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14868914 No.14868914[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>co-worker asks if i'm a virgin
aaaaaand there's another job dropped

>> No.14868940

I always say 'no' even though it's a lie...we are all going to make it anon, every single one of us

>> No.14868969

>co-worker asks if i'm a virgin
How does this question even come up? Are you flipping burgers with 16 year olds?

>> No.14868972
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Just say no, fucking retarded faggot.
I fucking winged losing my virginity.

Matched with some girl on Tinder, acted like a faux alt chad. Managed to fake everything. I was kissless and I simply excused my in ability to kiss that I'm someone who likes face munching.

Ate pussy good, did all that shit. Managed to fake it until penetration came. Came super fucking quick. She was like WTFFF. And I'm just like aight you were my first everything. She was kinda freaked oit and suprised and said "well not too bad as yoir first time" and then I fucked her a again later.

Good times. Just wing it, faggot. You're gonna be a BTC millionaire you dont have time to worry about bullshit.

>> No.14869040

I worked in a warehouse. For 9 years. Every afternoon at 4pm the US Postal guy would pick our shipments up. For some reason, he started calling me Greg ...when my name was actually Ben.
First time he called me it, I ignored it for whatever reason. So everytime he would come, he would call me Greg. But there was no one else around. Fast forward many years, company finally more busy, hires me an assistant.
It was a couple days into training when he heard the Postal guy call me Greg and he turns and says to me (with the Postal guy listening) "I thought your name was Ben?"

I quickly left the room, and the building. Never went back.
9 years.

>> No.14869050
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sex isnt that great you fuckhead i swear to you it isn't. i'd rather jerk off to futanari desu

>> No.14869102

Why are they asking. If it's a guy asking you then just ask them why they want to know, are they gay? If it's a girl, ask her why she's asking, is she interested in having sex? Some girls will like it that you're a virgin, some girls respect that you're not a fuck boi and your just waiting for that special someone. They don't need to know if you've just never had the oppurtunity.

>> No.14869182

>30 yo virgin, never was in any relationship
>co-worker asks if I have a girlfriend
>lie and tell them that I do so they fuck off and don't ask me if I'm a virgin
>they start pestering me about my made up relationship, asking more details every day
>feel like shit for having to come up with new lies
Fuck, this is why I avoid any social situations.

>> No.14869189


>> No.14869199

Youve never been around normies?

>> No.14869220

Say yes, and if anyone gives you shit for it, file a sexual harassment suit.

>> No.14869232

fuck this place really is full of sperg autists isn’t it? I need to get the fuck off

>> No.14869235

>If it's a guy asking you then just ask them why they want to know, are they gay?
This is the worst possible approach to take

>> No.14869263

I did that once. They start talking shit about you behind your back and give you those looks while barely containing their laughter. Being a virgin doesn't bother me, normalfags teasing me about it does.

>> No.14869271
File: 23 KB, 428x343, 1546406546635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel bro, virgin here too. Wtf man this girl at work kept asking if i have a girlfriend, i mean i get it, its a social thing. But its making me feel awkward i just want to work man, but she kept following me around every lunch break, its fucking anoying as shit. Why do normies do this?

>> No.14869276

Why? I've never been asked if I'm a virgin, so idk. I thought it would be good advice.

>> No.14869281

Did you report them to HR? Threaten a lawsuit? If not you did it wrong.

>> No.14869288

It sounds extremely defensive. That's the kind of comeback that worked in middle school. In the real world they'd just pester you more, or possibly even accuse you of homophobia and have you fired.

>> No.14869297

>boss refuses to give me my raise until i have sex
wtf do i do bros

>> No.14869307

You can really tell the average age on this board is under 20

Now imagine taking investment advice from these "people"

Anyone under 25 isn't human

>> No.14869313

it's okay man. Just lie next time

>> No.14869337

Fair enough. I give bad advice generally. That's why I seem to fit in here.

>> No.14869342

This, honestly. Watching cute girls with huge feminine dicks experiencing what cumming buckets of baby gravy is fucking divine. I wish they were real

>> No.14869348
File: 29 KB, 399x385, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some girls respect that you're not a fuck boi and your just waiting for that special someone
kek women pretend to love shit like "saving yourself for someone" but they actually find it repulsive, they'll say it's amazing/refreshing/great and then they'll turn around and reject you if you ever try to have a romantic relationship with them (unless they're past the wall and are just looking for betabucks to settle with)
>oh no anon, I couldn't be that special someone you've waited for, good luck out there though I'm sure you'll find someone nice
>what's that anon? you want me to introduce you to my girl friends? I don't think so, I want you to stay being my beta orbiter - errr sorry I mean they're not really your type.

>> No.14869357

keep doing you bad advice man.

>> No.14869400

have you tried ignoring them

>> No.14869409

tell them she goes to another school

imagine their irrelevant opinion mattering

>> No.14869467

IF she's asking you if you have a girlfriend means that she's interested in you and checking if you're available you idiot. The fact that she follows you around just confirms it.

>> No.14869477


>> No.14869488

Go with your boss to Amsterdam faggot, you gonna have fun

>> No.14869492
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>> No.14869505

Think about it in reverse. The only reason you'd give a fuck about whether or not a girl had a bf was if you were interested in her

>> No.14869534

every girl that asks if you have a gf is basically submitting a gf application to you

>> No.14869578
File: 13 KB, 236x293, 1538138473961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necesarily. But if she's ALSO following you around then she probably likes you.
I had a few girls that had a crush on me and one followed me around and teased me for basically anything like playing videogames but then in computer class she'd sit next to me and watch me play games. This made it obvious although not to me at the time because I'm a fucking retard and worst part I also had a crush on her and blew my chances and then life went on and we separated when we finished school. There was also an another girl but that one I didn't really like and was kind of annoying.
Moving on to example two. This girl also tried talking to me a lot, asked me if I had a gf when we had a 1on1 conversation and when I said no she insisted that she saw me with a girlfriend. Basically forcing me to say I don't have a gf. She was kind of flirty and there were a lot of hints throught the years. Didn't like her though. After middle school I went to college, dropped out because of severe mental isues and was completely isolated and this is how I never had a gf. I am a kissless, hugless virgin. IF you like here don't miss your chance like I did. I'm 20 and I'm basically a volcel now.

>> No.14869626
File: 189 KB, 1462x1462, 1562223265002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell them she goes to another school

>> No.14869653

She must have detected a lack of Und holdings.

Binance cex soon anon.

>> No.14869670

Anon if you're happy then that's okay but there's no need to give up if you're not happier being alone. You're obviously a nice and likeable guy given your story and the way you told it. Hope you find a way through your mental issues, that shit's rough. GL.

>> No.14869757
File: 108 KB, 499x481, 1556977448783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me mid 20s
>getting eye exam with qt3.14 mid 20s optometrist
>she asks if I'm single
>yes I am
>*pause for her to respond, she doesn't say anything*
>ask her if she's single
>she starts gushing about a bf she's been dating for a few months and how great he is
>this bitch

>> No.14869766

Wrong, if she's interested she'll rarely be that direct, instead she'll ask if you want lunch or something. If she's asking if you have a girlfriend, it means she's asking for a friend.

>> No.14869780


>> No.14869789

>>14869578 don't listen to >>14869670
You're a dumb frogposter and deserve to be alone. You're a waste and a disappoinment.

>> No.14869792

>want lunch or something
>not being direct
in what world is asking someone out less direct than asking a smalltalk-level personal question holy shit lmao

>> No.14869803
File: 49 KB, 726x720, 1544183366226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty antisocial and I don't meet new people, ever. At least in school/college you were forced to socialize and there was a good possibility of getting new friends and a gf. Now I'm completely isolated and I've lost hope and I just dislike people in general so I don't even bother finding a diamond in the rough. Especially where I live. In a small town with less than 10k people where finding a gf with my interests is nearly impossible. This is why I'm kind of a volcel. I get the sexual urges and I get lonely but every time I think logically I always come to the conclusion is that it's better that I'm alone. I does hurt sometimes that you have nobody to talk to intimately and have no motivation. I don't know man, honestly, I'm not sure myself what I think. Thanks for the good wishes.

That is absolutely false. Girls do that trick all the time. Sometimes they might ask for a friend but they also ask for themselves.


>> No.14869812

Lunch can be seen as informal, and it offers the man the chance to make the official first move.
If you're Chad, true, but otherwise, no.

>> No.14870106

I'm sorry to break it to you, but you're full of shit. I don't share ANY interests with my wife, we just enjoy eachother's company, have fun, joke around, have amazing sex, and most importantly, we have eachother's back. Please listen to me, i was a NEET, started working out, building confidence, approached women, went on a few dates untill i hit it off. Within 5 years i have my own company because of a loving supporting wife, 2 kids and just bought a house. The only thing stopping you, is YOU

>> No.14870542

She wanted to fuck anyway, noob.

>> No.14870613

I just tell them yeah when they ask, the guys start saying "dude I have to get you laid" and the girls are mostly shocked and asked me how. Eventually they'll just think you're gay, because they don't know what autism is.

>> No.14870706

tell the manager. if he doens't act upon it, then let your local saul goodman pendant file a lawsuit cause of sexual harassment and mobbing at work.

>> No.14870736

dude just bang a prostitute. I lost my v-card to a thai hooker at 19 and had my first gf like 2 months after that. I would probably still be a virgin if it wasnt for prostitutes.

>> No.14870747
File: 191 KB, 410x409, 1562760069599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking to normies

>> No.14870794

This, i don’t understand you faggots. It’s 2019 and pussy is literally a few taps and slids away, you cunts are lucky
t. In relationships for 9years, so missed all the tinder easy pussy and what not

>> No.14870818

very true

>> No.14870824

kek imagine thinking what women think of you that you have to lie. Never gonna make it

>> No.14870827

Women only match with the top 5% of men on tinder. just lmao if you think you are top 5

>> No.14870943

i havent gave my opinion in an r9k thread in awhile but women need to match with a simple minded man like themselves, it doesnt matter how you look if you are fucked socially. you need to text like youre still in the 5th grade or pretend you were born after 2016

>> No.14870950

>my name was Ben
Was? Why did you change it again? What to?

>> No.14870996


>> No.14871110
File: 10 KB, 225x225, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miss 1 day of showering (I shower every day ofc)
>personal hygiene complaint