what was comes crashing back down

>> No.14921673

Be a sociopath with a moral compass.

>> No.14921891

that's pretty inspirational stuff, you could make money off it
sarcasm aside it actually cheered me up, thanks anon

>> No.14922005


If at least one anon's life is better from this information, the time spent here was not a waste.
God bless each of you.

>> No.14922034

Meant to post this link, disregard the Psychogenic_disease one.


>> No.14922065

You know, ive already known about this, and have been applying it to my life for a long time now, but thank you again for posting it. It is always a good thing to see other people on this site are actually good people. Cheers anon.

>> No.14922293

this to be honest family

>> No.14922349



She was probably riding Chad's cock within 48 hours of your breakup. He was there to comfort her... "I don't want to be alone, Chad. Can you just hold me?"

There may have been qualities you liked about this girl. Find them in other girls. There are literally millions out there. She isn't the special snowflake you think she is... and you definitely weren't the special snowflake to her that you thought you were.

Move on. That's life.

>> No.14922412

>signed a lease on a whim to show her I'm changing.