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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14871476 No.14871476 [Reply] [Original]

Stablecoin muh backed by USD can't be converted for usd 3B circulating supply 100b total supply, stabilization mechanism inexistent, they just say if it's above 1.00 you can buy and make arbitrage, kek you can already do that with real stablecoins.
RSR is a scam guys, HAVVEN protocol v2, I warned about havven last october and they scammed in January, beware, anyone with a basic knowledge in economics can see it's not a feasible mechanism, is just a shit token that does not have utility other than enriching devs.
It's so obvious, what is the utility of RSR? Arbitrage can be made with any coin, they have no USD reserve, they never gonna make a stablecoin and prove the backing. It pumped a bit and now it's already down 20%, dev are filling their bags, I wouldn't care but I hate scams, I have a BSc in Economics and i can easiliy see through this shit. SCAM

>> No.14871497

3B circulating 100 total, how can't you see this? Check the mechanism, it doesn't make sense, for real guys, is /biz/ that stupid?

>> No.14871544

actual circulating supply is 6.3 billion but okay.
since you didnt know that little fact, im just guessing everything else you said is also wrong.

>> No.14871556


>> No.14871558

Sounds like an easy road to hyper inflation or back-door profiteering.

>> No.14871586

fuck nigger

>> No.14871618

wow this post is actually retarded. You realise once people start using the RSR to buy RSV the RSR gets burned right? Millions and millions are gonna start being burned very quickly once RSV is issued

>> No.14871685

Time to sell, looks like the redditors have found Rsr.

>> No.14871811

How do you retrieve USD for it?
It's the same shit over and over, you can convert 1 Havven USD stablecoin for 1 USD worth of havven, this is just the reverse engineering of that, economic models for stablecoins are not like that, kys brainlet

>> No.14871827
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Mmmm oh my god, stop fking lying

>> No.14871836

Enjoy your RSR scam, see you after exit scam, don't tell me I didn't warn you, cap this.

>> No.14871967

very big group shills happening with RSR. agreed. dreadful all around.

Buy TRV. Ride the coat-tails of new global Asian elite.

>> No.14872158
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>I have a BSc in Economics

Disco tranny confirmed

>> No.14873028

actual circulating supply on coinmarketcap has been incorrect for about 20 days now.
because you didn't know that, im assuming you really are as retarded as i think you are.

check the supply on coingecko and have your mind *blown*, faggot

>> No.14873045

Fuck off cunt, enjoy paying the dinner for RSRfags

>> No.14873067

see, and there you go proving that my assumptions regarding your low level of intelligence were entirely accurate.
im rarely ever wrong about any investment and my networth testifies to that fact.

and out of 2019, the easiest call there has been so far has been RSR.
i sincerely hope your posts are genuine and that you really are going to miss out on the easiest gains of a crypto decade.

>> No.14873194

Nah, I don't waste time talking with you, I've done my job, smart anons know their shit, read the whitepaper and you'll see is all smoke, RSR has been issued before the stablecoin because there will be a big exit scam, there is not mention of redemption RSV to USD, that's a big redflag, along with the muh "arbitrage" opportunity of a utility token that is just a ponzi scheme, Havven Protocol V2, that is it. Bitch. ANY ANON READING THIS DYOR and save your money before it's too late.

>> No.14873210

>easiest gains of a crypto decade.
Lol really. so desperate. just KYS faggot

>> No.14873262

Note nobody is answering about redemption for real USD

>> No.14873271


>> No.14873344

the whole point of RSV in general is to replace failing hyperinflated fiat currencies.
the USD is a failing currency, it wont make it even another 30 years at its current rate of inflation.
hence, there is no point to redeem RSV for USD.

your mother is a whore.

>> No.14873417

>replace failing hyperinflated fiat currencies.
Muh, shitty project claiming to replace USD with a USD backed stablecoin that can't be redeemed.
Getting off the peg, lol, just fucking KYS faggot
I know you're one of their shills, I'm addressing this to US Authorities and they'll close your shitty scam.

>> No.14873489
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When I finish my explanation and click submit, RSR devs will be arrested

>> No.14873607

It's backed by other tokens and assets besides fiat retard.

>> No.14873656
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It's over RSR fuck you scammers

>> No.14873668

No redemption, no right. Fuck you faggots

>> No.14873683

Peter Thiel and Coinbase are already investors. Peter Thiel literally holds RSR. 1/10 I responded.

>> No.14873804

SEC will see through your little scam.
There is no statement about coinbase investing, other than RSR website and contributors press.
All videos comments are disabled. This smells shit and SEC will figure out your little ponzi.

>> No.14873878

Why are you so mad? Lmfao poor bagholder watched all his shitcoins go to zero sats and now he's projecting his anger onto every other crypto project.

>> No.14873881

This thread and its desperate OP reeks of pajeet

>> No.14874019

Nah, I don't buy shitcoins, I hold FTM since 4m cap and Qnt since 15m cap, FUCK OFF

>> No.14874069
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>RSR is a scam guys!
>I know because I did two years of general education and took a few econ classes
>one of the biggest corporations in the world is copying it

Haha. Time to go from captain to major

>> No.14874140

GG EZ MAN, you'll be major bankrupt in 6 months

>> No.14874531


lol you taking time out of your day to actually do this, that shits just sad man

>> No.14875646

Yeah cuz there is a reward for whistleblowing and cuz I have passive gains so everything is fine.