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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14884735 No.14884735 [Reply] [Original]

We are on the brink of WW3

>> No.14884805


>> No.14884816
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>> No.14884828

Btc will crash too its tied to usd

>> No.14884875

An aircraft carrier just flow over my house. Buy gold and silver. And buy harmony !

>> No.14885016

top kek

>> No.14885750

Iran really needs to check its strait privilege.

>> No.14885945

Remember after middle east gets fucked and a space station drops back to earth, skin ripping aliens come to kill us

>> No.14886023


>> No.14886031


I got muh Guns and My Linkys

They aint got the balls

>> No.14886042

Someone have a YouTube vid of the money implications. That stupid

>> No.14886123

why would btc, precious metals, etc raise during a war ?

t. brainlet

>> No.14886154



Read: Posts by 1mmJCv6Q

>> No.14886180

I guess everyone exists fiat to buy cheap from the losers.

>> No.14886323

Clown World season 2 canceled? Good.

>> No.14886350

Fuck the UK, the most goy country to exist, even more goy than the US.
I type this while being in the UK.

>> No.14886370

Whats happening, Britain did it to Iran first. Apparently defending themselves is extraordinarily brazen, thats a compliment to Irans discipline and prudence. Obviously this was extraordinarily justified.

>> No.14886374

>end of the world
>buy bitcoin
>all the power shuts off
This board is truly filled with imbeciles.

>> No.14886393

The UK doesn't understand what consequences are. I wish the UK actually does become a Caliphate, because the snaggletooth cunts who currently run the government sure don't get cause and effect works.

>> No.14886401

>buy btc
mr national guard please give extra food ill give u some btc

>> No.14886402


>> No.14886405
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Pic related

>> No.14886413

why would the power shut off retard. In war all system are fully activated

>> No.14886453 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14886481

Why do I always find weird shit in /biz/ late at night? Yesterday was some Christian vatican conspiracy.

>> No.14886520

>buy btc
You mean buy silver/gold, btc won't be worth anything if the war happens.

>> No.14886574

just what else do you expect to find at late hours in a pajeet infested, shitcoin gambling degenerate cesspool board?

>> No.14886616

If WW3 happens, the internet will be the first thing to go.

>> No.14886656
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Imagine believing this

>> No.14886679
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Imagine not believing this and then it happens

>> No.14886681

where you gonna store and how are you gonna move your gold if your neighborhood is bombed?

>> No.14886721


>> No.14886726

Told ya curbs to get on the d'bit and strangle your ass out w btc options.. invest in volatility as I explain in my penis bread. Also gold and silver

>> No.14886731

Thx Anon

>> No.14886743
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pic related

>> No.14886750

This generation will surrender after 3 days with no wifi

>> No.14886783

Will my suicide stack save me

>> No.14886803


guns and ammo will tho

>> No.14886808

Scared normie

>> No.14886824

>They're seriously monsters though, on a lot of other worlds they just outright skin children and imitate the voice of the children to lure the parents or other adults that are hiding out so they can take them.
Okay now I'm spooked.

>> No.14886831

ideally, you'll want your gold stored in a rural area, underground

if your neighborhood gets bombed, and you survive the bombing, grab all the gold and silver you can, but don't prioritize it over immediate food that'll last a while and ammo, and take your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, kids, whoever, and have them carry as much as they can, and get to somewhere somewhat remote about 100 miles outside of a mid-sized city, 200 miles outside of a large city and try to contact friends/relatives to come and protect each other and what you have left, then start either looting or hunting for food and water

>> No.14886842

To anyone not reading the pictures and the thread. The supposed alien in the thread just casually describes something that the anon in the pictures described in his prophetic dream.

>> No.14886845

You don’t know how right you are I’m afraid

>> No.14886858

Which thread with the ayy?

>> No.14886867

Nm I am retard I was reading the imgur

>> No.14886879

Underground bunker, together with massive supply of food and water.

>> No.14886886

You'll reach a point where the imgur describes how the invaders hunted the surviving humans, by taking their skins and tricking them into revealing themselves. The ayy lmao says in the thread the bad ayys do that on other planets, in the same way. Spooky.

>> No.14886904

lately seems like being groomed for alien reveal, how will it affect the economy? any way to profit from it?

>> No.14886934

>a motivated shitposted described something another motivated shitposted described.
>this means they are both real

>> No.14886951

You're quick to take offense for some reason. I didn't say it was real, not that I believe it or don't. But it happened and it's spooky, that's all.

>> No.14887003

Keeping an open mind might have been a virtue on your board but look at it now and think hard about why you had to seek refuge here.
Don't bring your fucking garbage with you when you flee trash island.

>> No.14887017

Chill the fuck out, partner.

>> No.14887033

The info you are spreading is infectious though. I think >>14887003 is right.

There are a lot of things we don't understand or know, but this is not /x/. This is /biz/ and the majority of anon coming here aren't looking for alien theories and the likes

>> No.14887046

UND and the argentina -> SA cartel will bring 50 fold better gains.

>> No.14887056

I'm not spreading I just read and commented here, where it was posted (a thin-veiled /pol/ thread btw). You people like to shit talk jannies but you love to do their job yourselves.

>> No.14887065

We like to have a board for business and finance. Is that weird?

>> No.14887077

Then what are you doing in a /pol/ thread then?

>> No.14887108

How is this /pol/?! International relations is definitely a financial matter. I don't particularly mind /x/ btw. I thought the ayylmao post was pretty cool and well made, but I think it's highly undesireable to have every board shit it's content everywhere. Don't you agree?

>> No.14887130

so we are saved?

>> No.14887151

You're right and I wasn't even trying to discuss it. On a side note, perhaps in the future you will show more appreciation for the janitors' work or at least do some introspection when posting that 'fuck jannies'.

>> No.14887160

>Announcing a report
Enjoy your ban

>> No.14887199

I never post that, it's childish.

>> No.14887264


>> No.14887279

>t. literal child

>> No.14887563
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Fuck off mutts
You're the niggers of the planet

>> No.14887848

>what is putting mines on ships

>> No.14889137

Maximum happening

>> No.14889218

I have like six Ruger 10/22s, a Ruger .357 revolver, an SKS, an S&W Shield and a Mosin Nagant; will these be enough to protect myself from the skin ripping aliums?

>> No.14889299

Good that I put my money in shiny rocks that are lying in some bank vault.

>> No.14889370

nothing is happening brainlet it's all an act to make trump reelected

>> No.14889374

Trump has to show ((them)) he's tough on iran if he wants to be reelected. gotta show israel he's a good goy