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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14846772 No.14846772 [Reply] [Original]

It's a fucking meme but fuck the trends are decent.
>btc just a distributed ledger
>antshares just an eth copy
>chainlink just a burger eating russian
>vidt just a md5
"just a"

>> No.14846832

Getting serious antshare vibes. All aboard

>> No.14846879

Lol right? “Just a”s are sometimes good investments. Easy for people to understand

>> No.14846895

its both a meme and not a meme, its transcendent

>> No.14846957

Better make those gains while you can. Starting July 24 idex is requiring KYC. All idex shitcoins are fucking done

>> No.14847011

>Starting July 24 idex is requiring KYC
>yo whats your name and what country you live in

Thats it.

>> No.14847027

Weak fud already debunked move on

>> No.14847042

Why is this bad?

>> No.14847220

Just loaded some more. Couldn't find comfier hold.

>> No.14847311

It is unironically the golden hold of 2019, All the fud is about them being a scam even though they're already a fucking functional business

VIDT will take us all far boys, get a 20k make it stack and thank me later

>> No.14847334
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, 1561777626751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didnt buy at 0.0002 eth

>> No.14847405

Yeah I unfortunately pay taxes so having a potentially verifiable transaction is actually preferred. The Fed does not verify with their eyes.

>> No.14847630

Isnt the withdrawal limit 5k with just ur name

>> No.14847695

Just verified my fat stack with my eyes. Prob won't verify again until $10.

>> No.14847725


I'm in the same boat, getting to a 25k stack and turning off the daily charts for a year

>> No.14847769
File: 254 KB, 960x768, 1563262526547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2648 vidies, will I make it bros?

>> No.14847914

Honestly it's really one of my comfiest holds even with the past week or so.

>> No.14847922

I actually also pay (((taxes))) on my crypto but Im not giving them my real name.

>> No.14848539

It s Dutch company out sourcing development to India

Their Amspec partnership seems more or less like a small pet project for Amspec

Niche use case that numerous other coins can easily replicate

Scammy tweets and associations

>> No.14848646


they've got a huge inhouse team


Their partnerships are real and only growing just look on their website.

Other coins are only specialising in validating specific things, VID-T is one of the only ones validating on a much broader scale. + they already have a Functional product and working business. something which many of the others do not.

Document fraud is not a niche use case ya bozo, it's a major problem inside many many companies.

Scammy tweets?? How? This is the weakest of all your FUD

Seriously why go around sprouting out this nonsensical gibberish? This is one of the only solid projects being shilled on BIZ. stop trying to fud people for fun.

>> No.14848675

Doesn't this just make it easier to track your transactions for tax purposes?

>> No.14848867

I'm sitting at 19k. How long til we make it anon? 2021?

>> No.14849752

43k Gonna make it.

>> No.14849778

QNT just a scam

>> No.14849806

This is honestly the year or simple utility tokens.


Coins like Vidt are going to shoehorn boomers into crypto because it's just so simple and works, oh and saves so much time and money

>> No.14849812

Meh 1/10 fud at best

>> No.14849836

I want to take a poll and see how much of the VIDT supply biz owns. I think it's around 40% of circ, maybe more. I funneled a ton of my LINK money in. The last few "whales" who bought at a penny dumped today. I still want to break the top 50 myself. The validation wallet hit a landslide record today. We're gonna fucking make it bros

>> No.14849856

what's the etherscan link to all the holders? the top wallets

>> No.14849881

this post is giving me serious anthshares vibes

>> No.14849902

Top 200 whale here. Only question is, do I give up my heavy Vechain bags to become a top 100 whale?

>> No.14849956

Holy fuck yes.

>> No.14849963

a token that has retraced that hard has some serious bag holders. the price will be suppressed forever by fat bag hodlers trying to recoup losses. If the coin has tanked 90%, it will never happen. All -in VIDT

>> No.14849966

Vechain? Even wallmart and bmw can't pump that old 2017 plebbit shitcoin. You can buy VIDT and get pumped out of no reason to riches. Do it anon and thank me later.

>> No.14849982

Desu, I have spent more hours FUDing veshit than anyone on this board. But unironically I will probably move VIDT gains into it after a 10-20x. I'm just waiting to see what the price of VTHO stabilizes at. Currently a thunder node would pay an annual ROI of 6%, and that should only go up, unless sunny pu decides to manipulate the price to make it cheaper. Either way, VIDT will gain much faster short term.

>> No.14850005

VID-T's entire usecase is going to be implemented on the BSV chain i just read yesterday news on it. -> legallychained.com

if you dont know about bsv yet i recommend you read thecaseforbsv.com, there's some decent overview

>> No.14850033

iota also just released a document verification api for free yesterday. That's only a fraction what VIDT is, and not at all what makes it valuable. So no, their entire usecase is not being implemented

>> No.14850082


20k is a "retiring for life in Thailand stack" when this shit hits $10.

>> No.14850114
File: 670 KB, 547x520, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but iota is a shitcoin and BSV the REAL BITCOIN...

Your argument has been DENIED

>> No.14850119


Guaranteed brand new car.

>> No.14850127


For me 20k is making it me boyo, I'm an artist who sells ma work so I'm always gonna work, but 200+k would allow me to do everything I possibly needed to.

>> No.14850313

> Entire usecase going to be implemented on the BSV chain

This makes me a little bearish.