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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14862707 No.14862707 [Reply] [Original]

Leave it to the Biziots to claim that SQL is a better statemachine then blockchain.

Devery tracks product owners and verifies not only the authenticity of products but also it verifies that the person selling you that specific product has the ownership and permissions to do so. This means that purchases and ownership right rights are transferred by signing transactions with your private keys.

There is several key advantages to this over the virtually useless methods of serialization available currently. Also private blockchains are not useful for anyone. I can go into much more detail AMA

>> No.14862864

Devery is a protocol for product tracking and authentication. Anyone can create an app on devery. Markery.io is an example of such an app.

After creating an app account you give permission to other ethereum addresses to create brand accounts. Brands can then add products that they make and then mark each product with a NFT (ERC721).

Every marked product can be tracked through ownership transition.

Big Data collection and analysis is possible with certain smart contract functions.(Monitoring all of your products for stuff you care about)

In order to generate a ERC721 and mark products (letting you track their ownership). You must use EVE. Some EVE goes to the App developer and some is burned. In markery.io currently 1 EVE is burned for every product marked. As utilization rises and if development proves that burning and fees are the proper token model to move forward with, devery will have a deflationary aspect. Currently the team has stated that this is not finalized and is in active research. However that is it's current mainnet functionality and you can see example transactions on etherscan.

The marked added to products can be stored on NFC, QR codes, RFID, or any other method you can think of to store a sha256 encrypted hash.

This means devery works for both physical and digital products of any kind.

To see the toolkit for Devery you can refer to Deveryjs:


>> No.14862888







>> No.14863055

If it was /ourcoin/ it'd have more than 1k volume daily. That's fucking pathetic. The title belongs to LINK. Can see maybe VIDT or QNT making a run eventually, but LINK is KINK until proven otherwise.

>> No.14863108

Thinking any closed source project is anything else but a scam.

>> No.14863214

Eve is one of the most under rated projects

>> No.14863230
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Sorry bud. There can be only $ONE

>> No.14863296

Why haven’t I heard of this scam before now?

>> No.14863509


it's popping here from time to time

>> No.14863596

Imagine not buying the literal bottom of a fiftieth top 100?

>> No.14863653

it's a fucking scam retard. there's absolutely no market for this shit.

>> No.14863868

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.14863894

WTC got in the top 50 and it was an actual chink scam... imagine what eve can do since it's legit and actually used by UN, schools, governments etc lol

>> No.14864012

i see Devery like this:

1. 80% of their ICO was closed, private ICO so they have investors running for team's heads if they hasn't exited right after ICO
2. they got into JD.com accelerator which is nice
3. tech guy behind the project is solid
4. found first usecase in UN World Food Programme, no biggie and probably made via kith and kin, but still they delivered
5. team has tokens locked till the end of 2019 so (a) right now they are looking for market makers and planning marketing to make a buzz around project and make nice exit
or (b) they really want to work and make the project going or (c) it's dead, but i doubt it cause they would exitscam earlier, not now when bull is coming
6. with this lowkey low volume working nice gains are coming if they play this well starting now end manage to enter bigger exchange
7. current Eve's ATH will be nothing

screencap this

>> No.14864212

just accumulate for now. This will rise quickly once the protocol gets adopted

>> No.14864237

Fucking 1K volume on the books. Fuck off plz

>> No.14864254

Has been pajeet scam

>> No.14864281

Hey incel, we're not buying it. You make these threads daily. Eve is a shitcoin from 2018 that does nothing.

Enjoy your bags

>> No.14864413

Binance listing is in the works. Source I am on the team

>> No.14864433

Fuck off

>> No.14864488
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do the fck you want

nobody cares

>> No.14864515

Gay and dead. Get a real job pajeet

>> No.14864552

Funds terrorist. You fucking unamerican shit rags

>> No.14864596

Fuck what time is it in Delhi? All the streetshitters wake up at once?

>> No.14864632

Website links to animal porn. So not buy actual scam .

>> No.14864700

Actually supports terrorism. You will go to jail and meet Chad Jeet if you buy

>> No.14864729
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Stay poor

>> No.14864785

absolutely seething that he cannot shill up enough volume to unload on retards

>> No.14864905



>> No.14865056

Israel tax scam

>> No.14865288

Scam stay away

>> No.14865495

Shit and dead. Sell now or kys

>> No.14865503
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Wtf was that?!

>> No.14865525

We're taking off

>> No.14865621

Dead coin

>> No.14866311

Bokky still with this?

>> No.14866524

Yup that poopoo pajeet retweets every eve update

>> No.14866926


>> No.14867325


These fucking morons will never learn

>> No.14867608

It's fucking about to make the last moon mission look like a bitch

>> No.14867697
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50k EVE babe reporting in

>> No.14867960

Based and EVEpilled

>> No.14867990

Team tokens unlock soon? That explains the shilling

>> No.14868023

Tokens unlock starting in December and will unlock in stages over the 2 years that follow that

>> No.14868533
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