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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14897877 No.14897877 [Reply] [Original]

I've been doing extensive research on this board and I've come to the conclusion that it has been overrun by the very same /pol/ folks who are anti-semitic.

There's an enormous correlation between people who support Donald Trump and invested in this so called LINK. If you had any intelligence you would know by now that these so called "people" are hellbent on destroying our Democracy and the best way to do that is to take what little money we have left and put it in their pockets.

Who knows what they'll fund with this newfound wealth but I've come to believe they're amassing weapons for a violent takeover once Donald Trump loses in 2020 to Elizabeth Warren. Mark my words this is definitely not an organic or stable market. It is being manipulated by an army of people following directions from who I believe is Steve Bannon.

>> No.14897940

I like this fud

>> No.14897944

I don't mind Steve Bannon supporters getting rich and using it to help spread his agenda. I do mind the low IQ poltards posting here and bringing down the boards collective IQ by 20 points.

I get it, you hate niggers, most of us do too. If you were smart though you would have been here loooooonnnggg before chainlink became an alt-right meme. Instead, you had to wait for the memes to spread to pol (where you spend all day posting about how much you hate spics and nigs, because you are in direct competition for resources with them because of your low IQ).

I would ask poltards to refrain from posting, /biz/ functions like a magnificent hivemind, it utilizes high IQ autists to discover projects like LINK waaaaay before normies do. Please just stop posting, you are fucking with the efficiency of this great machine. I welcome you all to lurk so you can fund your agenda, but please for the love of god stop posting.

>> No.14897976
File: 34 KB, 480x456, iKrWJhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I welcome /pol/tards on this board so they can buy my bags. Tons of money to made from delusional retards.

>> No.14898151

fuck /pol/
fuck nazis
and fuck trump

>> No.14898172

go back to pol

>> No.14898180

democracy is a meme, murica is under the boot of the jews and they are the puppet masters with strings attached to both sides