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14849914 No.14849914 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw got fired today for asking a coworker out

I wouldn't care but I can't put it on my resume now and have a 4 year gap because of it. How do I explain this at future interviews?

>> No.14849932

>for asking a coworker out
smells like bullshit man. What exactly happened?

>> No.14849939

The system tortures and humiliates you, and you cringe and worry about how to get back into its good graces? Pathetic. This is why you deserve to be a slave.

>> No.14849948

doubt it

>> No.14849960

Put it on your resume anyway and list a different (made up) manager name, provide your friends or your own secondary phone number and that’s it.

>> No.14849968
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Fuck bro you must have really creeped her out to get canned. Surely you're holding enough BTC & RSR that you won't have to worry about ever working again in a year.... r-right?

>> No.14849971


I'm a white male in America, I can't get free money

>> No.14849980

Yeah this is bs. Nobody with the basic level of social skills would get fired for asking someone out.
What are you leaving out of the story anon?

>> No.14850056

Then make sure you beg especially contritely for your dole. Don't worry, the masters won't let you starve for too long. Oh, don't forget, don't bother the women, peon.

>> No.14850075

he ugly

>> No.14850085

Why would you shit where you eat

>> No.14850095

>can't put it on my resume now and have a 4 year gap because of it
I'd still put it on my resume even if that happened to me

>> No.14850125

Just tell hiring managers that you were in jail - they'll understand.

>> No.14850141


use what money you have and buy an ar-15 and shoot the place up


>> No.14850146



>> No.14850174

Anon tell us what happened, If you do I will tell you how you can put the job you were fired from on your resume.

>> No.14850178


that was it. Probably made her uncomfortable because I'm ugly. Boss viewed it as harassment, fired me, end of story

>> No.14850192

>he doesn't know...

>> No.14850207

No point in even writing it if youre gonna be a pussy about it

>> No.14850208

hi anon, larp as a lawyer who represents those who were treated unfairly in their own larps. get a copy of your employee handbook over to me and i'll write a letter to your former employer. they'll fork over at least 5k just to avoid wasting money on the topic and more if they actually fucked up.

>> No.14850226

You're only meant to do that if you are as hot as fuck and they have a habit of sitting on your desk repeatedly touching random items on your desk.
Otherwise it's harassment on your part.

>> No.14850229

Use it on your resume people rarely check shit like that. Is it entry level or what?

>> No.14850344

good bit

>> No.14850360

now go find a small white owned company to work for

>> No.14850492

K, 1st off, just put it on there, they won't check most likely.
2nd even if they do check they can only ask, your position, pay & dates of employment
Your fine, don't worry!

A little story to show that no one checks, My dad worked for a company must be close to one of the top 50 on the S&P. Anyway, My dad got passed over for promotion, the guy that got the promotion to director went to Harvard. After a while my dad got his job when Harvard man got promoted to VP. Once Harvard man was VP the other VPs that went to Harvard started asking him questions about what teachers he had ect. His story didn't add up. They checked, turns out he never went to Harvard! Got Fired.
No one checks. Unless you give them a reason.

Best of luck Oppie

>> No.14851324

Approaches her like a virgin, BSV holder in the work cafeteria holding a plate of tofu squares;

“You don’t have to tell me your plans for the weekend, but you do have to eat these...”

>> No.14851829


>> No.14851836

wait how?

>> No.14851853

Just tell the truth if it's that simple.

>> No.14851907

You must have a friend / ally from your 4 year job who sympathises. Have a chat with him, clue him on on what he needs to say. Exaggerate his position if necessary. That's the guy who you put down as your reference. Done. Your next boss is probably going to be much better.

>> No.14851973

you can still put it on your resume. they can't lie and say you didn't work there. they can tell you not to put it on your resume, but you can still put it on your resume. who cares? I've gotten away with saying non-existent managers from jobs I never had are out of the country and just gave em an email and responded to them myself. just be confident and smart.

>> No.14851983

Who the heck remembers their instructors by name ?

>> No.14851990

I'm white and in America. Plan on getting free money via UND staking

>> No.14852094

Ass kissers