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14881047 No.14881047 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ how do i stop being an incel?

>> No.14881064


have sex

>> No.14881079

I will tell you in Exchange for crypto.
Its no easy journey, I tell you.

>> No.14881096

ust buy link

>> No.14881133

Stop wanting to have sex

>> No.14881197

have sex

>> No.14881202

>tfw having sex with my gf tonight
feels good man

>> No.14881221
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why yes I fapped to 2B's vonana
how did (((they))) know

>> No.14881227

Buy V-ID, wait 2 years, buy any 10/10 girl.

>> No.14881228

Turn to pua tricks and scams. Out of 100 apptoaches one thot will open her vagina for you...its a numbers game. If you are 1% fuckable you need to talk to 100 thots to finally fuck

>> No.14881247

Oh im having sex right now ;)

>> No.14881278

Step one:



>> No.14881279

Having sex and posting on 4chan at the same time, sounds legit.

>> No.14881293

Get on my level; today my gf gave me the 2th pregnancy scare this year. Period came a week late....once her period came 3 weeks late...and once it just skipped....the anxiety will force me to become volcel

>> No.14881302

Be a volcel

>> No.14881313

Lift weights, lose weight (if you're fat), study how to pick up stupid, drunk degenerate cunts and you fuck them.

If you have glasses, get contact lenses.

>> No.14881319

>he doesn't cum inside his gf each time
just have her squeeze it out when you're done bro, problem solved. I've been doing that for years, no kids yet.

>> No.14881356

I use 3 contraceptive methods; condom and pulling out and fertility tracker

And still this bullshit happens

>> No.14881383

>squeeze it out
how does that work lmao

>> No.14881384

have you tried not having sex?

>> No.14881389

How can you even enjoy sex when you've played so hard into hedging for your anxiety?

>> No.14881414

Im into bdsm and i use herbal viagra. I fuck for hours at a time. I can live without cummin inside

>> No.14881452

Yes but nothing compares to a 3 hour hard fuck

>> No.14881485

It doesn't

>> No.14881487

oh i see. i wouldnt know ive never had sex and im 26

>> No.14881513



>> No.14881522

Increase your IQ

>> No.14881527

Im an ex player...or pua (trained by irl PUA).... by age 24 its too late to fuck or kiss a woman... by that age women have had a decade of weekly/daily sex and dozens of exes and then you come stuttering alone and dropping lasagna. Honestly its too late 4 u. BUT if you become rich they WILL ignore your virginity

>> No.14881536

ive already accepted the fact i will die alone. im okay with it. desu im 26 but ive got a quarter million dollars and i love myself so fuck it. ill just stay alone forever

>> No.14881562

Take your meds

>> No.14881563

Im impressed... BUT in my experience thots r not impressed by bank accounts but by posessions... buy a fancy flat or nice house or google whatsyourprice or seekingarraingment. Thank me later also...HAVE SEX INSECT!

>> No.14881578

Ok i will. Caffeine triggers my mental problems sorry.

>> No.14881588

wow watch you language there racist

>> No.14881593

well ur experience is fucking pointless. ur probably fucking an ugly fat fucking bitch. i dont need ur nigger advice faggot. ive got a fast car, nice house, big bank account and i could just buy hookers if i really wanted. thats real shit

>> No.14881598

Killing yourself.

>> No.14881922

fucking based

>> No.14881972

stfu nigger, absolutely not based

>> No.14881989

I don't know if you're serious about this, but instead of trying to see women as women, try to see them as human beans, the same as men. As soon as you learn to detach yourself from the sexual desire for them, you'll learn that they are, in fact, human beans.

>> No.14881994

anon i didnt fuck until 25 and when i did i took her virginity

>> No.14882020
File: 483 KB, 1172x1056, hands off the bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to see them as human beans
she certainly got bean'd

>> No.14882021

getting cucked obv

>> No.14882036

speak English.

women are whores

>> No.14882045

more based than you >>14881487

>> No.14882061

i will show up to your house and rape your throat

>> No.14882081

The fact that you desire them beyond your own understanding, and as a defense mechanism write all of them off as whores (because they don't desire you back: you're boring, shallow and uninteresting), doesn't make them whores.

tl;dr cope

>> No.14882094

> herbal viagra

.....go on anon, we're waiting.

>> No.14882111

have sex you're going crazy dude

>> No.14882112

I hate human beans.
I feel more empathy for whores than strangers I know nothing about.

>> No.14882134

i know i kinda like it, people are afraid of me, like im going to snap at any minute and murder 30 people in 30 seconds

>> No.14882174

Get in shape. Dress better. Realize you’re probably socially awkward and you need to work on that. Get out in the world. You didn’t get here overnight and you won’t fix it overnight. It will take time and work.

>> No.14882223

thats good and all but try to focus that rage on something useful

>> No.14882244

like what? ive got a good job, ive got a quarter million.....im not evil but im just bored idk

>> No.14882257

Herbal viagra like what?

>> No.14882333

I went through my entire life exactly with that "treat women as just your friend" meme and everytime I just become a mere acquaintance to them. And because of that flirting as a concept became so alien that I would feel as if I'm being extremely rude to the other person if I tried to flirt in any kind of way.

>> No.14882416

Rohypnol, duct tape and zip ties fren

>> No.14882433

how about trying to get some girls

>> No.14882442


>> No.14882476

ive had over 100+ females, 95% were atleast 8/10's,i got bored of them, so now i do crypto and got in link at the early stages (6 digits) and just buy as much as i can

>> No.14882483

>no fap
>resensitize dopamine receptors
>grow an actual prefrontal cortex
>start enjoying things besides porn, pizza, and video games
This is unironically how it’s done.

>> No.14882489

keep fapping then, it will bore you to death if it hasnt already

>> No.14882491

>he doesnt just taunt his gf and tell her if she gets pregnant that he'll just fuck off to south america

>> No.14882492

He didn't say treat them like your friends he said treat them like you would a man. Do you treat every guy you meet like your friend?
You still have to be upfront about what you want but just treat them like a human. We're all the same

>> No.14882494
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im already ded

>> No.14882497
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>Stop wanting to, have sex.

>> No.14882511

If you have money, porn, pizza and video games is literal heaven on earth. If you disagree, you're one of those retards that has to work for a purpose in life or whatever you all call it
You have low test. There's nothing quite like pulling up some videos of women spreading their ass cheeks only to see the hottest little anus you've ever seen only to get hard as fuck and blow a big load over it.

>> No.14882543

Yeah i don't flirt with men that are not my friends either.
The "advice" is retarded, that way you will never flirt or be able to show that you're sexually interested in them.

>> No.14882587

I'm not agreeing with you. I think the "advice" is the best in the thread so far. I very explicitly said you still need to be upfront with your intentions. Which means flirting

>> No.14882596

there is something better: doing it in real life. You should try it

>> No.14882656

No need to jump to conclusions, anon. You sound a bit bitter with no sense of humor. How long has it been since you've been with a woman? Since you passed through your mom's vagina?

>> No.14882707
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*huff huff huff*
*squats down to take a breather*

*Runs away*