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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14868927 No.14868927[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is a board for businessmen, not slaves (sometimes called "wageslaves"). Can the mods please start IP banning slaves? Not only do they lower the level of discourse, but it's disheartening having to humor them in their crude attempts to improve themselves.

>> No.14869127

The majority of people who built the pyramids were not slaves you pompous bitch

>> No.14869147

We spotted the wageslave

>> No.14869152

>humans built the pyramids

>> No.14869166
File: 434 KB, 840x854, 1562462556210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao if you are browsing /biz/ and haven't made it yet, there is no hope for you

>> No.14869173
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>slaves (sometimes called "wageslaves")
Thanks OP now I want some moussaka. Assbitch.

>> No.14869177

Take off the tin foil hat

>> No.14869215

>implying aliens didn’t actually build the pyramids
>implying intelligent aliens aren’t real in the first place
Found the government shill

>> No.14869216

you seriously believe ancient civilizations could build such structures with no outside technology? we can barely build structures like the pyramids today.

>> No.14869273

We can do it easily. But there is no fucking point. Why would you need a fucking pyramid?
Generations of scientists have studied how ancient mega-structures were built and have made experiments to verify or disprove hypotheses. Put chem in charge of 10k niggers and they'll build you the biggest, best pyramid yet with no modern equipment. But nobody asks them, because selling bullshit like "ancient aliens came and for some reason dedicated years to moving stone around" makes much more cash.
All spotted alien spacecraft has been secret military crafts and operations. Retard.

>> No.14869328

There are a lot of people who would pay millions of dollars to replicate the intricate stonework of the pyramids and other ancient structures like the buildings at machu picchu, but nobody can make it happen.

>> No.14869373

these are the people we are taking financial advice from

>> No.14869376

based moussaka poster

>> No.14869386

>best pyramid yet with no modern equipment
ok buddy. show me these best pyramids constructed recently. they don't exist.

>> No.14869397
File: 549 KB, 600x600, 1563446038198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You post like a dirty fucking jew.
Sage and report this shit thread.

>> No.14869398

Luxor las vegas faggot

>> No.14869420

so whats your business?

>> No.14869430

rofl yes. totally the same thing. you win the argument.

>> No.14869450

Why would anyone fucking build a pyramid in god's own 21st century, you fucking 9gag tier conspiracy theorist.

>> No.14869470

tfw you've done no counter research

>> No.14869487

>Aliens show up in unbelievably sophisticated flying craft and build stone structures
There is a more advanced pyramid in Las Vegas. The pyramids in Egypt are religious artifacts built buy hundreds of thousands of sub Saharan African slaves. When you have enslaved an entire continent building a pyramid is easy.

>> No.14869508

It shows how right in the picture

>> No.14869521

Someone's grumpy! Just one more day of labor before your personal chore time :)

>> No.14869539

Calculations show, that when using a rope roll, 46 men can haul a 2.5 tons stone up the flank of the pyramid (=52° inclination).

>> No.14869550

Anime tester

>> No.14869564

lol this. Human has hands we can move objects we can do maths, we can make the pyramid. Fucking christ people need to stop being retarded. Also stop asking to proof it, you should fucking proof on how this is done by aliens.

>> No.14869753

there is a guy who can move amd upright 20 ton rocks with his bare hands using leverage

>> No.14870557

Why can modern day humanity create megastructures like ancient civilizations did?

>> No.14870888


I just got here what's going on?

>> No.14870897

Based larp

>> No.14870909

kali yuga

>> No.14870914


no desire