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14913368 No.14913368 [Reply] [Original]

How much money would change your life /biz/?

>> No.14913377

About 4 quants

>> No.14913383

2 Mil

>> No.14913385

Half a million dollars

>> No.14913387


id say 1k link

>> No.14913388

Change comes and goes money comes and goes

Inner peace remains

>> No.14913399

been stuck at around 100k for a while. i just need crypto to fucking 5x for low tier NEET mode or 10x for patrician NEET mode. feels like im close to making it but also feels so far away

>> No.14913406


1 mil would be amazing.

>> No.14913407

500k-1million would give me the retirement savings I have yet to amass. I’m a simple and thrifty person so I could semi-retire at a young age in a million bucks. Find a fun place I like working just to absorb some cost of living.

>> No.14913566

Just give me a Milly and I'm Gucci.

>> No.14913697


>> No.14913733

Half a million, That would be enough to live off dividends and be free from the wagie life. Over 1.5 Million I get the mercedes AMG and live the good life. All I want in life is a mercedes AMG and a nice house, I will get it too soon enough. What you desire and will into existence will eventually be yours, It has to reality bends to your will ALWAYS.

>> No.14913742

Tree fiddy would free me of the curse

>> No.14913746

1M, which PNK will give me in about 8-12 months. Comfy boy.

>> No.14914299

100,000 usd would get the ball rolling.

>> No.14914324

Enough to be able to finish my PhD and get a job.

>> No.14914337

1 million and then I wouldn’t have to so anything

>> No.14914420
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there isnt

>> No.14914421
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I really need over $6m to be comfortable retiring. Sure I could match my wage and support my family with less, but I don't want to retire into destitution, or be bored.

Only 5.3m to go

>> No.14914429


Would pay off all debts, plus current mortgage and afford me to pay off a second home

>> No.14914434

i figure i'd need somewhere like 3 million to live without waging but im sure it might be even way less than that depending how i can cut costs

>> No.14914445

25k. All I need to fund my demo so I can Kickstarter it later

>> No.14914453

35k would cause a reasonably large change, after that another 200k or so

>> No.14914511

maybe try living with less

>> No.14914737

500k +

>> No.14915179
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everyone up in this bitch saying less than 5mil+ seriously need to pull up a fucking spreadsheet and add what an actual life costs
jesus christ

>> No.14915195
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60k would be plenty to buy one of these bad boys and a small plot of land with a foundation to put it on. finally free from the rent/mortgage slavery system

>> No.14915215

50k would be life changing

28 yo in third world America btw

>> No.14915247

Warehouses are WAY more expensive than 60k.

>> No.14915280
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$1, Bob

>> No.14915319

500k can basically guarantee you anywhere in the world that isnt the following countries/Regions retirement post 30
Japan and 1st Tier Asian Countries(HK, Spore, Taiwan)
Western Europe + Nordic Countries
New Zealand

I'm literally living off of 500$ a month in Eastern Europe right now. House paid off, retired age 31.

>> No.14915333


50 mil

>> No.14915400

This is an easy one sir, excuse me, I have the answer to your question. It's easy when you think about it. To change my life sir, the cost is two all - beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions - on a sesame bun. Jesus, c'mon, I mean even thinking this question around these parts gets the dogs come hollering. sir

>> No.14915411

the equivalent of $100k in today's USD if i get to keep my current passive income
without it i'd say $1MM USD

>> No.14915519

Basically my dream. How is it? Easy to learn the language and integrate into the culture?

>> No.14915555

That's well over $60k every year for the rest of your life. People could definitely live comfortably with less and still retire early especially if they supplement it with low-effort labor or hobby work and don't live in a retarded expensive area like LA or NYC.

I could honestly see my life improve immensely with as little as $50K. It's not nearly enough to retire on, but with the right application, it would loosen a few financial burdens for 10+ years.

>> No.14915571



the 40k would buy me a year to sort my shit out and invest the 100k, something like 20k in savings then the rest 50/50 crypto and other safer assets

>> No.14915616

You are all illiterate pajeets arguing about how much money you would need to retire when the OP posted what money would be "life-changing". That means a sum that would have an impactful change on your life not retirement money you fucking retards. For me its:

>> No.14915668

200k with passives of 5% to 10% yearly is good enough for me to live a good life in my shithole

>> No.14915725


The thing that will hold you back anywhere is citizenship. The shittier the country the easier tho. Or you could marry into a countey. That's the largest hurdle otherwise you replaying the nomad/gypsy life.

Learn the language basics and up to intermediate status and as long as you are under 40 you'll immerse yourself naturally. It will be a steep learning curve but you can hire a translator or even better an agency to help you with the bare minimum(getting home internet setup, legal stuff, etc) in the case the operators or biz doesn't know english or you dont know their language well enough. Really the up front costs are the ones that will pound you the most. Thereafter it's life on easy mode.

Culture is great ppl are generally interested in you if you are a foreigner. Just do not show your power level otherwise jealousy will overwhelm them and things will feel murky.

>> No.14915758

yeah i was thinking 10k, can pay off the little debt i have and have more money left to work with. though that is probably the bare minimum to have some real impact

>> No.14915869


per year is preferable, but a one-time payment would definitely be life changing.

>> No.14915892

if I got less than [required retirement sum] I'd just invest it
not affecting my life at all
people have different priorities, if you ever wonder why you're poor it's your lack of vision

>> No.14915938

Sounds good. I speak intermediate Russian and practice everyday. I figure aside from Hungary all the countries I am interested in are slavic.
I am considering Russia,Ukraine, Poland Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Czech Republic.

My plan is to open language schools and MMA gyms.
What are the wife prospects like?

>> No.14915956
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Pretty good anon. Tons of hotties out there and it's normal to date younger unlike in America where everyone expects you to be dating someone your own age.

The degeneracy is creeping in because if of western influence but EE keeps it at bay.

>> No.14915981

$5 million. Anything less and I'd still be obligated to wagecuck.

>> No.14916005
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Sounds amazing desu I want a 16-18 year old slavic waifu to make like 30 white Christian babies with.
How long did it take to get citizenship?

>> No.14916017


>> No.14916026

2-3MM after tax.

>> No.14916046

Unironically this.

>> No.14916105

500k ~ 1mill get you a shitbox life

you need about 10 mil

hate to break it 2 you.

>> No.14916249

UK fag here

I need £5m

>> No.14916265

4mil is enough, but need to pay 20% cgt

>> No.14916353

Let's see.

- I have family and while the wife is working as well, I bring home most of the money
- I live in Western Europe, so no $1m++ for a McMansion and social health care instead of US extortion prices.
- A house would cost 1.5m EUR in a metropolitan area
- We own a flat worth 450K EUR
- Currently making 70K EUR before tax and deductibles.

-> I'd need ~1m EUR for a house. I don't want an expensive car and no need to buy an Azn GF.
- 7K EUR/month before tax would be very nice, that translates to 85K/y.
- IF I were to achieve a 4% ROI, I'd need 2.2m EUR + 1m for the house = 3.2m EUR.
- Since I think that 4% is unlikely, I'd think that with 3m EUR and doing gigs and the wife's income and spending the principal over time, I should be OK. Or renting out the flat and taking out a mortgage on it to help buy the house.

>> No.14916364
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Interesting question. I unironically calculated this, taking into account taxes, with the assumption that I would allocate it on a low return asset like real estate or aaa bonds, factoring as well the fact that my wife would stop working to take care of our child, that we would then decide to have more children, that we would probably want to relocate to a better aeea with better houses and cars.

> I would need usd 25 million to really make a difference (or 20mil net of taxes)

I already have a good paying job with a good carrer perspective so "making a difference" for me would be working with no whatsoever financial pressure while upgrading my lifestyle. Funnily enough, I'm sure that would make my career take off faster as I would be more chilled about it

>> No.14916373
File: 142 KB, 720x764, 1180E4A3-CF91-4855-AA42-E16FA3AD0695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ma maman gave me shit once for remaining in our condo and being a NEET. You know what I did? I showed her the back of my hand. It hurt but I had to do it. I'm changing the face of commerce, literature, art and philosophy by posting on 4chan everyday. Who the fuck is she to hold back history over petty social concerns? She doesn't even know what link is.
Now she feeds my salamander, launders my cum stained Lacoste polos and brings me my repas with a smile on her face. The world is a better place for it. Simple. As. That.
In fact, I feel like some Burger King and some chilled Krug (2011) mixed with Sprite at the moment. I'll give her a clap. Thanks for reminding me /biz/, you fucking pieces of shit.

>> No.14916383

10k. Not much but definitely could set myself up nicely going into the new year.

>> No.14916395

This. Either they live in shitholes, or do not realise just how little 1 million is worth nowadays in rich countries, and especially in 50 years time. Bear in mind that the value of money halves every 30 years or so. And I'm not even talking about living a millionaire's lifestyle, 1million over 50 years is just 20,000 a year (not counting any interest or dividends, which you will likely need just to keep the value of your money up).

You apparently need $30 million to live a millionaire's lifestyle today, but I'm not that greedy. I would say £6million would be life changing enough to never have to work again as well as have enough to spend on hobbies, outright buy a house with a one-acre garden/field in the country, and live in comfort.

>> No.14916399

>Bob Barker retired from Price is Right 34 years ago

>> No.14916426

>Bear in mind that the value of money halves every 30 years or so
LOL, ever looked at inflation rates lately? Unless you live in a shit-tier country, inflation is so low you don't have to worry about it if you invest your money.

>> No.14916499

Around 2 to 3% in the UK for the past 2 years, but interest rates are less than half that. It is of course a rough rule of thumb, but you never know what the future holds, I'd rather be safe than sorry so plan with this sort of thing in mind.

>> No.14916620

10k would change my life, because it's worth more than I've ever seen at one time, and while obviously it's a long way off from make-it money, I could at least turn it into make-it money, instead of scrabbling around for ages trying to find the investment funds to even begin.

>> No.14916642


>> No.14916658

around 10k pounds : would be enough to buy a good laptop, get a plane ticket to Londond, pay insane prices for renting a room and finding a job. I do not like London, but if I got the money I could invest them into making more money.

>> No.14916666


>> No.14916669

the question was to change your life, not instantly retire.
a mill gets you a house, debt free and able to start the progress after hitting 0, if you're smart enough it will also get you enough into investments that all the years wasted of compund interest are caught up and you can start to progress into intergenerational wealth.

basically, you want instant retirement, we want to be back at square 0.

>> No.14916679

A mill
Gives me enough to gamble some on volatile assets and potentially win big, while leaving enough left over to at least buy a property. That would change my life, yes, but wouldn't stop me from keeping my current job for at least a few years

>> No.14916687

100k would be a life changing amount for me.

I have 6k to my name and trying to remain focused and positive.

>> No.14916694

I have 11k right now
How do I make it?

>> No.14916703

UK fag here and this is my dream. 4-5m mil GBP (which is what I would earn in an entire career at my current job) would let me pretty much retire

I have £60k in crypto right now.

>> No.14916719


>> No.14916724


I own real estate, estimated total value about 4 million dollars. What would change my life? Crazy money. Meaning hundreds of millions.

The more you have the more you want and imagine. It never ends.

>> No.14916731

all in on DUSK if you want to retire.

5k will get you 500k by EOY

>> No.14916770

Where to buy?

>> No.14916780

just got listed on binance, but I'd wait for a bit of a pullback/dca in.

>> No.14916924

How high you expect it to go? What wallet do you use? Mew?

>> No.14916958

unironically think it will replace Monero in the long term

>> No.14917058

1k and I would know I can make rent next month.

>> No.14917099


Need to 10x

>> No.14917245

300k€ minimum.

>> No.14917351


What you got £60k in?

Ive got 4.3 million Harmony which I intend to sell at 1000 sats.

And then hold bitcoin till 100k

>> No.14917408
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70k would wipe out my college debt and let me start saving money. Sadly, that isn't gonna happen so I have to keep working two jobs because the only opportunity I could find in my high income area where I am gonna be paying 870/mo in rent is a job that pays 18/hr.

I hate being alive

>> No.14917804


>> No.14917899

I have Challenged myself to have this in excess savings by 2021 and until then no vidya. So it would quite literally change my life

>> No.14917921


>> No.14918416

buy DUSK you dumb faggots

>> No.14918602

$5M, minimum.

Ironically it would just cause me to shut myself off from the world completely and just roam around for the rest of my life, never interacting with anyone just because I'd be able to get away with it. Which would eventually turn me into even more of a depressed, mentally ill mess than I currently am.

But goddamn, I want it so bad. I don't want to speak to another person ever again in my life. Fuck. Fuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.14918823


>> No.14919479

100k to completely change my life, nice paid off homestead, some animals and things like food bills slashed in half. Will have it from waging in a few years regardless.