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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14861490 No.14861490 [Reply] [Original]

I’m putting 75k in Vidt in $1000 increments every 7 mins starting at 4:37 ride the train with me. Do not repost on reddit newfags

>> No.14861505

same ;)

>> No.14861511

Holy shit

>> No.14861516

yeah me too

>> No.14861528

Yeah I’m actually putting in 95k


>> No.14861544

Cufking shullbit.

>> No.14861555

wow im putting in 750k

>> No.14861579

Post proof or gtfo. I'll dump this shitcoin soon

>> No.14861584

1st round done 7 mins till next.

>> No.14861586

massive sell signal

>> No.14861614

Post a picture or it didn't happen

>> No.14861617

If we can turn VIDT into /ourcoin/ to succeed Chainlink, and there are some indications we can do it, then we just need to suffer through a couple years of falling prices and memes before we finally have our big pump to make it.

>> No.14861638

I hold vidt and this obsession with making it ourcoin is idiotic. It wont be as valuable as link. That doesnt mean it wont provide gains

>> No.14861646

And let's be honest to ourselves here, Chainlink peaked out. A JSON parser shouldn't have a valuation in the billions.
We can consider the Chainlink project done and move on to VIDT. Should we start a petition to get this shift done?

>> No.14861664

It's /ourcoin/ in the way that /biz/tards unironically own a majority of the circ supply

>> No.14861671

Order in round 2 complete.

>> No.14861674

Yes we should

>> No.14861707

Wow sir you did not lie. Let's see how far are you going.

>> No.14861732
File: 58 KB, 960x540, vidtdemolitionman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14861773

Round 3 in don’t believe me sell me your bags.

>> No.14861783

Post address so we can track on etherscan

>> No.14861788 [DELETED] 


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX

>> No.14861821

Hey pajeet why are you posting this same shit to every vidt thread? Nobody will buy your shit or even take a look at it you fucking pajeet. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.14861822

Not Vidt, Fantom.

>> No.14861827

Neck yourself you keep spamming this shit on every thread holy fuck

>> No.14861853

This fag spams it in every thread
He probably fell for the scam and now wants people to buy his bags

Pathetic loser

>> No.14861875

Just keep shilling hard.

>> No.14861881

Sad thing is that he doesn't realize that he would make up his losses and profit too with buying VIDT. Dumb pajeet.

>> No.14861898

Place your sell orders and give me your bags round 4 is in.

>> No.14861920

Wow OP delivers

>> No.14862004

Is this guy singlehandedly making the price go up or what?

>> No.14862013

Round 5 is in This train is moving all aboard

>> No.14862018
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>> No.14862038
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Next /biz/coin is LIT anyway

>> No.14862042
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confirmed larp, faggoot

>> No.14862076

LIT gang will make it

>> No.14862086

LIT? Get the fuck out with your pajeet scam coins which don't even have their own developers.

>> No.14862105


>> No.14862106
File: 564 KB, 600x988, 1563466994888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine of holding LIT instead of vidt.

>> No.14862129

Bump for the cause

>> No.14862135

absolutely fucking based if true

>> No.14862138

Round 6 done sorry for being late chug chug chug

>> No.14862141

The hobbits win ... idiot.

>> No.14862190
File: 21 KB, 250x226, gay retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, extremely gay larp OP. cant believe all the newfags that believe you and cant check etherscan.

>> No.14862210

If he buys on idex it doesnt show on etherscan right?

>> No.14862269

Excuse you... round 7

>> No.14862295

OP paste you wallet address. I will jump in once I confirm the address. There are 3 transactions which correlate with what you mentioned, but I still wanna be sure

>> No.14862426

Hello there round 8

>> No.14862432

Show some proof friend. I love VIDT and I would dump 75k in it if I had the money. I want to see a big whale with some screenshots

>> No.14862444

such a fucking troll thread what a pajeet fuck

>> No.14862507


>> No.14862601

newfaq go back to plebbit stinky pajeet

>> No.14862668

>1k every 7 min up to 75k
So you're going to be doing this for 9 hours? If you keep posting the whole time (and you're not lying) /biz/ will believe you by the end

>> No.14862692

Go fuck yourself

>> No.14862706

are you fucking retarded or what?

>> No.14862714

literally dumping

>> No.14862811

4:37, plus 7 minutes, 74 times
Are you?

>> No.14862827

If OP is lying this is bearish and will send the price to 90k floor again cap this

>> No.14863001

If OP posts pictures of sell orders, I'll go all in. Just need the proof.

>> No.14863031

lol some motherfucker posted a thread saying he was gonna buy 50k worth of VIDT when it was at like 28k vits. Was an obvious larp but if someone had actually done that they would have made shitloads of money if they'd sold at the top

>> No.14863046

When will this fucking coin move? The volume is still the same it has been in terms of ETH, it’s just been going sideways for days

>> No.14863232

Zoom out. VIDT will be biggest gainer of 2019 ans so on.

>> No.14863307

>8x in a month
>wtf it hasn’t gone up in days

>> No.14863379
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>> No.14863454

Or perhaps is he wondering, why would someone tell a man before buying a big stack.

>> No.14863675

are you still buying?

>> No.14863703

you're both retarded. that's just showing transfers


>> No.14863759

Top 1,000 whale reporting in.

>> No.14863781


> He doesn't know about the scourging of the shire

>> No.14863783

how much do you need for top 1000?

>> No.14863795

Like literally 5 viddies

20k put you in top 200

>> No.14863846


Real dolphins are all those who are holding 50k or more VIDT. Real Whales are those with 500k as defined by VIDT.

>> No.14864119

This Larp is true ass cancer. People are laughing now but I am sitting at over top 20 wallet waiting for my turn to laugh

>> No.14864143

What price you finna dump

>> No.14864202


What value do you think it will be at when you're laughing based whale anon?

>> No.14864225

Honest answer? really depends on the BTC dominance ratio and overall growth. If shit coins like BRD can hit ATH of 200M or Electroneum nearing 1B then why can't vidt?

>> No.14864323

I see 10-20$ potential with VidT in the long term future

>> No.14864353

30m mcap is $1. literal high schoolers made a coin in ‘17 that got to that in a matter of months (OPT)

>> No.14864365

That's what I've been saying to people. We can at least hit a couple dollars.

However it almost seems like this token has such good fundamentals that people aren't speculating w/ it like other alts.

>> No.14864400

In today's market I think we could get that 50m - 60m mark but it would really need to get on a real exchange. No real marketing team at the moment is really hurting the growth on it but its giving people time to load up.

>> No.14864840

Top 20 holder here. Not selling till $10 and $35.

>> No.14864932

I don't think any of us can make it until well into 2020

>> No.14865099

Probably not but thats not far away.
Gotta wait till BTC takes off and is less dominant

>> No.14865342


Just compare VIDT to the magnitude of other projects with a much larger MCAP and no actual use case. VIDT is still in it's infancy, it has an unbelievable amount of room to grow.

It's going to at minimum hit $1, I'll be beyond amazed if it doesn't but considering everything, hitting $1 is pretty much a given.

>> No.14865394

>However it almost seems like this token has such good fundamentals that people aren't speculating w/ it like other alts.

This is true in my case. I am unironically just holding this time. i saw the pink wojacks of the past swingtraders and don't want to push my luck.

>> No.14865587


If we don't hit $1 then i don't know anything about crypto markets and no one does

Yeah we lost almost 70% of our value in two weeks. Mostly medium and small size wallets selling though, no top wallets

>> No.14865766

I think top wallets have been adding more. It's a real case of that "whales are accumulating" meme.

>> No.14866146

Based. Always pay attention to pink Wojaks.