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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 321x801, BRAP_cube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14866178 No.14866178 [Reply] [Original]

If you know, you know.

>> No.14866195

what does the pink lady mean by this

>> No.14866205

what if I don’t know

>> No.14866213

What's it going for in the exchanges

>> No.14866246

if you're a faggot, you're a faggot

>> No.14866280
File: 278 KB, 1080x1920, untitled (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall already know what it izz sugah!

>> No.14866321
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>> No.14866541





>> No.14866613


Yes and.. go on

>> No.14866770

Second hint, I'll give one more after:

Synonym of peeling.

>> No.14866785


>> No.14866802

Nope. Try again.

>> No.14866812


BTC pair yes.. now what?

>> No.14866843


>> No.14866868

Last hint:

"In the wind"

------------------------------------------------- and

Now is old, often new.

Never sad, sometimes blue.

Never empty, sometimes full.

Never pushes, always pulls.

>> No.14866883
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, untitled (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another one babies, you all know brap-chan only do it for da brapstarz

>> No.14866937

WTF REALLY??? Wow that's huge!!

>> No.14867111

How much does shilling this shit make you?

>> No.14867152

I really want to smell a woman's asshole.

>> No.14867177


And nothing. Dude, if this was a job, I'd be doing a shitty job since I'm not like those TRUE or other reddit-tier shills that inject their coin into every thread. Just trying to tip /biz/ off to something that really has potential.

>> No.14867189

It has no potential and you know it.

>> No.14867209

Wouldn't be doing this for free if I thought that.

Like I said, if you know, you know.

>> No.14867278

Alright at least tell me what the complete answer is to your gay riddle then. BTC PAIR MOON? Is that it?

>> No.14867284
File: 45 KB, 600x853, 1505724643566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heads of the project are fucking retards. I was one of the first 50 in their telegram and every single major update they have is a nothingburger. Their token does nothing revolutionary outside of its branding. "Oh uh, we offer secure anonymous payment solutions for camwhores" as if there aren't 50+ other well-established crypto capable of doing the same fucking thing, but the difference with this one is that its logo is a farting ASS LOL GET IT, IT'S AN ASS, AND FARTS SOUND LIKE BRAPPPPPP. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

I participated in their airdrop and hold it, but Jesus Christ you would have to be a real fucking retard to pay actual money for this shit. Stop shilling it here, there's a reason mods are banning people. Even the leader of the project got banned from here, because his shilling is legit shit. It always comes down to, "WE BELIEVE IN PEOPLE, AND WE BELIEVE IN ASS HAHA GET IT ASS" every fucking time. Unless you are involved officially in some way with the project, you are a fucking idiot to get involved.

Don't get me started on the roastie they have writing cringefest medium articles, all saying the exact same thing and neglecting to mention why BRAP of all fucking crypto is better than say, Monero for tipping camwhores.

>> No.14867416

You alright man?

>> No.14867453

Based yet manbearpig level anger

>> No.14867456
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1538136539281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRAPP token?
Check these digits

>> No.14867537
File: 772 KB, 1932x2576, 1502008203518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess -
You're in the Telegram
Someone said "we need more /biz threads"
And the dev said something cringe to the effect of "YES, WE MUST SHARE ASS COIN"
And thus you made the thread, and the only reason anyone clicked is for the mild chance that there would be ass photos in the thread

It's a low-tier set of threads and the mods ban them for that reason. You guys are doing a terrible fucking job at making an ACTUAL use-case for your coin. What use-case benefits does BRAP offer that other anonymous currencies such as Monero can't? I'm not FUD'ing or anything like that, there's literally nothing to FUD. Your lead developer got cucked by his roommate last week, who stole his girlfriend and promptly kicked him out of the apartment, and he's addicted to drugs.

You seriously think there's a future with all of this? It's a chan meme, just like niggercoin. Sure, perhaps it'll pump in a crypto bullrun, but if that's the logic then why choose BRAP over something such as RSV for example? Is it just a long-term pump and dump hoping for memes to fuel it to a certain value, so that the devs can cash out and dump on everyone else? If there was actual revolutionary technology or benefits behind the token, and it was in the hands of competent people, then perhaps we'd have something reasonable to discuss. But instead, you reply with "You alright man?", pretending that nothing I said was true and/or that you have no idea what I'm talking about. But you do, you'd rather just not address it because you've been called the fuck out. Every fucking time this shitcoin gets called out, there isn't a single fucking defense of it other than "We are targeting a multi-billion dollar industry of passion and LOVE", as if that fucking means anything.

So I will reiterate my single question to you, and I would like for you to answer. If you don't know the answer, waltz on over to the Telegram channel that I'm sure you're in, and ask it there. Why use BRAP over Monero?

>> No.14867566

Go on..

>> No.14867611
File: 209 KB, 682x1024, 1498460088555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to clarify - I meant RSR, not RSV. I don't hold it so don't think I'm shilling it or anything like that when I couldn't even get the abbreviation right. I genuinely want an answer to this question, as nobody has been able to answer it as of yet. Not even the whore writing medium articles addressed it.

So since you're here shilling this fucking shit, and their website offers absolute jackshit, and their whitepaper is complete fucking shit, how about you figure out an answer to the most fundamental question before shilling it endlessly every fucking day.

And before you sit there and say, "You just need to read the whitepaper", it's only 3 fucking pages of horseshit and wasn't even written in Typescript or Latex, it was obviously produced on Google Docs or some basic-bitch word processor and exported as a PDF. It isn't professional and it reeks of amateur-hour.

Are you going to offer an answer, or are you going to just go radio-silence and make another shitty thread later hoping that nobody remembers the time you couldn't back up your shilling?

>> No.14867617

>I'm not FUD'ing

You are. You're coming off as an impatient and frothing at the mouth. You're regurgitating old shit about the dev, the same FUD that's been used over and over and over in each BRAP thread, despite the fact that he's been sober for months.

It's clear you were kicked from the Telegram and are salty like many others who acted like aggressive and rude dumbasses so you actually have no idea what's going on and just want BRAP to reveal everything. If you were holding from an airdrop, then why would you become so angry at the occasional 1-2 posts that populate the board? It's unnatural.

Go back to MILK and work on making it worth something.

>> No.14867653
File: 58 KB, 643x295, Screenshot from 2019-07-18 23-33-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even google thinks you're fucking bonkers

>> No.14867695

pls stop fuding. brapper is my only hope for an easy life at this point...pls..

>> No.14867759
File: 126 KB, 1170x1755, 1499243449435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are.
FUD means to spread "fear, uncertainty, or doubt". BRAP does this well-enough on its own.
>You're regurgitating old shit about the dev [..] despite the fact that he's been sober for months
He pops pills dumbfuck and has sent messages when he does it, many times very recently. You're ill-informed or lying, and neither look good as the self-proclaimed face of the project here in this thread.
>It's clear you were kicked from the Telegram and are salty like many others who acted like aggressive and rude dumbasses
I'm still in the Telegram and I check it daily, dumbfuck.
>you actually have no idea what's going on and just want BRAP to reveal everything
How about you check the Telegram and tell me what the fuck is going on? Because I've already checked, and there's nothing fucking going on. Oh wow, a listing on a literal-who exchange, so that people can continue to not buy it. Oh wow, an old roastie asking for likes on Twitter for her shit medium articles that are all the same.
>If you were holding from an airdrop, then why would you become so angry at the occasional 1-2 posts that populate the board? It's unnatural.
Because I don't like people who are pieces of shit. The heads of the project are pieces of shit, and you enable them buy peddling this shit as if it has a working use-case, which it doesn't.
>Go back to MILK and work on making it worth something.
MILK is just as fucking stupid, but if their dev team is competent and doesn't create a basic-bitch ERC token, then sure, perhaps it has potential, but I'm not involved I wouldn't be caught dead investing in that shit either.

Now back to my original question, why would anyone, ANYONE, use BRAP over something such as Monero, if the use-case is anonymous payments for tipping camwhores online? Is the answer because of the funny fart logo? This is the third time this thread I've asked, and it's the only question I've asked. Answer the fucking question or else I'm capping this shit.

>> No.14867766

I'm also one of the first 40 in the telegram, not banned and still holding my 69m airdrop. I stopped fudding it last week cus hey, if it moons it's free money; but don't delude yourself into thinking the project is going to go anywhere or gain adoption. As a memecoin (what it originally started as, btw) it had potential for a quick pump and dump 5-10x, but now that pajeets and mudslimes have attempted to turn it into this massive project despite not being able to code themselves out of a wet paper bag or even being able to put up a decent website, it's doomed to go the way of all other shitcoins that tried too hard with too little development.

I hope you didn't put real money into this, honestly. Like I said I haven't bothered to "fud" (read: the truth) for a week now, but don't get caught marrying your shitcoin. Or do, it'll be a good lesson learnt in markets and emotions.

>> No.14867856

No need to be so salty, trannies can use brap.me too.

>> No.14867968

>this guy is BTFO'ing my investment wtf do I do
>quick, call him a tranny!
Fucking kek, screencapping this shit when it archives and spreading it in every fucking BRAP thread I see. Thanks for helping me spread my OC faglords

>> No.14868086

Of course you are right , anyone can use brap or Monero. This is a free market so you can choose whatever you like to accept payments with. You can use brap.me and get Ethereum and other tokens based on ETH. It opens up an easy way to verify each party that you send to and confirms their own address for verification. We are giving actors and models and hoes a way to transact without their pimps. They can use Ethereum or a literally fart coin that started as a joke but grew in size due to network effect of them using brap.me. It's all about network effect and getting girls on board and getting them to use will encourage mainstream adoption which helps everybody else. It's a growing project and it will take time to activate but once it does , it'll do 100x. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.14868174
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I appreciate your optimism but investors haven't been given a legitimate reason to spend real money funding this project yet. Until a basic framework and unique use-case that make BRAP more than just a generic ERC token, there is no reason to adopt it over a proven mainstream token such as XMR, unless of course you're just trying to ride the pump to make money, which is what the project heads seem likely to do.

>> No.14868400

Think of this as a Seed round. This is the beginning of everything. If it does 1000x from here , that's great. It'll pump and itll dump in sat and eth and usd value when the celebrities begin shilling brap.me. we got a whole bunch of people involved and will make strides. Just you wait.