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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1488217 No.1488217 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever encountered any workrelated conflicts, anon?

How do I reply to this?

>> No.1488320

Either, "No, I normally get on with others well," or, "A coworker and I had a disagreement on how we should proceed with x project. He had y opinion, I thought we should do z. We talked it over and agreed to do yz."

Any other answer and you won't get the job.

>> No.1489128


he wants you to wrestle him to see if you are strong.

>> No.1489150

That's a common test to see how you assert dominance in a boardroom setting

>> No.1489161

I'd probably reply with some bs about not really getting into 'conflicts' but that I do differ in opinion at times

>> No.1489200

"No, you?"

This will make him feel uncomfortable and it's your win

>> No.1489206

Recruiter here,
HR personnel are bound by law and obligated ethically to keep oral confidential. lick your lips and explain you understand it's best to give now to receive in the future. Will you give it all to get this opportunity or let the next candidate have it?

>> No.1489412

lol tempted to use this for shit job applications

>> No.1489420
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