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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14848907 No.14848907 [Reply] [Original]

Should I got all in on ONE?

>> No.14848990

You shouldn't go all in on anything you fucking queer

>> No.14848997

yes you should we dumped our stinky linkys for ONE

>> No.14849002

Yes, but you should wait for the bottom. If you fomo in now you will be burned.

>> No.14849028

Sold my last stack at the peak from earlier today. So still on top at this point, what are you expecting the low to get to? Figured I would ride it out a bit and not act on instinct

>> No.14849439

The bottom happened at 99 sats you retard, rocket taking off

>> No.14850136

last chance to get in

>> No.14850161

Wait, you are not all in yet?
Ill keep price low for you, so hop on while it lasts

>> No.14850185

What’s the goal? Why would buying in now be fomo if we’re reaching for over 1000 sats?

>> No.14850271

Where should I buy it and when should I sell it? I'm just starting after deciding that I finaly want a 5 digit number for the first time on my account...

>> No.14850289

Binance use vpn if you're in america

>> No.14850299

I use crypto.com but verification took 2-3 days so knock that out asap

>> No.14850310
File: 8 KB, 249x249, richpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's looking more and more like it can break through the sell walls and binance chink bots, so I'd say yes

>> No.14850332

If you KYC like a cuck you can use Binance as an American.

>> No.14850346

literally a fake block explorer


lmao @ harmony cucks. just admit you dun goofed

>> No.14850351

Whichever way let's you get ONE is fine with me

>> No.14850356
File: 64 KB, 557x701, im.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody wants this crap, desu.

>> No.14850461

anon are you retarded? that isnt even 3 btc volume nice fud

>> No.14850592

Yes, better to go all in before Coinbase listing

>> No.14850618

Imagine going all in on this instead of Trust Verse

>> No.14850673

>Trust Verse
this name screams pajeetery

>> No.14850701

There is a fucking pajeet group spamming this fucking coin.

>> No.14850907

except its not a shitcoin you fucking double digit iq pajeet

>> No.14851033

This go beyond your iq