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14869482 No.14869482[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do poor people doesn't understand we are at war with rich people and we are losing the war?

Pic related, a traitor

>> No.14869493

as someone who grew up in poverty i can wholeheartedly assure you that most people are legitimately retarded and seemingly have no souls

>> No.14869507

I’m convinced 90% of people are NPCs

>> No.14869514

ah shit didn't mean to sage

>> No.14869522

oh absolutely
the worst is accepting that your family and most people close to yoy are no different

>> No.14869526

they basically only function by their instincts, the most fundamental and simple of thought patterns.

>> No.14869551

is this one of those white male incel nazi's Vox keeps warning me about?

>> No.14869614

Where did this meme start?

>> No.14869621

I don't understand poor people I'm Sentivate rich

>> No.14869622 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, it's a wojak come to life. 4chan is starting to scare me with this memetics warfare.

>> No.14869636

Video of this wagecuck trying way too hard to do a completely meaningless job.

>> No.14869769

I could understand it if he were gonna get a 100$ bonus for each sperg that doesn't screencap his own photo, but doing this for free is blatantly stupid, toxic and disgusting

>> No.14869856

>Why do poor people doesn't understand

>> No.14869873

the pol element on 4channel is so tedious. can't the seething kiddies stay on 4chan? pretty sure that's how it's going to work out eventually.

>> No.14869877

fuck off racist he is making a point here. We are fuck losing the war! It do something about this.

>> No.14869909

>traitor spotted

Go to do some free overtime for your boss to notice you humanabortion-senpai

>> No.14869916

Who are the rich people, Anon?

>> No.14869944
File: 40 KB, 663x530, 0235c77457la31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do poor people doesn't understand

>> No.14870105

Get the fuck off of this board you low IQ scamming shitskin.

>> No.14870126


>> No.14870136

Rich people detected.

>> No.14870152


Tech companies that doesn't pay taxes where they generate the money, politicians that don't have their max salary tied to min wage, ecelebs created by states giving them contracts to promote shitty local areas being paid with the money the gov steals from me each month

>> No.14870153


>> No.14870162

>politicians that don't have their max salary tied to min wage
can reddit just fuck off

>> No.14870172

>UHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR customer do the bad thing with phon mangerer get upset me no get shift >:(

>> No.14870183

92% are npc's yes
only the 8% are truly connected to the collective conciousness

>> No.14870351

when you spot a salty richie, you know you are right. The only way to save the world is to tie the min wage to the max wage via multipliers.

>> No.14870368

fuck richie! Back to Manson

>> No.14870386

The poor have become tainted with the promises of being rich. The poor no longer wants to control the richies, as they belive they will make it sometime, and so, when they arrive to the richie world, they don't want to have laws that forbids them to do the shit richies are doing rn.

The sad part is that poor people can't win, it's like blackjack, the game was rigged from the start.

>> No.14870403
File: 78 KB, 720x538, 1553919015414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you worked out that the rich and powerful people in the USA are mostly jews. Have you worked out the influence Israel has on us foreign policy and domestic politics. Have you noticed that the Jewish diaspora hates nationalism yet in Israel they are staunchly nationalist. Have you considered that most of your beliefs originate from Jewish intellectuals.

>> No.14870411

fucking richie brainwashed

>> No.14870415

I really can't understand how there are politicians in USA that have 2 nationalities. How burguers allows this? It's ruining their fucking country

>> No.14870417

Someone needs to turn this into a hail hitler meme and get the leftist outrage mobs riled up so he can go on the daytime talk show circuit about how Reddit ruined his life

>> No.14870431

No the only way to save this world is to nuke Israel

>> No.14870437

Fuck off bootlicker

>> No.14870444

>most of your beliefs originate from Jewish intellectuals.
it's just the west trying to fulfil christian prophecy. without jews there can be no temple, no antichrist, no return of jesus. we're actively attempting to make biblical prophecy come true.

>> No.14870466

Well, to stop a richie I only know 2 ways to do that

>Sepukku themselves
>Create laws

>> No.14870492

no u

>> No.14870499

BitGreen Airdrops in their Discord! only 21Million max supply
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>> No.14870503

This biz board has poor people flooding in for a shiny shekel. The exodus is a fact.

>> No.14870510

Also the biggest criminals in human history were always the richies:

Best poor assasins:
>Random Netflix Docu Killer
>Highway Killer
>Random rapist
>Random black kid school shooter

Best Richie assasins:
>Vlad Tepes
>Leopold II

>> No.14870518

Anon you are on the right track, you are just asking the wrong questions. Jews are actively ruining societies they enter, as they always have. Why have they been thrown out of 109 countries and over 1000 cities. Imagine you had been thrown out of 109 nightclubs, would you self reflect?

>> No.14870523

Wtf is a richie

>> No.14870550

End poverty shaming. Repeat after me "I'm poor and I'm proud".

Being pro-poor doesn't mean you're anti-rich.

Some of my best friends are poor.

>> No.14870578
File: 77 KB, 730x780, 1459872945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rich people are mostly jews you commie sperg
also subhumans are ruining social cohesion in a plan spearheaded by ze jews, not their fault but they have to go home
ze jews love diversity because they can blend in with the local population and point at nigger or muslim antics when they get noticed
they learned it after ww2 huwhite people uprising, it'll happen again in the near future

>> No.14870617

Is electroneum based?

>> No.14870634

I grew up in poverty as well and this is most definitely the case. Then they proceed to ask things like "why do rich people treat us like crap and are such assholes?" And complain about how "the only way to make it big is by already having lots of money" as they proceed to throw away tons of money on whatever low quality garbage they're mindlessly consuming. Rich people treat the average person like shit because they know just how bad they are and are disgusted by them.

>> No.14870657

wow maybe it's possible to not be rich while simultaneously thinking that it'd be bad to set the minimum wage at $200 haha wacky

>> No.14870677

Yea, it's almost like richies are alot smarter than your average ghetto black kid.

>> No.14870683

(((rich people)))

>> No.14871112

Cause education aint cheap mein nigger

>> No.14871125

You cant be proud about being stolen and abused everyday by the richies

>> No.14871128

Nah the other people were right. The rich started this war, dont get it fucked up in your head. They have a lot of resources to push this bs

>> No.14871159

Richies lie to poor people with shit like this:

>sugar doesnt make you fat, eat 50g of sugar per day (source EU daily sugar reccomendation)

And then when you lose a feet to diabetes, they will blame you for asking for neetbux cause you can't work and for your bad eating behaviour.

>> No.14871183

too busy being at war with the red/blue ties, the football team 20 miles away and their local community.