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14872174 No.14872174 [Reply] [Original]

Im not even racist but the fact the first black CEO in crypto is goin to jail is som funny shit

>> No.14872245

He's just getting investigated because of faggot ass Roubini

>> No.14872263
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actually that is pretty funny

>> No.14872295

He ain't going to jail tho?

>> No.14872306

I am very racist and I also find this hilarious

>> No.14872448

I don't really like black people.

>> No.14872473
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I hate niggers, are there some proofs he is going to jail or killed by a white police officer?

Would be very cool.

>> No.14872479

I don't use bitmex for margin trading. Regular exchanges are OK. Even the 1:5 leverage is already risky, 2% moves give you 10% gains or losses.

>> No.14872487


>> No.14872532

The Republic of the Seychelles, with a population of 73,000, enacted the law in November as “part of a package of investment incentives proposed to enhance … serious private investment in Seychelles,” according to a memorandum on the law published by the Seychelles government.

The legislation stipulates that in exchange for the $10 million investment, the donor is granted “immunity from prosecution for all criminal proceedings whatsoever” - meaning they could not be extradited to any foreign country for trial there.

This Nigga is untouchable. Why doesn't CZ move to Seychelles?

>> No.14872537

black people and jail is a combination made in heaven

>> No.14872539

everyone hates this fucking nigger piece of shiet, imagine his time in jail, they gonna dump that ass

>> No.14872546

lmao you fell for that low tier fud are you a normie or something?

>> No.14872557
File: 33 KB, 600x350, 3BE9AE05-F578-4BD6-B4EF-A236DE11CFB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok very nice so if you're rich you can show everyone the finger and move there even if you murderd like 100 babies in cold blood. good to know

>> No.14872579

>immunity from prosecution for all criminal proceedings whatsoever
Holy fuck....i mean It sounds too crazy...if they get some high level criminal how are they going to stop burgers from coming in? By throwing coconuts at them?

>> No.14872582

> SEC / FED / FBI caring about baboon laws

seems legit

>> No.14872584

hes a nigger what do u honestly expect?
for him to by some small chance against all of the odds NOT be a criminal?
its a proven statistical fact that rich blacks tend toward higher levels of criminal activity than even poorer blacks.
so aurthur hayes going to prison for a long list of financial crimes including market manipulation.. lol, its just pottery to my ears.

the bitmex nigger will finally be where he belongs, in prison.

>> No.14872614
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this is how i know this nigger is going to prison.
pic related.

>hint hint, hes a US citizen, and operating out of Hong Kong wont save him.
hes already cucked by the US govt and CFTC just because hes a US citizen

>> No.14872628

usually people are flexible. eg their promise will be worth shit if the US ships a carrier in front of their island. of course they will then extradit that person. they will just come up with some mental gymnastics and "exception to the rule". i've seen that over and over again. promises by people are worth shit. the only thing thats decisive at the end is the length of your loaded barrel.

>> No.14872641

he wont go to jail he will just get a fine

>> No.14872657

thats not how it works sweetie when you deliberately manipulate your entire exchange to profit off of $140 million in trades in a single hour.

hes going to prison, big fucking time.

>> No.14872664

I really don't like black people at all and this is indeed hilarious.

>> No.14872669

Omg should I withdraw my funds?

>> No.14872680

is there a place we can bet whether he goes to jail?

>> No.14872696

you have to prove it first

>> No.14872718

isn't bitmex operating from the Seychelles ?

>> No.14872747
File: 31 KB, 480x480, handsomenazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly he is not the real CEO of Bitmex, his master is a kike (or two?) just check it.

But Arthur is the puppet and is going to jail.

>> No.14872843

next time those niggas go bankrupt, they can get their cons and coons to fucking bail em. The parasitical paradisaical tropical island cunts

>> No.14872859

Nigga if the US govt wants to get you they'll send glow in the dark niggas to bin Laden your ass, nobody gives a fuck about some faggot islands laws lmao

>> No.14872874

so Seychelles isn't under French law ?

>> No.14872893
File: 144 KB, 800x496, napoleonburningdownmoscow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the entire world is under french law

>> No.14872962

you don't get away with this kind of shit without getting sanctioned

>> No.14872974
File: 60 KB, 1070x525, sec-1070x525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEC here we won't do shit lol
Have fun with your unregulated market
Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?

>> No.14873048

They put anyone that isn't a faggot boomer in jail. Look at Shkreli getting seven years

>> No.14873121

They have a shell company in Seychelles. They’re operating offices are in Hong Kong and San Francisco.

The San Francisco office will def get raided

>> No.14873140

yes thank you!!

>> No.14873720
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>> No.14873783

This scam nigger surely deserves some jail time.
Not for being black and successful, but for actively trading against his customers.

>> No.14873795

Lmao if that’s true he’s fked

>> No.14873965

only 10 million to be untouchable? hmm

>> No.14874013

>trusting tropical island niggas

>> No.14874087

Idk why anyone still uses bitmex when prime-xbt.io exists.