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File: 276 KB, 682x864, Bernie_Sanders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1489491 No.1489491 [Reply] [Original]

What is the average debt of your typical bernfag?

>> No.1489497


>> No.1489506

I voted for Bernie and I'm very well off... sorry to burst your bubble :)

>> No.1489511

We need an outsider to come shake things up!
>votes for guy telling obvious bullshit who was in government for almost 40 years

>> No.1489514

whatever the average college loan debt is for the 18-30 crowd.

>> No.1489516

>wants to use my money for education instead of endless wars with the sand people
>supports basic civil rights

golly, sounds like a real darn communist to me! someone go wake up Palin, we need a real leader...

>> No.1489640

Still waiting on my bernie check in the mail.

>> No.1489644
File: 75 KB, 440x550, 1451770435453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supports basic civil rights

Like free shit for everyone!

>free college to make degrees worth even less
>citizenship and amnesty for ALL illegals
>force women's salaries to equal males, disregarding job experience, productivity, or actual business value
>free shit for any "refugees", despite the fact that there will literally be billions of them if the coming decades.

>> No.1489654

>disregarding job experience, productivity, or actual business value
nobody has ever said this... ever.

>> No.1489656


What you meant to say was "paid for with the taxes we all pay"

>> No.1489847


$200,000 from investing in a Feminist Studies degree
$900,000 from not being able to get a job and taking out loans from various brokerages to buy hedgefund stocks that just arent performing as well as the broker said they would.

I was anticipating Bernie would win the primaries and my debts will just go away... i was wrong

On the plus side, the bank will be fighing over who gets my home.

>> No.1489883


They would call you a misogynist if you said women were paid less because of job experience, productivity, or actual business value