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14863194 No.14863194 [Reply] [Original]

I am a married man making $80k a year and I’ve been monitoring cryptocurrencies since 2014. Just recently I’ve decided I will buy in a project called Ethereum, but my wife stopped me by explaining it’s a risky decision which we should first discuss with an expert.
Now I know what you’re gonna say, I’m a cuck, onionboi or whatever else you can think of - but for some reason I agreed.
We’ve met with a financial expert on speculative assets, Thomas Philip next morning. A fine gentleman was my first impression when I saw him. He introduced himself while blatantly ignoring my wife who was standing next to me. We didn’t make anything of it and moved to an empty place in the cafe we met in.
After discussing my goal ROI, my initial investment, he started explaining basics of crypto. Now you see, my impatient wife jumped in and asked to see his portfolio. The young man slapped my wife without any hesitation while not breaking an eye contact with me. My wife screamed “I am pregnant, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”. He smirked, said “Me too” and then asked me if I can ask the question instead since he doesn’t speak to ‘roasties’ (what's that?!).
As I was charmed by this man’s confidence, I didn’t complain and asked to see his portfolio - but before I even finished saying the first word of the sentence, he already reached for his phone and opened his blockfolio app on his phone.
The portfolio was called “Fuck You Money” and included only 100% Chainlink, 350 milion in quantity. His phone then started ringing, he accepted the call while me and my wife just sat there and watched the man.
“Yes? Sergey speaking, who’s calling?”, he then whispered “excuse me”, gave my wife a paper with his phone number, winked at her and left.
We still haven’t figured out what it all meant but we decided to transfer all of our money from savings to Chainlink just to be safe.
Anybody else experienced something similar to this?

>> No.14863212
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Are you a Japanese salaryman?

>> No.14863221

Not reading. Not selling. Fuck your mother (and wife)

>> No.14863338

>that ID

>> No.14863463
