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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14892993 No.14892993 [Reply] [Original]

How The Fuck Do I Join (((Them)))?

>> No.14893015

you can beat them, it's called behaving properly

>> No.14893094

You join them by infiltrating them. And any successful infiltration starts by learning their customs.

>> No.14893159

Also, you won't be accepted in the inside party if you're a gentile. But you can opt for being a shabbo's goy or a crypto-Jew, which doesn't take that much effort.
Larping as an outsider atheist useful Jew is more complicated. By far. Other Jews will call you out on your bullshit rather quickly. But it works short-term.
Also, if you're black, Latina, or Asian, forget it. They won't ever fully accept you and you can be a shabbo's at best.
Unironically Khazars still have a high status despite clearly not being Jews.

>> No.14893179

Cut your dick off is step one

>> No.14894229
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Lend instead of borrow.
Be a landlord instead of renting.
Sell options instead of buying them.
Start a company instead of working for one.

t. halfling who has learnt the secrets

>> No.14894283

Take instead of give.

>> No.14894326

Sow discord with every breath.