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14893486 No.14893486 [Reply] [Original]

I've made out with a few girls in clubs and stuff but they never seem to want to meet up with me later or do anything

I'm worried that in a few years I may be shit rich if crypto makes it but I'll still be a lonely below-average incel

>> No.14893541

2015 was the Last time for me

>> No.14893560

U an Amerifat OP?

>> No.14893576


>> No.14893587

Ever heard of sluts who except bitcoin for sex?

>> No.14893591

I feel you anon, I am more or less in the same situation. I am a bit more lucky because I lean towards bissexual and men love my big dick and my tight body...

You can always start going to the gym, lose weight, get a six-pack. Reward yourself with some hookers so you keep being motivated. Woman like guys in their 30s so that's what will matter, not what you are now.

>> No.14893597

I haven't had sex in 30 years.

>> No.14893606


>> No.14893608

Lmfao even worse. Just get the fuck out of your shithole country to EE or CE and you’ll be fine

>> No.14893637

I haven't had sex in a long time but I got a few blowjobs recently :)

>> No.14893663

How does it feel, senpai?

>> No.14893755

in what situation you get blown but dont have sex? serious question

>> No.14894000

Suggestions from anons here, do you think it would be a good idea to offer this poor, alcoholic slutty girl who shares the same social circle as me money for sex?

She ignores me for the most part except irl. I could piss off the girls in the social group if she says no and tells everyone. Should I try it /biz/? For what price should I start with for a bj from a chick on welfare? I've thought 20-35 dollars.

>> No.14894023

don't do that unless you're prepared to be ridiculed for the rest of your life
seriously what th efuck are you thinking, just get a whore that none of your friends know

>> No.14894024

>I've made out with a few girls in clubs and stuff but they never seem to want to meet up with me later or do anything
Sounds like it's possible for you to find a chick that considers you bangable, but you likely carry a stench of desperation.
>You need a slump-buster.
Temporarily lower your standards down to your relative minor leagues, and target what your personal 5 out of 10 is, and bang a few of them. Get the confidence flowing a bit, and then move back up to the major leagues when your subconscious won't block you from presenting confidence.
It's easier to get a job when you have a job, and it's easier to get more pussy when you're already getting some pussy. Women operate by groupthink, and your confidence/desperation levels are their main indicators as to whether you've been vetted by another female and deemed bangable.
Sperm Wars. It's all instinct. Fucking begets fucking.

>> No.14894082


being poor doesnt meant she's a prositute anon.
you watch too much hentai

>> No.14894125

You should always be spinning plates with women. Accept your sexual market value and target what is available to you.
>Muh, we're all NEETS, anon!
There are sloppy chicks that need to lose weight hanging out in jeans with blue hair and a flannel shirts on Friday night up at the comic book store where all the mega-nerds come up to play the figurine battle 12 sided dice games.
Those chicks like to fuck, just like all the other chicks. Start there if you have to.

>> No.14894158

I actually have the same fantasy, but even $35 is way too low. You should offer $200 and raise to $400, show her the actual money. This is for you to be safe, if you want to fuck your social life go ahead with $30...

>> No.14894184

I refuse. I will only bang 7’s or higher. Suck my cock and Fuck you

>> No.14894220


It's kind of a fetish of mine to have sex with a chick that's my friend. We aren't in a relationship, so it might be the only chance I get without fucking everything over.

Hmm, your right I might be paying too little. Still 200 is outrageous for a chick that goes around drunk every party telling all the guys that she loves to give blowjobs. Maybe I should start at 35 and go up to 100. I'll see how she reacts.

>> No.14894224

havent had sex in 6 years, but lost my virginity at 14. 29 now. I feel like I should care, I just don't. Maybe depression?

>> No.14894402

The first time is always better paid, paying $200 the first time doesn't mean you will pay $200 the second time. Price always goes down as it's not as fun to you. Also maybe offer to buy in bulk, like she needs to blow you twice or more, it becomes cheaper per act.

>> No.14894419

Are you in a two year slump like OP?

>> No.14894473

>have girls thirsting for my dick
>living with parents so I cant bring them home to fuck

I want to make it as fast as fucking possible. It has been way too long.

>> No.14894514


Don't you think the reverse might work better, if I mention it upfront? I'm thinking something cheapish for the bj, and let her know if she does a good job maybe I could pay her more for other things.

Eventually I'd like to fuck her at a hotel instead of where she's renting at, but that's way too much for a bj and I want to leverage the fact we're staying at a hotel into the price.

She is a slut, it's not like your average girl who'd say no, she'd be open to the idea because she needs money for weed, beer, and had admitted to me while drunk that she finds me attractive physically but doesn't find my "low confidence" attractive. So I feel I have some leverage being cheap.