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14862162 No.14862162[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine wanting to get married in the current year.

Getting married is the ultimate beta provider cuckold move. It offers literally no financial benefit to the man. All it is is a legal contract to transfer your money to a roastie on a regular basis. It is the boomer equivalent of beta orbiting a camgirl and paying her a subscription fee.

Married cucks will seethe at this post but they know it's true. They signed up to be a roasties' mealticket.

All women are whores.

>> No.14862167

Fuck you.

>> No.14862174

This anon is being paid for this post

>> No.14862175


>> No.14862181

You are correct sir

And you are a normie retard

>> No.14862213

Tits or GTFO roastie

>> No.14862264

Levels of based and redpilled off the charts

>> No.14862291

its worse than a normal scam which at least has some sort of presumed financial payout, not sure what the payout is alleged to be on marriage

>> No.14862310

Tax benefits

>> No.14862381


>> No.14862402

My gf is a doctor and I'll still never marry her. Marriage is for fags only.

>> No.14862409

green ID confirms!

>> No.14862421


Anyone who isn't bearish on marriage is a cuck.

Would you give some random roastie 50% of your trading gains?

>> No.14862430

omg thnaks pay scam

>> No.14862440
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When pedophilia and incest become legal it'll be a great ROI. Provided child porn and prostitution are also legalized, of course.
Just wait a few years till right memes wear off.

>> No.14862471

All women have the potential to be whores or madonna's it's your attitude that generally defines which. You've only experienced whores because you're an unattractive beta cuck with deep seated hate for women.

>> No.14862524

>You've only experienced whores because you're an unattractive beta cuck
Lol? It's literally the other way around

Women pretend to be virtuous virgin Madonnas to rope beta cucks into marriage and whore it up with alpha males to obtain superior genes.

You are a beta provider.

>> No.14862569
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*stars beatboxing*
pssh bttsshh
pfft uh uh psssh psssh bff uh uh

>> No.14862580
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>> No.14862602

>yes goyim stop having kids and keep letting in third worlders to replace you
Fuck off with your MGTOW psyop jewnigger

>> No.14862608

The original intent of marriage was for a man to get exclusive sexual access to a girl in exchange for his resources.

Now that the former is gone, why would I ever enter into the contract?

>> No.14862609

retard virgin incel alert

>> No.14862633
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>i want to make it in crypto so i can get a qt virgin Christian wife to save the white race

>> No.14862641

>literally no financial benefit at all
Not that I care to defend marriage because I don't plan to ever get married but there are some benefits. A friend of mine lives with his gf and they're buying a house together, married would be no different except they get better interest rates on the mortgage. Also plenty of tax deductions can be made if married. He's a business owner and she's works at a university so when they get married he will get full health coverage + other benefits that he doesn't have now or pays out of pocket.

Also sign a prenup and you don't have to get completely Bezos'd

>> No.14862725

Not providing for anyone tho haha, just understand female psychology better than a bunch of autists. A girl doesn't pretend shit, the duality is an intrinsic part of her nature, what she really wants is to be a virgin in public and be your whore in private. When the dude doesn't fulfil her desires she looks for something better. I've fucked a lot of girls that had boyfriends, not one of those guys was exactly killing it in life or the bedroom.

>> No.14862746

>All women are whores.
Tell me more about you

>> No.14862799

>I've fucked a lot of girls that had boyfriends
Wow dude you're really selling me on this whole marriage concept.

>> No.14862845

>I've fucked a lot of girls that had boyfriends, not one of those guys was exactly killing it in life or the bedroom
So you're saying if you have a rough patch for a bit your wife is justified in fucking another dude? Who the fuck would get married knowing those are the terms? Cucks.

>> No.14862870

oh nononono bros

>> No.14862932

Reminder that it is a group of literal jews who post anti-marriage spam daily.

>> No.14863030

Prove it retard

>> No.14863072

Have sex

>> No.14863237
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> Only dates financially and emotionally demanding women because desperation
> Never realizes its his problem
> “Hurr all women are whores and men are paypigs durrrr”
> Kills his own bloodline while larping as being redpilled

Ultra mega brainlet detected. These fucking larps are as bad as women complaining about how she “can’t find a real man” after only dating/marrying losers.

>> No.14863272

Have sex

>> No.14863277
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>> No.14863299

Depends how long that rough patch goes for and how it manifests itself. You start drinking and playing video games how long do you honestly expect her to remain attracted. She's not going to go out and look for a new dude, but if some Chad starts hitting on her, why would she say no?

>> No.14863332

Even the gods don't like you

>> No.14863370

Even if you can guarantee a happy, loving and faithful marriage you never co-sign a mortgage. It's much more difficult to get a second home or loan if both your names are tied to your house. Additionally prenups don't mean shit. Divorce courts are heavily stacked in the woman's favor and judges throwing out prenups are becoming more and more common. God forbid you live in a state like California. If you're married more than 10 years, your spouse is legally obligated to half your assets. Regardless of how good of a (((lawyer))) you have draft up your prenup.

No-fault divorce, legalization of abortion, and birth control has completely fucked the institution of marriage in the US. There really is no point in getting married at this point if you're a guy. If you want to get married, go outside of the US or western Europe. Find a place where women value traditional gender roles and want a man to provide stability in their life and not some thrill seeking brunch buddy.

>> No.14863374

Niggers btfo

>> No.14863384
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>using bloodline unironically

pic related is you. kys

>> No.14863440
File: 65 KB, 728x508, imgbin-tobey-maguire-spider-man-internet-meme-rage-comic-humour-spider-man-uxdBTsaaPCUTxQqXJCzfz9jyY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PAYSCAM roastie

>> No.14863465

You don't get the whole picture. You are the last instance of your line, if you don't submit to the state and the whores your line ends with you.

And the cucks proceed to exist.
Honk, Honk!

>> No.14863467

>All women are whores

have you told your mom yet?

>> No.14863483
File: 386 KB, 1242x659, 31A42690-0350-4D10-BA0B-CBFA7226D958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy the fear
>sell the greed
Thanks just bought 100k marriages

>> No.14863511

chances are about 50% (divorce rate) he has.

>> No.14863516

Investors trade marriage based derivatives?

>> No.14863524

>some Chad starts hitting on her, why would she say no?
Because she made a vow to god that she would stay faithful for better or for worse, in sickness and in health?

If she doesn't follow that and that means nothing, what the FUCK is the point in getting married exactly?

>> No.14863606


>> No.14863614

I'll provide more context because you're missing the point. I've had tons of girls turn me down because they had a boyfriend. That boyfriend wasn't anything special he just wasn't a loser/ they were still attracted to them. A girls likliness to cheat is inversely proportional to the attraction she feels for her partner and how many experiences/ how long they have been together. They will go to extreme efforts to keep a man they view as high value. If you don't want her to look elsewhere just don't get lazy, keep hitting gym , keep hanging with your friends, be ambitious. If you want to just finish work, come home, crack a beer and browse the internet or watch tv every night with sex on demand you're going to have a bad time.

>> No.14863661

>staking 50% of your assets on a woman's feelings and vagina tingles
Seems like a pretty risky proposition to me with little upside to me chief

>If you want to just finish work, come home, crack a beer and browse the internet or watch tv every night
Yeah god forbid I want to relax after a long day of making a shitload of money, lmao. You are a literal slave for pussy.

>> No.14863678

Very based
Fuck roasties
I love my wife though she's different

>> No.14864581


>> No.14865578


True nazi /b/ros only marry pure ashkenazi Jewish qts with khazar milkers