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File: 79 KB, 850x396, shock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14900044 No.14900044 [Reply] [Original]

Been seeing this deflationary staking coin getting shilled a ton on /biz/. Can anyone give me the 411? Is this a scam or worth investing?

>> No.14900056


>> No.14900083

is a good investment ,the team is doing a great job and updating all in their telegram,they're gonna focus on marketing the next week.

>> No.14900103

Its early still so it doesn't have to be great to make money. This is one of the best deflationary tokens and they're slowly growing the user base. go to the telegram to get a better feel for the project and team. The best feature of shock is the deflationary and dividend combo. That's why SHOCK will moon more than BOMB. I've been in the telegram and discords for all these shitty smart contracts and SHOCK has the most going for it after BOMB. It most likely will 50x in the next 3 months. Just don't buy into a scam like CLM, glad I saw that coming with the overdone team and site. NUKE has a toxic culture and lead otherwise I'd consider it one of my better holdings.
When you look at the code, aftershock is the only one with different code from BOMB

>> No.14900127


I have been hearing that some of the CLM team joined SHOCK and that SHOCK might be a similar exit scam.

That's literally my only concern. Getting half of the burn in dividends is such a great idea imo. Def wanna purchase if it isn't a scam

>> No.14900134

Hegelian dialectic
Problem - tick
Reaction - helpful anons from nowhere full of info - tick
Solution- buy buy buy -tick

>> No.14900155


where's the best place to buy? Looks like their website says ddex, forkdelta, and tokenjar but idk the best option...

>> No.14900201

The code is unique, it's not copied like the rest of the deflationary knock-offs.

This coin has a professional team that are growing daily. The community is made up of helpful people that are not toxic and the coin gives back to its holders in the form of diviends through staking.

This coin will be bigger than BOMB.

It's already burned almost 20,000 total coins due to its more aggressive 6% fee (3% burned, 3% staking rewards).

Big things to come with the marketing ramping up as of next week!

>> No.14900209

It's a free airdrop bro. I'm not telling people to buy, I'm telling them to get free money. Honestly I am waiting until the airdrop shakes out before pouring real cash in. So I suggest no one buy SHOCK, yet.
I question this because I've been in the SHOCK telegram and we all share our crypto purchasing experiences. I remember the reaction the day CLM scammed and some of us were burned and then went to shock but no one was put onto the SHOCK team. It's just crypto nerds trying to make $.

>> No.14900227

Not true at all. SHOCK has nothing to do with CLM what so ever. They're very professional so far from what I've seen. I'm excited to see what they have in store.

>> No.14900229

DDEX with a VPN for burgers. Forkdelta is shit

>> No.14900233

DDEX has the best liquidity

>> No.14900234

This CLM news is rubbish.
SHOCK are a unique team creating THEIR OWN code.
Not some cheap knockoff.

>> No.14900242


Do they have a website or TG / discord?

>> No.14900255


DDEX it is then, thank god for opera's free VPN for my burger ass. What's a good entry you guys think? Seems like there was a ton of dumping around .0006 ETH

>> No.14900257

t .me/aftershock_token

>> No.14900267


website is aftershock.vip. I think there's a telegram but idk how to link it. it is probably on the website.

>> No.14900272

This is so clearly a scam that it's hilarious. Don't forget to join their telegram for the non existent airdrop!

>> No.14900286

it's dropped as low as 0.0003 today. I'm honestly hoping it continues to drop as the airdrop progresses but it's dragging on to the point that it's drawing in too many holders for it to drop a lot. Wave 5 is an airdrop for everyone who participated in the other airdrops, hopefully bots from the earlier rounds dump after 5. I hate to give too much away because I'm still buying

>> No.14900294


im getting conflicting stories. Is this airdrop thing a scam or are people actually getting shock distributed?

>> No.14900295
File: 37 KB, 500x500, IMG_20190720_124427_283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel the shock

>> No.14900296

Yeah. Don't get scammed by them giving you free money. If you think it's a scam just don't sign up to get the $ that they're giving away. It's not hard. I was told ETH was a scam here in 2016 too though.

>> No.14900300


I got mine

>> No.14900308


What free money and where? Now tell me it's coming 'soon', you fucking retard. Every time I waste 5 seconds of my life joining one of these faggoty telegram servers I grow to hate you losers even more...

>> No.14900309


ok just wanted to make sure people were actually getting them. looks like the other anon is probably just a BOMB/NUKE shill and spreading FUD lol

>> No.14900313

the airdrops are real, as is the staking

>> No.14900315


lmao who hurt you anon? go empty ur nuts before replying in this thread

>> No.14900328


how exactly does the staking work? I heard it was like 3% of the burn but I wasn't entirely sure. Does it automatically go into your wallet?

>> No.14900336

They gave me my full airdrop for the last wave but some had an error in amount received but it was fixed fast.

When I first heard about ETH this is the type of smart contracts I imagined being popular. I think this stuff will be adopted by companies and governments around the world to pay people. To me all of this makes too much sense. I was buying shitcoin deflationary tokens on waves DEX, watching them moon with no volume. BOMB was the first one with volume. I've had $50 turn into 5K in a year on waves DEX but the daily volume is $35. Tokenomics are written off by some here but you can't do TA on a chart where the volume is mostly faked.

>> No.14900342


To everyone else reading this thread: note the vague references to things without specifying anything? Followed by impotent rage when you ask for anything even remotely concrete...

Go ahead and ask where this free money is and how to get it.

It's almost as though these people want you to buy their shitcoin and there is no free rainbow money, huh?


>> No.14900364

Unironically this is going to be huge. Waiting to buy after airdrop weak hands dump.

>> No.14900402

t .me/aftershock_token
It's fucking free my dude. Nothing vague about what I'm saying. You're actually giving the project more attention by shitposting on this thread. This is that fucker from NUKE, huh. That guy shits on every deflationary project and buys them all too. He hides behind a female alias on the NUKE telegram. Hi rachel.

>> No.14900437


Yep I'm in there. Airdrop is coming 'soon', eh?

Anyone else noticing a pattern here?

Oh well I guess I'll just buy a thousand bucks worth instead hurrrr

>> No.14900449

go to etherscan and select the write contracts tab click connect to web 3 for metamask and click write under payout rewards

>> No.14900469

Good. I hope you never make money off of crypto. Too stupid to read.
I only bought in early because I wanted dividends from the waves airdrops being sent out. Otherwise I would have waited to purchase any too.

>> No.14900493

seems like an airdrop just recently went out. any idea on how long until the next one?

>> No.14900516


Ya I'll never make anything without my nonexistent 'free' .00093 generic deflationary tokens!

'I bought in early'...you should too anons!!

17 year old kid trying to inflate his free shitcoin for beer money next weekend.

>> No.14900533


'Soon' lol. Just buy some in the meantime!!1!

>> No.14900539

There's a DAPP on their website that makes it even easier to claim your staking rewards.

>> No.14900608

You'll never make it because you're too stupid to realize what's ascam and what isn't. In crypto you're the sucker all scam ICO's court.
Wave 2 just went down, so expect wave 3 in 3-4 days. They're going slow and demand is high. The hoops I had to jump through for the airdrop were ridiculous too. Need a twitter, medium, reddit, telegram accounts to get through all the levels. Honestly wasn't fun. I only go through the hassle because I've been making so much money doing this shit. But I don't invest real ETH in the smaller ones unless they stick out. I made a lot of money off of POWH3D, then even more off BOMB. I bought BOMB at $0.20 and then flipped some at $10 for a 50X. BOMB SHOCK FUZE are the only ones I really like out of this space and FUZE I don't have much trust in, so DYOR and check the etherscans.

>> No.14900618

Just joined the telegram now and it seems I just missed the 2nd wave airdrop. How much was given out? I hope I haven't missed out on too much.

>> No.14900634


I think 400~ were given out from what I can gather. So I think that translates to about ~50$ worth or so. maybe a little bit more.

>> No.14900641


> Wave 3 in 3-4 days

He's been saying this for like a week now ..

This is a scam to pump their telegram numbers and to try and dump their shitty bags on idiots.

>> No.14900652

If we don't want to shill this on our social accounts can we still get some free SHOCK? And is the third wave airdrop going to be notably smaller than the first wave? Haven't really participated in airdrops before.

>> No.14900715

I got in through the first airdrop. 6% burn, 3% of that goes to wallet holders. Staking rewards are claimed through smart contracts.

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.14900721


there's a bunch of bounties on the telegram. You'll have to look in there for specifics for both the airdrop size and the exact bounties. I don't really know those off the top of my head. sorry anon

>> No.14900731

managed to get some on an airdrop.. worth like 70 bucks atm. not bad for free money i guess. gonna see where it goes in the next week or 2.

>> No.14900756


Cool story. Now tell all the people in this thread asking how they can get their airdrops.

Oh wait, they can't? Weird!

>> No.14900757

Just another ETHPlode copy.

>> No.14900781

Top kek. There's nothing original about Ethplode. At least Aftershock took the initiative to create something much better, with their own brains rather then just blindly cloning BOMBS code.

>> No.14900832

Shut the fuck up Rachel and go back to NUKE
You can't get anything because you're too stupid to read. The directions are spelled out. >>14900757
Does Ethplode pay me dividends?

>> No.14900860

No it's far from it actually. They also don't still hold 90% of the total supply like Ethplode. The block chain doesn't lie.

>> No.14900906

Yeah anything holding onto over 85% of supply needs to be taken with a grain of salt until fully distributed

>> No.14901392

bump for the late night gem hunters

>> No.14901417

i never got my airdrop tokens it's a scam

>> No.14901498

Good I hope I get yours because you're too dumb to read the telegram messages. They posted the users who filled airdrop but were missing the telegram @ names or other things and said it was fixable but you must have missed it and been too dumb to fucking complain on telegram, it's that easy my dude

>> No.14901571

You probably didn't even follow instructions. Your fault not theirs.

>> No.14901654

Not on Binance

>> No.14901671

If SHOCK or BOMB got on Binance DEX, I would be too rich, satoshi rich.

>> No.14901751

>Not on Binance

>> No.14901802
File: 357 KB, 1280x852, 1_fm8B_jaKUVql159zhw74yQ[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bombx is going on binance dex

>> No.14901810
File: 36 KB, 800x400, 848572993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything that has a lightning bolt as logo is worth looking into

>> No.14901835

its a platform, not a token
the absolute state...

>> No.14901840

main reason I'm buying BOMB after already getting a huge stack at $0.50 and below

>> No.14901861

are you fucking dumb? bombx is a new token that bomb holders will get from an airdrop at a 1:25 rate

>> No.14901878

it's both you dumbfuck, BOMBX is a native token on BNB

>> No.14901927

its a platform token, not a deflationary token you mongoloid so it has no reason to pump.
i love the free money bomb gave me but if you think its gonna pump significantly you are delusional. stay poor retard.

>> No.14901995

Holy fuck you're dumb. You misunderstood XIO and BOMBX and now you're trying to make it look like you aren't an idiot. You sold your BOMB haha you dumbfuck. BOMBX gives you access to the platform and if the XIO's take off so will BOMBX. You deserve no BOMB