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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14870944 No.14870944 [Reply] [Original]

>Inb4 the indoctrinated rednecks start screeching.

Well, the shitty economy aside (and yes, I can btfo with stats for those idiots that think this economy is "booming"), here's my reasoning.

Most jobs created are pointless. Most work is pointless.

If you actually think about it, this country functions through the consumption of pointless shit.

You do a pointless job helping maintain a business that sells a LUXURY (usually not a necessity like 95% of the time). It sucks balls. It has no meaning. It is just miserable. And then you use that money to consume pointless shit (and of course, on expenses, but paying your landlords isn't what makes the economy function. It's spending it on businesses).

So at the end of the day, this economy functions by you doing a pointless as shit job and spending that money on some pointless as shit luxury.

What the fuck?

Let me repeat that.

So at the end of the day, this economy functions by you doing a pointless as shit job and spending that money on some pointless as shit luxury

And then bootlickers want to guilt you into feeling like an "entitled lazy" person if you hate working a meaningless job. Bootlickers are retards that are smart enough to do a job, but not smart enough to question WHY they do what they do.

>> No.14870954


wtf did I just read?

>> No.14870968
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>> No.14870974

Yes, but wagies are so cucked they are never going to do anything about it so you might as well join the exploiters.

>> No.14870975

>tfw middle schoolers use biz

Learn to read. It's not that hard to grasp.

>> No.14870982

Anarchist here, when i came to realise this i embraced the clown world (except for the racist part of it). I wage at a startup and put all my savings in link hoping that i can free myself from the rat race

>> No.14871001

1) Git gud
2) Shut up commie fag
3) You will never make any form of socialism function without a racial and religious hegemony
4) There are too many dumb, brainwashed commie faggots to ever establish a racial and religious hegemony, so...
5) See 2 again

/end thread

>> No.14871011

He says, while posting in an image board where one of its biggest achievements is spelling nigger on habbo hotel. I'm sure you're a very smart person

>> No.14871022
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1) what the fuck? That has literally nothing to do with what I said

2) lmao this isn't an argument, retard

3) Again, wtf are ypu talking about?

4) not an argument

5) you're fucking retarded

You LITERALLY didn't offer one single counter-point.

Retard spotted.
Retard spotted.
This is not a drill.

>> No.14871028

What in the fucking HELL does that have to do with ANYTHING I said?

Retard. Stay on topic.

>> No.14871029

you'll get 3 eventually

>> No.14871031

critique of capitalism is so boring

in almost all cases it begins with the axiom:

Capitalism is defined by the entirety of our current system

and then proceeds from there, thinking it's actually attacking something which anyone is defending

you're so boring

of course we're in a shit situation

>> No.14871047

No, because it wasn't an argument, clown.

How about instead of being a pussy that runs and hides from arguments they are afraid of, you actually offer a counter-argument? ;)

Oh wait, you can't. Pathetic.

>> No.14871063

Your post offered literally nothing to the discussion... as did lile everyone but 2 other people...

Is it summer already? Oh wait, it actually is lmao.

>> No.14871069

depending on your worldview, everything is pointless. I guess you mean the majority of society when you say that, but even though it sounds selfish it only makes sense to prioritize yourself and what you value first. I guess your perception of the current standing of the economic system depends on your personal philosophy. as for me a consumerist based economy allows for the easy accessibility of tools to learn new skills and create, or really to just follow my passion. although capitalism undeniably has its detriments (sorry for the rambling nonsense)

>> No.14871075

This is the same reasoning the Amish use to denounce technology taking the "virtue" from labor by making survival tasks so easy and segmented it takes no effort so everyone has free time to focus on circlejerking other's wants instead of "real" work like sawing down a tree for your house for 12 hours.

Hey cryptoboomer. If luxuries are a vice to the soul of labor you can opt out at any point. Nothing is stopping you from going /inthewoods/ and going full survival mode so your effort can have the "true" meaning you desire. Hell nothing is stopping you from ceasing the use of your luxuries (like the computer and internet you are currently using which are 100% luxuries fueled by other people's luxuries) and joining in with the Amish cult. The thing about being in a luxuries circlejerk is while your efforts is not needed to keep your fellow jerkers alive partaking in luxuries while refusing to reach over and help your fellow gain his luxuries by working your pointless job is a dick move. Stop being selfish and grab my dick.

>> No.14871078

>Your post offered literally nothing to the discussion
then you didn't read it
you don't know what you're critiquing but you call it capitalism, and then you get in an argument with people defending what they believe capitalism to be which is an entirely different concept from that which you're even attacking
of course you're not going to be able to actually understand the position of anyone other than yourself if you don't even work to begin on the same premises

>> No.14871104

>you don't know what you're critiquing but you call it capitalism
What I described is literally how it works, stupid.

That is literally as simple as it can be stated. Ohh, It's because I didn't write a 1000 page book on it, huh? THAT'S WHY how I described it means nothing!

Lmao, you clown. That is actually how capitalism works. You buy shit. Businesses make money. They create jobs if there's enough demand.

It really IS that simple, stupid kid. I fucking hate psuedo intellectuals like you.

>> No.14871136

and i loathe people who think they don't actually have to think or understand anything in order to come to a conclusion
whatever man, enjoy your brainlet NPC opinions and cast your vote in the great liberating democracy to further pull us down into the quagmire of decivilisation

>> No.14871145

>says I don't understand capitalism
>doesn't actually say WHAT part of what I stated was inaccurate

This is why retards need to be gassed. Don't reproduce.

>> No.14871155

i said in my first post
you identify capitalism the exact position in which we currently find ourselves
and then believe that all of your critiques of modern life somehow strike at the heart of the fundamental principles of capitalism

>> No.14871156

>That is actually how capitalism works. You buy shit. Businesses make money. They create jobs if there's enough demand.
Its actually even simpler then that its just the recognition that private property can be owned and that ownership can be transferred. Everything else is extrapolations.

>> No.14871171
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>cast your vote in the great liberating democracy to further pull us down into the quagmire of decivilisation

Psuedo intellectual. This pompous talk combined with your lack of explaining how I'm wrong = you're an utter retard.

You don't know what loathing is. What I feel about retards like you who can't even make coherent arguments is not even describable. Stop putting a lot of BULLSHIT filler words. Anyone with half a brain can see you aren't actually saying anything with content.

>> No.14871186

>you identify capitalism the exact position in which we currently find ourselves

No, retard. I defined capitalism for what it actually is, not how we "presently are".

Capitalism actually IS just a syste where you work a job and spend that money on businesses. When there is enough demand for a product, businesses create more jobs.

That's LITERALLY fucking it, brainlet.

>> No.14871197

>transferring of ownership = capitalism

Okay, and what I said wasn't inaccurate, dipshit so..what the flying fuck are you crying about?

>> No.14871226

wen capitalism with no browns or jews and govt that believes the market should not be allowed to undermine the native population

>> No.14871228

The funny part about you faggy commies is that your opinion doesn't matter. What are you doing to reach your utopia? Reading the Marx you ordered off of Amazon while you live with your capitalist parents? Even if you're right or wrong, your opinion doesn't matter. Days will go by, the people you baited in this thread will forget about you, and you'll continue living in this capitalist world until you die, while reaping the benfits it gives you. Also, name one (1) communist country that didn't turn into a repressive regime that was eventually corrupted or toppled by the free market. Go ahead, I have time to read about it.

>> No.14871238

No it is inaccurate. Business and money are extrapolations and are not needed for capitalism to exist. Our current capitalistic system has evolved them but they are not necessary requirements. It would be like saying that a Communist system NEEDS a command economy. Its might be that in the most prominent examples have had that feature but its not a inherit part of the idea. If you want to critique an idea critique the idea not just the most current trend stapled on to it. Extrapolations =! Core ideas.

>> No.14871242

Why do you assume he is communist and not the other

>> No.14871254

>paying your landlords isn't what makes the economy function. It's spending it on businesses
you dont know what an economy is

>> No.14871258

I never stated communism as the answer.


You fucking RETARDS. Everytime someone criticizes capitalism, you dumbass bootlickers ALWAYS say "dur hur u a commie".

Also, all I'm doing is enlightening retards that have yet to have this epiphany.

With your dumbass logic, EVERY post on EVERY message board is pointless since they are just "opinions". Even if they have math describing inefficincies, you will just say "well that's pointless to bring up one way or another because you can't change anything".

Okay, then why the fuck did you comment if your post is nothing but a "pointless opinion" too? Brainlets lmao.

>> No.14871259

Cause this is /biz/ either you are either a sucker, pajeet, or a commie ranting about capitalism. He's not trying to sell me a coin and he's not spamming pink wojaks so.........

>> No.14871260

deflect deflect deflect
this isnt capitalism

>> No.14871265

listen man, i don't hate you, nor loathe you, i just think that your method of approaching these types of discussions is just bound to be fruitless

to actually critique the system you need to come from the position that the fundamental propositions of capitalism (private property) necessarily lead to degenerative tendencies

simply showing that right now there is a degree of adherence to private property [a degree smaller than at any point in the last third of a millennium] and that we are now quite degenerate does not create a causal connection between the two

literally any system of societal organisation is capable of existing alongside degeneracy - there is degeneracy in socialism, degeneracy in capitalism, degeneracy in fascism, there is degeneracy in existing.

i could take the current state of affairs and, just as easily as you do, blame state central planning for them, blame central decision making for them, blame banks, or jews, or christianity, etc. etc.

none or all of those propositions may be right, but they don't prove a point and only work when preaching to those who already agree with you, because they all attempt to prove far too much with far too little information.

>> No.14871271

hes too much of a communist pussy to answer this, best not to waste your energy

>> No.14871273

So... arguing symantics at this point.

Okay, to avoid the bullshit, let's just say I AM commenting about current america's form of capitalism.

There you go, now everything I said is 100% correct again.

>> No.14871278

god i would hate to know someone with an ego and a level of naivete as huge as yours

>> No.14871295

and now i 100% agree with you - but i don't think you would find anyone on this board,or on 4chan, or even on reddit, who would disagree with the notion that the current american way of governance and societal organisation is absolutely abhorrent

>> No.14871303

Progress! Very good.
Cool now respond to this >>14871075 as it is the dissertation as to why your objection to a luxuries based economy is retarded.

>> No.14871306

No, you're wrong. Real estate is a thing, but that's not what keeps the economy going. All landlords are are leeches. They don't provide some value. They don't create jobs. They just take your money.

Businesses are the actual job creators.

Thing is they all create meaningless jobs that don't usually serve any sort of purpose for survival. I'm okay with luxuries, but I'm not okay with the unhealthy obsession of it all. Like where do I begin with this shit. Working hours, being at the mercy of an employer for survival, having a job that has no meaning, etc.

Capitalism just creates a bunch of luxury products and jobs to sustain said business. That's basically the majority of it in this country.

>> No.14871314

>All landlords are are leeches. They don't provide some value. They don't create jobs. They just take your money.
how did the houses get there
>muh workers
who paid the workers

>> No.14871315

Yes it is, retard. It is capitalism in america. That's a fact. That's how it works here, summer fag.

>> No.14871320

>All landlords are are leeches

Not to blindly call you a 'commie', but does this not literally make you an adherent to the labour theory of value?

>> No.14871321

>I'm okay with luxuries, but I'm not okay with the unhealthy obsession of it all.
why do you care

>> No.14871328
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Not sure if larping or really that fuckkng stupid

>> No.14871332

america isnt capitalism
why are you so hostile? you know that doesnt accomplish anything right?

>> No.14871333

100% disagree.

>to actually critique the system you need to come from the position that the fundamental propositions of capitalism (private property) necessarily lead to degenerative tendencies

I am not even arguing about homes. I am arguing about the business aspect in America. It is not complicated to understand what I was saying.

>> No.14871358

What's wrong with not wanting to live in a shithole surrounded by mystery meat mutts that identity by brand and this months most popular sexuality

>> No.14871361

>i embraced the clown world (except for the racist part of it).
So you just embraced making honking noises periodically?
I mean fair enough I bought a clown horn too for the meme seems kinda bizarre to ignore so much of the journey to said absurdist conclusion.

>> No.14871366

>go in the woods dur hur

Fucking retard. That's like asking a lion raised on the zoo to just "go out in the wild" when they will just die off since they were fed their whole lives.

You also offered ZERO counter arguments to what I stated in the op whoch is that all thos system creates is jobs that do nothing for survival and just sell luxuries.

Dumbass can't even understand my point lmao.

>> No.14871374

You didn't say anything of value. That long winded bullshit post basically just says "just live in the wild then!" Lol.

>> No.14871377

this is like arguing to someone speaking russian
i'm not even attempting to call you stupid, we just use so many words in entirely different manners that it's impossible to exchange a thought with any certainty that it'll retain any remote fidelity once it reaches the other person

>> No.14871385

That is like what, maybe 5% of all jobs? Not only that, but blue collar work and engineering isn't something that would ONLY work under this capitalistic system.

>> No.14871393

Read.. carefully.. I even explained it in that same post AND in the op. Put 1+1 togethor. It isn't that hard.

>> No.14871411

I think most people would agree that we are heading for a recession or in one already. So I don't think the economy is booming.

The current state of many countries including usa is not what I would consider capitalism because of all the restrictions to trade e.g. tarrifs, etc.

If you were in a socialist society you would have a job because everyone gets appointed jobs by the government some jobs are pointless and because the beuracracy is inefficient the production of essential goods like food get mismanaged, resulting in starvation, this is what has happened in the past. You would still be complaining about pointless work, but you may get shot for complaining.

All the best

>> No.14871437

>What's wrong with not wanting to live in a shithole surrounded by mystery meat mutts that identity by brand and this months most popular sexuality
nothing is wrong with that, why do you think you're forced to?

>> No.14871440

>The thing about being in a luxuries circlejerk is while your efforts is not needed to keep your fellow jerkers alive partaking in luxuries while refusing to reach over and help your fellow gain his luxuries by working your pointless job is a dick move. Stop being selfish and grab my dick.

Why won't you grab my dick anon kun

You are bitching about work not having any survival based meaning when YOU CAN TOTALLY MAKE IT SO AT ANY POINT IF YOU WANT. You don't want to and instead complain about the circlejerk when your dick is being jacked off as we speak. Its rude to have your dick jacked while not jacking the dude's dick next to you. The reason it is like this now is because we don't NEED to scavenge for berries and fight off wolfs anymore and have such a large population that we need to occupy ourselves by allowing each other to take various opportunities to get our dicks jacked via pointless shit generated from pointless jobs.
We don't need to do real work its mostly been automated or delegated into super simple tasks that take no time. Decrying this is what the Amish do when they decry technology. You're being retarded at best and selfish at worse.

Grab my dick.

>> No.14871456

>That is like what, maybe 5% of all jobs?
>Not only that, but blue collar work and engineering isn't something that would ONLY work under this capitalistic system.
what's your point

>> No.14871457

Free market capitalism doesnt actually exist and the system we have is closer to Communism. We litteraly live in an oligarchy. 3 Americans have more wealth than the bottom half combined. There is no actual freedom, and the strictest regulations and most taxes are not on the biggest corporations, nope, they are all on regular Joe's and small businesses. The biggest tax breaks go to corporations and banks, the bailouts go to banks and corporations. All America is doing is trying to protect the banks and the biggest corporations by building up the military and taking from the lower social classes. It's a joke, and nothing to be patriotic or proud of.

>> No.14871460

That makes no sense.

Also, you are arguing "it gives us something to do". Ya no. That's kind of sad if all you have in life is a job that amounts to nothing more but a time killer.

>> No.14871478

Do you have brain damage, commie fag?
My "argument," (now try to keep up here,) is that as long as there are racial and religious divisions within the social hierarchy of a communal grouping (ie, a nation state,) any non competitive system you attempt to implement will inevitably collapse under the weight of its own internal conflicts. You cannot take multiple subcultures who essentially view each other as enemies, give them a bunch of unearned resources and expect that this will solve their differences. Capitalism is trash, but it's the best trash you will ever have in a nation that doesn't unify under a common creed and belief system.

>> No.14871485
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the real problem is there's too little demand and too much competition
you're competing hard to be a slave

>> No.14871492

What do you mean "so"? You asked a question and I answered it.

>what's your point
Lol... you were STRONGLY implying those homes could have only been created as a result of capitalism which is obviously false. Like just look at other countries with different economic systems outside of capitalism. They have homes too, don't they??

So my point, again, was that capitalism =/= the only way for society to have been able to create homes. It was a dumb jab on your part.

>> No.14871502

>confusing capitalism with corporatism

>> No.14871528

>any non competitive system you attempt to implement will inevitably collapse under the weight of its own internal conflicts.
Based off of?

>You cannot take multiple subcultures who essentially view each other as enemies, give them a bunch of unearned resources and expect that this will solve their differences. Capitalism is trash, but it's the best trash you will ever have in a nation that doesn't unify under a common creed and belief system.

I really don't buy this shit. Also, can you explain what you mean by "different types of people with different beliefs NEED a competitive system to coexist". I can't make any not of sense in that.

WHY would people NEED a "competitive environment" (also explain what you mean by "competitive environment") in order to coexist?

>> No.14871541

Didn't proof read
>I can't make any not of sense in that.
Supposed to say:
*I can't make any sense of that

>> No.14871542

>Also, you are arguing "it gives us something to do". Ya no.
Ah so you have a suggested for a better use of time that is survival based labor? Let's hear it and see how close it is to joining a cult.
We're all killing time until the time runs out dude.

>That makes no sense.
You don't have to participate in the luxuries economy if you don't want to. You don't have to domesticated if you don't want to. You are not an animal you can reason, you can learn, you can choose. The luxuries system is voluntary and just because you don't like having your willie wanked doesn't mean I shouldn't enjoy having my snake snagged. Staying is a choice and your choosing to be rude by not grabbing my dick.

Grab my dick.

>> No.14871579


Tell that to a farmer you inbred retard.

>> No.14871589


Learn to live, lemming.

>> No.14871593

You're literally too stupid to argue with. When you're done jerking off unicorns to feed the poor, go read Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes and get back to me.

>> No.14871620


crony capitalism but don't expect much from OP retard.

>> No.14871666
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>farming improves so a few can feed everybody
>kill wild animals so only humans are threats
>construction improves so a few can house everybody
>technology improves so anon can make pointless posts about capitalism on a siamese fighting fish forum

>> No.14871709
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This has been discussed to death.
Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same Shekel. Ultimately they both have the same end goal the empowerment of kikes at the expense of everybody else. Stop treating symptoms, address the cause.

>> No.14871733

You are so god damn stupid, you can't even back up anything you say and then you have the audacity to call ME stupid? What a fucking retard.

>> No.14871741

I make a good point, but ya sure. Op is always retarded. Why not.

>> No.14871928


stop eating pods

>> No.14871939

I didn't think it was possible, but your arguments are actually getting more pathetic. Go to sleep, summer fag.

>> No.14871951

It's an "OP needs to read 'The Cambist and Lord Iron'" episode. Here's your (You).

>> No.14871962


summer fag?

oh this is an incel hating on summer...

have sex

>> No.14872014

You just devolved this argument. You have no leg to stand on so you change the subject like a retard.

Go ahead and comment something retarded again. I'm going to sleep. Anyone with half a brain can see how ridiculously mind numbing your posts are.

>> No.14872047


Gibberish, got some more virgin?

>> No.14872066

He made a bunch of valid points against your retarded system. You just keep mumbling "mug commies" and "go live in the wild". Yeah go to bad and preferably don't wake up anymore, retard.

>> No.14872094

Agreed, no-one should be subsidized on another labor. End capitalism, end welfare, end the concept of "neet". You must work to survive and provide or die

>> No.14872117

What the fuck is even the point of living if we don't have luxuries?

>> No.14872219
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Define luxury

>> No.14872994

read up on that pyramid of want and necessity thing and everything will make sense. production and consumption of pointless shit happens because soviety has REACHED that level of want and it is able to produce things to sate the want