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File: 182 KB, 400x400, brutal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14850913 No.14850913 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to know that when crypto finally, fully “goes mainstream”, you as a hodler will have a target painted on your back the instant anyone figures out that you’re crypto-rich?

This is something I’ve been wondering about from the very beginning when the concept of Bitcoin “clicked” for me. Assuming we’re right, and bitcoin/ethereum/< insert your favorite shitcoin here> goes absolutely to the moon someday - it necessitates a high likelihood of societal collapse as the cause for crypto’s inflection point to suddenly becoming something the world can’t ignore anymore.

When that happens, a couple unsettling things will assuredly take place:
1. Any public figure who’s known as one of the “crypto guys” (i.e. has been shilling crypto and writing posts on their social media about it up to that point) will quickly turn into a potential source of instant, unimaginable wealth, ripe for the taking, to anyone willing to force their private keys out of them by whatever means necessary.
2. Nocoiners the world over will suddenly understand what they just missed out on, and a couple moments later, become aware of the fact that they are now inevitably fucked to the highest degree if they don’t manage to get ahold of some of that sweet crypto for themselves.
Thus, billions of people will turn bitter practically overnight, and understandably so - towards the bankers and politicians that have lied to them and treated them as nothing more than literal serfs; but perhaps even moreso, towards the minority of crypto holders who have now gained what is, in their eyes, an immensely unfair advantage over them, just for ”getting lucky” from buying this weird memecoin technology early.

What will you do if that neighbor down the street who you had a conversation with once about Bitcoin, shows up to your house with knives and power tools and proceeds to torture you in front of your family until you give up the keys to your crypto wealth?

>> No.14850949

This happens to lottery winners.

The scenario you picture would require like 3 billion crypto holders, so this lack of holders you imagine just doesnt make sense.

the only other scenario is a major crash, so it wouldnt matter anyway. even with adoption, this shit will be volatile for many years, even decades

>> No.14850953

>when crypto finally, fully “goes mainstream”
You mean "if".

The answer is simple: live in the only country where you're legally allowed to defend yourself, America.

>> No.14850956
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>has been shilling crypto and writing posts on their social media about it up to that point
i wish i didnt do that and tell every person i know about crypto and try to get them to invest
none of them even invested
i was only trying to help them
now im known as that crypto guy

>> No.14850970

do yourself a favor and dont bring it up again. only bring it up after they become bagholders and you announce your retirement within 10 years, then you will be respected

>> No.14850972

come and get it bitches.. I'll knife u

>> No.14851002

This is why crypto wont ever actually go mainstream

Nobody wants a bank account with a balance that can get frauded away from them or to get tortured with a drill and lose everything to add insult to injury.

Until a crypto exists with "chargebacks" (which will never happen by design) it will never hit mass adoption

>> No.14851011

I suggest you go big or go home, anon. Don't cash out until you have island money.

>> No.14851055

Gee who would think that "being your own bank" would make you a much more attractive target for violent bank robbers?

Crypto is a joke.

>> No.14851120

That’s a weird way to spell “killed in brutal fashion and record time”.

This is what I’m saying. I used to do the same as >>14850956, but when I thought about this recently, I realized that if crypto really is to become truly valuable, it would be in my best interest for absolutely nobody to know that I control a life-changing amount of digital tokens whose ownership is literally designed to be transferred anonymously and in an instant to ANYONE else who manages to procure a small slip of paper with gibberish written on it, hidden in my house somewhere.

Yes I’m talking about the crash scenario. Which will almost definitely happen, given the state of the world economy, global debt, the wildly inflated Everything Bubble etc. Sure “nothing will matter” at that point, except the obvious food, guns, gold...but I’m saying crypto was born with the hope of being the ultimate hedge against the old world’s broken economic system. So if the crypto maximalists turn out to be right, that means bitcoin will soar in value beyond what any normie could possibly have imagined, and the problem is, all that’s standing between them and a piece of that pie is a person they know to possess a ton of it, and a good long session of waterboarding and cigarette burns.

See my paragraph above.
I think it’s incredibly shortsighted to count on that being an “if” rather than a “very high probability”.

>crypto is a joke lol
At what point does being your own bank, despite the risks of losing it, become a more attractive option than continuing to lick the boots of the puppeteers that run the most successful societal scam in history?

>> No.14851129

>When that happens, a couple unsettling things will assuredly take place
When? No dude, it already happens:


Like another anon said, this is why I think we won't have mainstream adoption in a non-collapse scenario unless somebody removes the "irreversible" part of crypto which would probably make it a lot more censorable

>> No.14851150

multisig and/or timelocked smart contracts

>> No.14851161

>At what point does being your own bank, despite the risks of losing it, become a more attractive option
It doesn't unless you're talking about full on societal collapse where people are being killed for canned goods anyways. Then it might make sense to "be your own bank" in spite of risks because you're incurring those risks anyways just by existing.

Most people do not want to be their own bank. Most people do not want to place themselves in that risky scenario unless they have nothing to lose anyways. Most people do not want to get a drill to the brain for internet funny money.

>> No.14851166

people kidnap other people and demand ransom for fiat too.
i dont see what your point is op.

>> No.14851171

Yeah that’s the article I was thinking of when I wrote the OP.

>> No.14851198
File: 21 KB, 480x480, DD7F0642-3FD0-4E3E-91ED-FFA51B9AE543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The answer is simple: live in the only country where you're legally allowed to defend yourself, America.
Also the most violent country with the most substantial amount of white people after Russia

>> No.14851202

Thats why you never, ever, talk about your wealth in public or flaunt it.

>> No.14851211

Why do you think ATMs have withdrawal limits?

>> No.14851226


>> No.14851246

>do yourself a favor and dont bring it up again.
i dont and when they ask advice or bring it up i pretend i gambled with leverage, lost most, and the rest sold at a loss and act salty so most of the dont bring it up anymore
i think im going to move when i finally cash out and have big money because theyll know it was from crypto and i was lying and i dont want robbed or worse

>> No.14851252


that is why The Citadel was invented

>> No.14851263

I can't instantly come to your house, put a gun to your head and steal your entire life savings in 5 minutes flat with fiat like I can with crypto. Kidnapping is a whole nother ball game of criminal risk and complexity

>> No.14851272
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>live in the only country where you're legally allowed to defend yourself, America.
they took my right to bear arms away because of a drug charge so i cant even defend myself

>> No.14851317

< Trust Verse>

I already got my estate planned anon so if I die my wealth will live on

>> No.14851382

1) Crypto is never going to "go mainstream". It's not going to replace money.

2) If you've been shilling crypto on social media, you are cringe. And a lot of the time, people like that are lying. Loads of people brag about stuff they don't actually own.

3) Ordinary people won't torture you, in order to get crypto. Lots of people have super-valuable collections of antiques, jewelry, collectibles, et cetera. If everybody tortured their neighbors over super-valuable stuff, there would be a lot more violence.

4) You might want to be concerned about criminals. Especially if they can figure out that you own crypto by searching the internet. And that's why you should own a gun, know how to use that gun, live in low-crime areas, and other Republican stuff.

>> No.14851408
File: 585 KB, 880x814, Research.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So true.

Don't ever speak of your holdings (HODLING)


Secretly accumulate and say you are looking into it: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2827989.msg51629410#msg51629410


>> No.14851429

If you're a no life neet just let people presume you're on the sick because you're a defect.
That way you won't be noticed, if you're in a bad neighbourhood just quietly disappear to somewhere better and just live comfy enough to be happy.
However, if you have a life, a job and aren't a social fuckup, then I don't know what to say anon, expect "issues".

>> No.14851436

>Lots of people have super-valuable collections of antiques, jewelry, collectibles, et ceter
Well art theft does happen but all that stuff is a lot harder to fence than cold hard hash or crypto.

If everybody was known to have 500k in cash laying around their house you would see a lot more armed robbery and b&e. Why do you think drug dealing is such a dangerous "profession" aside from gang shit? Tons of cash laying around and they don't go to the cops.

>> No.14851455
File: 67 KB, 854x570, 6F00DA84-0213-4C09-935E-E8BAFBC17B69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you do drugs? are you a degenerate piece-of-shit-hippie? the transgender surgery is not on this board. GTFO

>> No.14851466

Remember that drug users were the early adopters of BTC and likely dumped their bags on your dumbfuck ass at 19k

>> No.14851478

Your second assumption is sort of retarded. People could invest in penny stocks or IRAs for returns but don't because a vast amount of humanity doesn't care about finances. Maybe only a few thousand/million would be upset but even then it wouldn't be that serious. We don't cry over spilled milk when we're lactose intolerant anyways.

>> No.14851496

Bill Gates is rich. Bill Gates has a target on his back.

What's your argument?

>> No.14851498

we all know drug users cannot hold on money or anything else. they all sold years ago for their crack dose

>> No.14851504


>> No.14851517

Cope boomer Trumpcuck.

You talk shit on druggies but they dumped their 1000x bags on you when you bought in two years ago.

Go shill for Israel late adopter.

>> No.14851558
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1563353117464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was young and dumb and i made a mistake over a decade ago.
people do make mistakes
i havent used any drugs in over a decade
ive been against drugs for years now, other than weed, idc if people smoke weed. i honestly dont care if people choose to use any drugs but those degens always seem to lie steal rob and cause problems for everyone else which is why im anti-drug. potheads dont do that so idc about weed.

i did the crime of possessing drugs ages ago as a young adult and paid my debt to society. but it still haunts me to this day because im a felon for life, can never own or handle firearms, i cant legally live in most rentals, and my job prospects are severely limited.

it was my fault and i take full responsibility.
im a nonviolent person, im physically disabled and cant defend myself against anyone.
ive never been in any trouble since.
i sincerely believe i should be able to own a firearm, but thatll never happen.

>> No.14851565

If you knew how to use a blockchain explorer and knew what the silkroad addresses were, you would know this isn't the case.

But you are just a stupid boomer invested in a technology you don't understand.

>> No.14851570

Based. Also just live amongst other rich people, and live like they do. Get a house with a large fence, install cameras, alarms etc. Don't go live in a shit third world country and be surprised when you get stabbed over your valuables.

>> No.14851573

Hey OP it has already happened several times in history. New wealth bands together to protect their holdings through enhanced physical group security.

New wealth that does not do this loses their wealth in a single generation.

>> No.14851579

no druggies got rich from crypto
all druggies that ever had crypto always spent them on drugs
theyre stupid and didnt see or care about the massive potential of crypto and only wanted drugs

>> No.14851595

>no druggies got rich from crypto
Now this is coping. Next you will tell me no humble Fireworks salesman ever got rich off crypto either

>> No.14851599

That's fucking Nathan Explosion.

>> No.14851610

There are so many millionaires right now anon, how many do you think are being tortured in this moment in time?

>> No.14851634

Things That Will Never Happen: The Post
Also very low IQ OP and probably a faggot as well.

>> No.14851652

>Well art theft does happen but all that stuff is a lot harder to fence than cold hard hash or crypto.
1) Jewelry and collectibles are pretty easy to fence. Just sell them to a pawn shop in a distant state. Unless it's a unique piece, nobody is going to make the connection. There are thousands of jewelry pieces that look exactly like that. Also, if the jewelry is gold/silver, you can melt it down. Or remove the jewels.

2) Cash is easy to fence. (I mean, it's already been fenced, right?).

3) But crypto is difficult to fence. Try showing up with $500,000 of bitcoin, and turning that into cash. If you transfer the money through a bank, it gets reported to the IRS, and they will notice it - it's a red flag, and their first suspicion will be money laundering. They will want to know how/where you got the money, and you'll have to pay taxes on it (or go to jail). And if they figure out that you're falsifying a document trail, to make it look like you earned/bought the crypto, they're going to imprison you.

4) There are ways to exchange crypto for cash, without going through a bank or exchange (which are subject to certain laws). However, they are either small-scale, or illegal. I'm not saying you can't do it - but it's hard.

>Why do you think drug dealing is such a dangerous "profession" aside from gang shit?
1) Because drug users have no money, are often poor, often emotionally unstable from withdrawal, or emotionally unstable because they're on drugs. And they REALLY WANT DRUGS. So they decide to rob their drug dealer.

2) And drug dealers don't actually make a lot of money. That's a myth. The typical drug dealer makes less than minimum wage. Very few of them carry around thousands of dollars.


>> No.14851667

Bill Gates probably spends millions per year on security.

Also, it's not like if you torture Bill Gates, he'll give you his Microsoft stock. You can't transfer money/stock like that.

>> No.14852357

>Bill Gates probably spends millions per year on security.
no doubt. even most celebrities have private security

just look at the crypto holders in the news that have already been robbed by "friends"
or the crypto holder that got tortured with a drill in front of his young daughter until he gave up his crypto.
this kind of stuff will become more common as time goes on

>> No.14852624


dude if you are crypto rich then you'd probably just use a multisig wallet with the keys in separate bank deposit boxes, probably digitally stored somewhere, etc. it would be much harder for people to steal than today's bank credentials.

>> No.14852668

>multisig wallet with the keys in separate bank deposit boxes
thats what the winklevoss twins did. stored multisig in 12 safety deposit boxes at 12 seperate banks across the country and they only need like 5 or 7 of the 12 or something like that. i dont feel like looking up the exact details at the moment,
and the winklevi has the major advantage that theres two of them so if one of them dies the other still has full access.

>> No.14852760


yeah, exactly. and the winkevoss brothers have like a billion dollars worth of Bitcoin, more than most holders now would have even if Bitcoin went to 10 million or something. but no one has tried to murder the winklevoss brothers. it would also be pointless to try. meanwhile its possibly easier for a criminal to force you to initiate a wire transfer or Western Union or something with a traditional back account.

>> No.14852773

>Disclosing your wealth to anyone
>Keeping your eggs all in one basket