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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.14904274

what is creg going to do about all the cp stored on the chain? increasing now to 2gb is going to expand that exponentially....
imagine downloading that chain to your computer? "oh your involved in cryptocurrency...and look we found cp..." the charges basically write themselves.

>> No.14904290

dunno, what is greg doing about the cp on btc?
and vitalik with cp on eth chain? i'd guess vitalik is jerking off to it

>> No.14904463

>are these documents FORGED, Dr Wright ? eh ?

>> No.14904498

*creg cries*
yells at judge
*cries again*

>> No.14905409

I have slow 100mbit internet and can still download 864 GB in one day. Bigger blocks bigger fee for miners so good for them.
If you aren't miner you dont need full blockchain on your drive.

>> No.14905586

Wait, i thought the whole point of BSV was to NOT change the protocol.

>> No.14906164

gradually un-changing it

>> No.14906517

And the bsv price is tanking again

>> No.14906681

You mean perfectly reasonable correction from mad +30% growth yesterday :)

>> No.14906709

BigGeR BloCkS duRr

>> No.14906965

Why is this little closed loop system so volatile?

>> No.14907026

>100mbit internet and can still download 864 GB
good for you, but heres the thing, not everyone does..."why does that matter, fuck them..." because dummy the chain is as strong as the weakest link there is no way to keep a highly decentralized network synced worldwide given latency / bandwidth delays.
you've created a very centralized "blockchain" (ie. a mysql database would be tons better).