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File: 147 KB, 1024x768, RippleXRP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
148461 No.148461[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New thread
Old one here >>106183

Ripple XRP and general crytpo-currency talk. All cryptos welcome. If you dont like digital currency this is not the thread for you.

>> No.148486

What is the deal with google coin anyways? Why hasnt there been much press about it yet?

>> No.148494

The dev team is still working on contracts capability so you can write your own law agreements within the Ripple client. As far as I last heard they have made good progress and are almost ready to roll it out.

>> No.148502

Blaxkcoins! Get on them! Being pumped right now?

>> No.148503

Haha I will assume you meant Blackcoins? what exchange?

>> No.148525
File: 43 KB, 1124x418, Google_ManyStable_MuchCryptos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a good investment!

>> No.148533

Yeah for sure. How do I get them anyways? What exchange do I use?

>> No.148531

>tfw sitting on 21000 mined black coin

>> No.148537

I just put .1 btc into xrp at 23 satoshi. I think it's pretty promising.
I'm expecting a nice big pump sometime over the summer. I can't imagine a coin with any Google association failing

>> No.148538

Nice one. What mining rig you using?

>> No.148542

I use Bitstamp but they take like 2 weeks to verify all your info. You can also get them free through donating computing power to World Community Grid.

>> No.148546

I'm right there with you. I think 2014 is going to be a great year for Ripple.

>> No.148547

I rented from leaserrig and mined most of yesterday

>> No.148549

I heard you buy them from a company that created the coin specifically to profit off of everybody who uses them. Might be worth looking into...

>> No.148551

Damn I am always late to the party lmao. Is it still profitable to mine? Or has it already been pumped?

>> No.148556


lel, samefag paid by GOOG

>> No.148562

No. net hash is fluctuating around 20gh/s now. I started mining it 1 minute after launch but was dumb and didn't rent a rig and instead just used my 1mh/s rig. I would have so much money right now it is terrible.
I don't know if I would advise buying in. I'm sure it will hit at least 5000 satoshi at some point but I don't know if it will crash back down to 1500 first.

>> No.148557

Wrong. The devs hold a 20% stake and the rest is given away. They haven't sold any of their stake because they don't need to. They have corporate backing. Take your shilling somewhere else.

>> No.148564

Of course I am a samefag wahahah

I am the OP I started this thread. Should I only post once in it?

>> No.148575

Ahh I see. Any other coins on the horizon that you know of? I already jumped off the Mintcoin boat and tripled up!

>> No.148581

ausfag here

The climate here is cooling down and I had an idea the other day:
Instead of turning on my electric heater during winter, I might as well buy a small-ish mining rig and heat my room while obtaining coin in the process.

Valid idea? I may start speccing a PC this weekend if it is, or is there new hardware releases on the horizon that I should look out for?

I got free electtricity in rent, so cost is not too much of an issue especially if it just replaces my heater which I will use anyway.

>> No.148579

Don't stress it OP. These bitcoin shills shit up every thread with disinfo

>> No.148591

I started mining Piggy coin but don't think much of it.
I'm just hoping for a decent price to dump at when it gets on cryptorush.

>> No.148599

Ausfag here too. What part? That seems like a great idea mate. Its damn cold here.

>> No.148603

You are not going to wiggle your way into good graces by calling people shills when you are the one who started a "Ripple General Thread". The last such thread devolved into:

>shitty XRP chart still looks unstable as hell >obvious downward momentum
>no bad news directly related to XRP in the news at all
>Doge rises
>Bitcoin outperforms XRP in percentage increase
>b-b-but muh Google

Sorry, the world has more power than GOOG and will decide which crypto it wants to use.

>> No.148605

I think that's the trick. Finding coins that haven't reached the exchanges yet but are about to. I wish there was a way to get that info easier than scrolling though crytpo forums all day.

>> No.148613

Who is trying to get into your good graces? lol certainly not me

>you are the one who said it is on a downtrend. it is not. BTC is however. get over it
>past tense correct. now? not so much

>> No.148631

You would have to be pretty silly to think that the price isn't going to rise by a lot again, even if at the end it fails completely.
I think the coin is still in beta and they don't even have everything working yet.

>> No.148644

I have a lot of Doge but I was thinking about starting to mine XRP too. Can I do that through World Community Grid? Or is it a different setup?

>> No.148653

sydney, so not that cold yet, but will definitely using the electric heater during winter.

I'm not thinking about making profit full on, just learning and a bit of cash back on my heating.

Know a good place to start learning?

>> No.148654 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't see why not. I there is still relatively few people donating computing power and they give out a ton of XRP a day. I don't know what the difficulty level could be equated to though in terms of Doge mining.

>> No.148655

Is the workload of World Community Grid CPU or GPU bound?

if it's CPU bound then your GPU can keep on mining whatever coins you want, while your CPU does the WCG workload

>> No.148656

That is definitely the trick. I've started this about 3 weeks ago and mined top coin and pot coin at release. I made 1 btc off that then went into trading for a week and went up to 2.3 (with the help of PANDA) then back down to 1.7 (with the help of PANDA)
I mined mint at release but sold at 4 and 6 ( :( )
Now I'm in PND SAT BC POT XRP and PIG and can cash out for 3BTC
It's honestly just retarded how much money you can make. If I had stuck with mint I would be at 14~ BTC.

>> No.148663

Is a good place to start if you want to know the basics. Since you're just starting out maybe try LTC mining?

>> No.148672

Yeah for sure. Mintcoin had a great run. I wish I had bought in earlier but I was late to the party.... again. If every altcoin did what mintcoin did in a week it would be a beautiful thing.

>> No.148675

You can contribute both

>> No.148680

Browse bitcointalk and look for any coins releasing soon with good logo and decent specd. Seriously. That's all I do. That's all I did for TOP POT and MINT and they were all extremely profitable.
If you have a rig you need to spam refresh and solo mine literally the second the wallet is uploaded. If you can instamine even one block it can pay off big time.

>> No.148682

This is what I do. I have been mining XRP for about a month because I have faith in the Ripple protocol. I will hold onto them until XRP is rolled out for real and then maybe longer. Its going to be interesting to see how the virtual currency wars play out.

>> No.148689

I need to start by getting some hardware first I think, tried mining dogecoin the other day for lols on my thinkpad, ended up triggering overtermperature reset

as in, the laptop just went dead with no warning, like if you pulled the plug and battery

tried it a bit more while watching temperature, can see temp climbing up very rapidly.

definitely need new hardware.

>> No.148686

Thanks for the tips! I will for sure do that.

>> No.148691

Laptop mining is questionable because of exactly that. The laptop can overheat fairly quickly and you can stress your processor.

>> No.148694

Once you get new hardware come back to /biz/ and tell us how its working for you. I like to hear those stories.

>> No.148701

What do you guys think of Karmacoin? Seems to be going up and down between 3 and 7 satoshis for a while now. I was thinking it would be perfect for day trading.

>> No.148703

I saw KARM on mintpal but haven't taken a close look at it. I will now though.

>> No.148704

I think it's very safe. I bought in at 5 and out at 6 during that last pump on mint pal.
I was planning on buying at 4 and holding for a while because i would not be surprised if it gets pumped to 10, even briefly. But all my BTC is in other shit at the moment and I don't want to sit around waiting.

>> No.148711

wow this is fucking rich. we have a /g/ crypto thread (PNDOGE) and a /pol/ crypto thread (XRP)

hint: /pol/ is always wrong

>> No.148712

btw black @ 3200
getting worried it's going to crash soon I might have to sell

>> No.148714

You and I think exactly alike. I wouldn't be surprised if it hits 10 either.

>> No.148716

Exactly, I don't really care since i was just trying it out for lols.

Know a good place to research mining hardware? All I know so far is "get AMD GPU" and nothing else

>> No.148717

Also I have Doge myself and love it. We are not at odds with each other.

>> No.148725

nearly all cryptos (including DOGE) are at odds with XRP.

ripple labs hired a shill to shit on bitcoin at the US Senate hearings. advocating for ripple is actively advocating against bitcoin.

>> No.148734

I never really thought of it that way especially since the Doge community has been great at bringing in new people that wouldn't have otherwise used crytpos. I think Ripple has the same mindset. Ripple is not out to detract from any other virtual currency but to integrate with them so that the market as a whole prospers. At least that is the take that I get from being on XRP forums all the time.

>> No.148735

fuck off with your crapple shit

>> No.148736

Mercedes Tunstall provided testimony in the Banking Committee hearing in the US Senate. She did NOT disclose that her primary client is ripple labs (then opencoin inc.).

She spent her entire fucking testimony shitting on bitcoin and why privacy is a bad thing.

She is the enemy of all cryptocurrencies. The hate on Ripple is not accidental, they created this animosity. Owning Ripple is going against the very foundations and principles of cryptocurrencies.

>> No.148743

for more information on why ripple is bullshit:

>> No.148756

I didn't hear about that but from a cursory look at the transcripts it looks like she is dead on to me. The things that are holding Bitcoin down are the criminal uses (silkroad) because of anonymity and because it isn't regulated. For BTC to gain any type of traction whatsoever it should be regulated so that MtGox doesn't happen all over again. Otherwise what protection do we have?

>> No.148760

Also this has been debunked.

People post that link in every Ripple post and it is terrible. If you run a whois on the site the people that own the site also have 3 other scam sites.

>> No.148763

I'm all for decentralized unregulated currency but I do not think it will work. Who wants to accept bitcoin when it fluctuated by $400 every month with shit tons being seized/exchanges being closed.
I get that ripple goes against what BITCOIN is, but not all crypto currencies. Crypto isnt about privacy, bitcoin is.
I don't even think privacy is a good thing when it comes to currency anyways.
How old is this? Didn't they release their source already

>> No.148769

I agree with this. People have lost a lot of money with Mtgox because they were unregulated and legally able to do whatever they want. What stops them from doing it again?

>> No.148776

>Didn't they release their source already
Yes they did. That site is all disinfo and lies.

>> No.148777

Irrelevant, ripple's original designer (Jed McCaleb) designed it to be as anonymous for users as bitcoin (but he fucked off because ripple is run by a wackjob CEO).

She is shitting on ALL cryptocurrencies. Removing fungibility of currencies removes the ability to use it properly (transaction costs would be too high otherwise).

Her HATE OF BITCOIN, which is HATE OF BITCOIN BY THE RIPPLE PROJECT should be known. Owning ripple is directly antagonistic to bitcoin, as you can directly see from her testimony.

Daily reminder that ripple shills are everywhere, take a look at the 24 hour volume of the coin, this coin does less volume than joke currencies.

that link is wrong. ripple is de-facto centralized, they're just bullshitting you. 99% of the users are connecting to a central server, nobody runs rippled.

ripple is just as volatile, except it tends to underperform all cryptos (no surprise as the creators/original-investors own over 90% of the coin).


>> No.148790

nothing stopped bernie madoff, nothing stopped cypriot banks.

scams will happen.



>> No.148795

>this coin does less volume than joke currencies
It is still in Beta. Also, why does everyone that has a favorable opinion towards something have to be a shill? Are you a shill because you like Bitcoin?
>ripple is just as volatile
.005 to .014 doesn't really show the epitome of volatility does it?
>underperform all cryptos
again still in Beta
>the creators/original-investors own over 90% of the coin
where do you get your info from? they own 20%. even they will admit to this
You are really misinformed my friend. I think you need to go back and do more research.

>> No.148798

>where do you get your info from? they own 20%. even they will admit to this
>You are really misinformed my friend. I think you need to go back and do more research.
you are straight up LYING right now.
20% are owned by devs
another tens of percentage by investors
they plan on distributing 55% of their currency, WHICH THEY HAVE NOT DONE.


>> No.148799

Is this an ad for capslockcoin?

>> No.148802

Only because it is still in Beta. When it gets rolled out this will change. From Ripple Labs:
>"Running the core group of validators lets us close security holes much more quickly, which is very important at least until major feature development is completed. The last of these major features left is contracts.
>So to recap, the general plan is to focus on contracts next and once their API is reasonably stable focus on building out the tools and testing needed to move to a fully distributed network topology.
>That said, we do encourage interested parties to start running validators immediately – this is your chance to build a history and reputation as a reliable validator so people will later be more likely to add you to their UNLs.

As a side note why all the caps and animosity? I know you think this threatens Doge when it becomes mainstream but it doesn't. Doge will always have a community behind them.

>> No.148809

it's more annoying to blatant liars when you're using capslock.

bullshit, this isn't about beta testing, the end state nash equilibrium is a cartel. you wouldn't fucking risk double-spend attacks when you're running a different list of validator nodes. EVERYONE HAS ALREADY CONVERGED TO THE SAME VALIDATOR NODES. THESE PEOPLE (see: ripple labs and their friends) HAVE CONTROL OF EVERYONE'S FUCKING BALANCES.

>As a side note why all the caps and animosity?
because people like you are lying to people, they will lose money. I would do the same with someone shilling a scam penny stock

>> No.148808

He just wants all the ripple for himself.
He knows it's the perfect mixture of regulation and anonymity to be successful

>> No.148815

I've actually run rippled and looked over the code. It's bullshit. If this wasn't 4chan, I wouldn't give a fuck because Ripple's going to die anyway because it's not viable from a technical sense. It's kind of a dick move for ripple shills to steal money from NEETs.

>> No.148817

>20% are owned by devs
Exactly. Thats what I said. 20% are owned by the devs and creators. Then they gave 80% to Open Coin which are in the process of giving away XRP at a fixed rate so as to decrease volatility. Why is this an issue that the devs want to keep 20%? Most companies keep 100% of thier profit.

>> No.148819

Were you spreading the same FUD before the three pumps?

>> No.148823

>you are lying to people
I will let the people do their own research and see for themselves who is lying lol.

>> No.148827

This is an issue because their giveaways aren't free. They're using this to make money.

It's not different than an average anon making a coin, owning ALL THE COINS, and then selling off the coins. You're not going to get many people stupid enough to buy it, the only reason Ripple Labs is successful at selling to idiot rubes is because they hide this bullshit around
>muh technologee
when their tech is not sound, and even worse, it increases fragility and centralization.

this isn't FUD. Ripple is not technologically viable. There's a reason why everyone is staying the fuck away. Why are they only doing ~$100K in transactions per day (when joke coins do just as much)? Why can't they attract the open source community? Because it's a fucking scam and anyone who looks at the tech knows it's straight up bad.

>> No.148830

They sell their coins to snapswap, bitstamp, etc. and make money that way to "fund development".

Why is it only Ripple that needs to fund that way? Why is everyone suspicious of that? Oh right, because it IS a scam.

Google invested in Jed and only in Jed. The moment Jed left, all investors lost interest.

>> No.148836

So tell me what is the difference between Satoshi Nakamoto creating a coin, keeping a portion of the coins, releasing bitcoins to be mined and mining a ton himself or Ripple creating a coin, keeping a portion of the coins and then giving the rest away? Protip: no difference.
>This is an issue because their giveaways aren't free
Actually the giveaways are totally free. It is mining that costs resources and electricity.

>> No.148843

Bitcoin WAS NOT PREMINED. Look at the timestamp of the mailing list and the genesis block.

Ripple was 100% owned by opencoin on day 1.

Giveaways made up around 1-2% of the total coins. Whoop de fucking do.

>> No.148846

>They sell their coins to snapswap, bitstamp, etc. and make money that way to "fund development".
Another lie. The developers haven't sold any coins yet. It would be dumb to when the value is low and it is still in Beta. The people trading on Bitstamp and Snapswap are the early adopters. Come on man! Try harder!

>> No.148848

Anyway coin distribution is a minor issue compared to the MASSIVE AND GAPING PROBLEM of the fact that a cartel of validator nodes can INSTANTLY ZERO OUT YOUR BALANCE, rippled's validator algorithm will make it so that the remaining members of the validator nodes <20% will reconcile with the cartel and suddenly YOUR MONEY NO LONGER EXISTS. This is NOT POSSIBLE with bitcoin.

>> No.148851

Either you're a liar claiming ignorance or you're a fucking idiot.

They explicitly say that XRP will fund their development. How do you think they do this?

This is somewhat irrelevant in any case compared to the BIG FUCKING DEAL that the ripple cartel can change your balance at any time.

>> No.148853

"Pre-mined" is a term used for coins that do not need to be mined. You do realize this right?

>> No.148856

I like the FUD because I havent heard anyone talk about ripple for a while and he is keeping the thread alive
on top of most people just ignore caps lock cruise control

>> No.148858

>"Pre-mined" is a term used for coins that do not need to be mined
arguing about definitions is bullshit, but you're fucking wrong. do a google search for: percent premine

everyone uses it in the context for coins that DO need to be mined, but people use the phrase "100% premine" as a derogatory joke.

>> No.148859

Not Australian but assuming you have enough money you get something like an ASRock Extreme 4 with 970 chipset or if you don't get that then some gigabyte, any cheap AM3 AMD CPU, 8GB RAM and then 5 or as many as you can get 280x's and either get a single SuperNova 1300W gold PSU or go dual 750W anything gold rated as long as markup for gold vs. bronze is not more than about a year's worth of 8% extra electricity on top of your base consumption with gold. Get splitters and risers off ebay and build a case for yourself.

>> No.148862

Yeah you really need to do more research. When they say XRP will fund their development it is when the money from angel investing runs out which hasn't happened yet nor will it any time soon.
>ripple cartel can change your balance at any time
Like I said Ripple Labs currently controls the servers/validators that get used by the network while it is in Beta. It is not their intent to retain control of these.

>> No.148865

If it was a derogatory joke then why would all pre-mined coins use it to describe themselves? That would be counter productive.

>> No.148873

this thread is bad advice central.

protip: buying new 280X right now is a bad idea. nvidia maxwell has AMAZING price AND khash/watt performance. i don't mine, but as a heads up, next month they're going to announce more than just the low-end maxwell cards. it's going to blow AMD out of the water and people will be dumping their 7950s.

>Like I said Ripple Labs currently controls the servers/validators that get used by the network while it is in Beta. It is not their intent to retain control of these.
irrelevant. you need 80% to form a cartel and those will have financial incentives to act dishonestly and they are LEGALLY EXPOSED TO COURT ORDERS ZEROING OUT BALANCES as well. The moment your balance changes from enough validator nodes you now have no money, and even worse NO WAY TO PROVE YOU EVER HAD MONEY IN THE FIRST PLACE without a LOT of work.

Bitcoin is NOT exposed due to the blockchain being able to prove the real balance.

i dunno bro, just know anyone using google can know you're fucking wrong (just like you're wrong about everything else)

>> No.148881

Pre-mine means some coins were mined before making it public, it could be all the coins, it could be a portion of the coins.
When someone says "premined" it can either mean that it's 100% premined or there was some premine, ideally there would be 0%. Scamcoins typically release with 0.5%-20% premine.

>> No.148882

protip: how many validator nodes to make someone's bank account frozen: AROUND FUCKING 20%!

if you can't spend your money, you effectively HAVE no money. there's no difference between $1 in a bank account and $1,000,000 if you can't spend it.

if 20% of the validator nodes reject spending from your account, YOUR ACCOUNT IS FROZEN.


>> No.148884

>will have financial incentives to act dishonestly and they are LEGALLY EXPOSED TO COURT ORDERS
The main difference I think is that Ripple welcomes regulation and Bitcoin does not. Which is why the whole MtGox fiasco happened and why they have a hard time prosecuting because of the anonymity and because there were no set rules in place. Ripple will be regulated and it will benefit everyone who uses the protocol.

>> No.148887

Im surprised he is still prosting
its funny because so far people have lost more bitcoins from the bitcoin protocol than scammer ripple devs hacking everyone's account and disappearing

>> No.148889

Good thing Ripple will be regulated huh? Whew for that. What about other cryptos? They don't welcome regulation? What a shame.

>> No.148891

but my bank account has control of my money how do i know they wont steal it

>> No.148892

no you misunderstand, ripple permits you to have contracts behind every transaction. For example, every single forex trade using the bitstamp gateway charges ~0.2% fee.

it is possible in ripple for direct transactions in the ripple network to charge a fee if you're using USD/etc. this is rentier credit card bullshit all over again.

once you get a cartel, they're going to add fees to everything and fuck you over. don't like it? fuck you, that's the ripple way. want to make competition? haha fuck off, ripple labs' cartel (see: what will be banks) own all the validator nodes.

>> No.148893

>Im surprised he is still posting
I am too lmao. I am having a fun time debunking and refuting all his lies though. Anybody with half a brain will figure it out I'm not worried.

>> No.148895

>nvidia maxwell has AMAZING price AND khash/watt performance
And they notoriously overprice high end cards so saying that the 280x is going to be history because of the $500 nVidia cards, not very likely. It all boils down to pricing but nVidia is not the one to offer the best cards for a competitive price.

>> No.148902

okay, we will see next month when they announce more than just than their bottom of the barrel low-end card ;)

right now the low-end card does 300khash/s at $150 wholesale @ 65W. if you didn't have to pay for mobo slots that's about as good as you're going to get and outperforms AMD on a cost basis for everything. their higher-end cards will be more efficient with their use of slots as they have a higher hashrate, they're scheduled to announce and release by the end of March

>> No.148903

Except you dont have to use the bitstamp gateway to send or recieve XRP or any currency. Besides, it is an open market. Other gateways will pop up and have lower fees. How is that any different from BTC?

>> No.148904

it's different because the validator nodes control the network and only need 20% for veto power.

validator nodes can easily act in such a way that is preferential towards certain gateways. 20% veto power is a fucking joke.

unlike you, I've actually read the rippled code and understand what the fuck is going on behind the scenes.

>> No.148909

bitcoin operates on a time-auction-basis. the miners can act preferentially as well, but eventually other miners will include transactions.

validator nodes can form a cartel and you only need 20% to say "fuck off, we want 3% transaction fees for everything, you play ball or you go home". want to use different validator nodes? haha good luck bro you're going to get double-spent.

>> No.148910

>validator nodes control the network
Ripple Labs state that they don't even want control of the network, just while they work out kinks and add more functionality. Didn't I say that already?

>> No.148916

You are not having fun. You have low self esteem and are pretending you are smarter than everyone by ignoring responses and saying you are right.
You are actually doing the opposite of what you plan because few people will actually read anything you say but see ripple on the first post lol
>more people have lost their bitcoins to the bitcoin protocol than they have to ripple from them stealing all of their wallets
>All that illegal activity
Your ID is hidden now but ty for bumping and feel free to continue in the next thread
Go to sleep anon you can do so much better with your life

>> No.148917

2 points:
1. they're lying. they get to pick the validator nodes as they're going to make the reference client. everyone will use their validator nodes because no one's stupid enough to risk double-spend attacks by using different validator nodes from the one everyone else is using.
2. it doesn't matter, you only need to bribe 20% of the validator nodes to act in such a way that is preferential towards higher fees. 20% is easy when the banking cartel is pushing for 1% fees or 3% fees for everything.

>> No.148919

Black coin pump looks kinda over
I sold @ 3000. I'm hoping its gonna keep dropping

>> No.148920


Dude I just want a heater with coin cashback, I want to start with a small-ish rig instead of jump in guns blazing

then if I find it profitable I *may* bother with mining more, but as it stands I'm not looking to make profit out of it, so no crazy multi-GPU setup for me.

Is there such a thing as a low-cost starter rig?

Also looking at other peoples rig I notice their GPUs aren't mounted to the mobo directly, they look like they're using some sort of USB cable inbetween? How does that work?

>> No.148921

>You have low self esteem
maybe. silly. tell me im cute it will help
> ignoring responses
I have responded to every one of your posts

>> No.148923

i assume that was directed towards me.

i'm not here to shill coins like you guys.

i'm just trying to give you guys a heads up that you've been rused. anyone who does anything with coins reads the PNDOGE threads.

>> No.148924

>they're lying
But yet they welcome regulation? Thats strange...

>> No.148925

>low cost starter rig
buy some 750 ti on as cheap everything else you can get (but with enough mobo slots). do NOT forget to buy risers. i know it's a pain in the ass but you HAVE to buy risers.

>> No.148926

regulation and marketing bullshit is largely orthogonal.

>> No.148927

Oh oops I didnt see the ID lol and thought that was for me. Sorry haha

>> No.148928

Oops not you I hid the caps guy :p
btw i cashed out 0.64 on black im praying i dont regret it

>> No.148932
File: 1.97 MB, 290x268, 1388203610276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not here to shill coins
>reads the PNDOGE threads
You're great. I am beginning to like you. You have given me some great laughs today.

>> No.148936

>some 750 Ti
I think I'd rather start with a single GPU setup, or is the hash/$ better with 750Ti? I thought Nvidia is terrible for mining?

Okay, so those are called risers. Why are they important?

>> No.148938

I would say that is the safe bet. Even if it goes up further I wouldn't worry too much about it. You made a good roi.

>> No.148940

well unlike the deluded ripple shills here, the people in those threads actually know how to read code.

the market isn't stupid, there's a reason why everyone's staying the fuck away from ripple. if it was viable, someone would've already forked their code and released a Ripple with no Premine™. nobody gives a shit because ripple is broken by design.

>> No.148941

I might have to rebuy in the morning in case people wake up to the price and start panic buying

>> No.148946

I don't man. Doesn't seem like Ripple is the one that had over a billion USD in Bitcoin stolen because of malleability issues. Every exchange got hit so you can blame it on every one of them I guess instead of BTC in general. It doesn't matter. You can feel threatened by Ripple all you want but I welcome you in this thread to refute any bad thing you have to say. Also, it bumps my thread so thank you. Stay how long you want and come back anytime.

>> No.148949

the malleability issue isn't a problem with the protocol.

there's nothing to stop gateways running away from their money. even worse, in ripple, if gateways default, it can cause a chain reaction due to trust lines. it's the subprime crisis times a million happening in an instant.

>> No.148950

Think so? I'll have to check the price too then. I didn't get into it tonight because I felt like it was too late.

>> No.148955

I wasn't expecting it to go that high at all.
It looks like it's about to crash pretty hard on crypto rush right now (hopefully)
I'll definitely re-buy if it goes sub 2000

>> No.148956

>there's nothing to stop gateways running away from their money
If they are regulated enough it can at least cause repercussions financial and criminal which would be a major deterrent. Also safeguards can be added to the system. But BTC isn't open to regulation and neither does it seem are the gateways. I don't see how that's going to work too well.

>> No.148960

Neither was I! That was a major pump!

>> No.148962

bitcoin exchanges are just as regulated as gateways.

if a gateway runs with their money, the trust lines cascade in default. this would cause serious reprocussions in the ecosystem. bitcoin would be a loss. it's the difference between the nasdaq dropping and the subprime crisis (reduction in equity is minor compared to a systemic currency default creating a ripple™ effect)

>> No.148969

>bitcoin exchanges are just as regulated as gateways.
Oops I meant Bitcoin exchanges do not look like they are open to the prospect of regulation.Bitcoiners in general act like regulation is a bad thing. I am not sure why. If they want to be taken seriously long term they need some amount of compliance with laws and need to be a lot more transparent than they are now. If they don't adapt BTC will unfortunately die off.

>> No.148973

well that's something we can agree on.

what kind of regulation may be an issue of contention, though. preservation of fungibility is paramount, it's a necessary property of money. some form of AML is probably a good thing, at the minimum it's necessary to prevent theft, for that reason I don't think many bitcoin exchanges are as anti-regulation as it may seem

>> No.148988

I would also add the anonymity aspect. AML is going to be hard to enforce without more transparency of users as well.

>> No.149359

I have looked around and really can't find an answer. Is there a wallet that you can store multiple coins in or do you have to get a bitcoin wallet then get a dogecoin wallet?

>> No.149364

I wish the Ripple shillers were more eager to activate people's Ripple accounts. This 25 XRP bullshit is getting up my ass, as I'm not about to pay real money for it.

>> No.151590

Go on XRPtalk.org there is a great Ripple community there which always is willing to help. Also if you put your Ripple wallet in your email field I would be willing to seed anyone as well.

>> No.151630


I presumably have ~50 XRP coming my way from Computing For Good, but that's still stuck in "submitted". The ongoing spottiness of XRP payments from CFG just does not reflect well on Ripple as a whole.

Also, how do I sell XRP for USD? I don't mean "in-network" USD, I mean USD that I can actually put into a fiat account.

This kind of information is just fucking scarce at the moment...

>> No.151646

What is worth mining now?

>> No.151667

>but that's still stuck in "submitted"
I went through the same thing with CFG. It takes a few days for the first XRP to be sent out but once that happens it's like clockwork, at least once a day and sometimes 2-3 times a day. As far as selling XRP you can either convert it through Ripple into USD or trade through a gateway like SnapSwap or Bitstamp and be able to deposit from there directly into your bank account. I use Bitstamp.

>> No.151698

im mining ur mum rite now

>> No.151714

lel good luck with your sandstone goals of 2015 anon

>> No.151716


>> No.151729


...are you a wizard? Do you work for Ripple? Because my payment literally JUST went through.

I'm still not sold on coins as a whole, but at least now I get to spend my CPU cycles on curing cancer instead of pointless mining shit. If the whole thing falls through tomorrow, whatever, the researchers still needed that computer time.

>> No.151736

I use http://coinchoose.com/
They are usually up to date in terms of mining difficulty levels

>> No.151742


Want it back?

>> No.151771

I am a wizard! Hahaha
Yeah that is how I look at it too. I like the fact that you can "mine" and it actually goes somewhere good instead of just wasting resources.
No worries. Just use it to seed someone else if you see an opportunity

>> No.151780

You can't fit multiple(2+) dual/tripleslot GPUs without them. If you only get one single GPU they don't matter at all, but you will also be getting less heat than what you get from your current PC, that nVidia GPU suggested is good for mining but you'll be getting more than 10 times less heat than some shitty cheapo heater would give, that GPU is specifically great for mining because it wasted very little power, thus produces little heat.

>> No.151814

I agree with this. It is what I use.

>> No.151827

Is there any resource that anyone knows about besides scrolling through walls of bitcoin forums that shows new coins about to hit exchanges? I would think something like that would be very useful.

>> No.151833

Not that I know of. I would be interested in that too.

>> No.151864

There are a couple like this that list new coins and launches and sometimes exchanges, but as for exchanges it's better to just monitor the threads of the coins.

>> No.151891

Nothing is really sticking out to me. Looks like all shitcoins tbh.

>> No.151904

Pretty much lol. Most of them are P&D

>> No.152032

XRP looks really promising to me, I just checked it out the last couple days. Looks like they are legitimate and taken more seriously because of corporate backing. I have high hopes for Ripple.

>> No.152058

I didn't realize there was such a big Ripple community on 4chan. I know on /b/ I would see an occasional Ripple thread but they were popping up on /pol/ and now here.

>> No.152073

Even with all the other crypto shills spamming that Ripple is a scam to try and supress XRP because they feel threatened I think that it will continue to grow and thrive. Ripple will be around for a very long time and I think they just have to get used to that.

>> No.152093

What is XRP's difficulty? Worth mining?

>> No.152102

Oh I agree with that. The functionality in the Ripple protocol is incredibly useful even without the virtual currency aspect.

>> No.152120

For sure. There isn't really a set difficulty because it is different from conventional mining. Basically you are donating your computing power to map cancer markers and they (World Community Grid) in turn give you XRP. They use an algorithm that calculates the amount of processing power split over the number of users to determine how much XRP to dole out. Right now I think they are giving away about a million XRP a day split between "miners".

>> No.152130

I have been mining XRP for about a week. Will probably hold on to them for when the value bumps up mid this year.

>> No.152158


why do I even need to activate this

>> No.152174

It is pretty much an anti-spam measure and helps prevent against DDoS attacks.

I seeded your account

>> No.152196

thank you
at first I was interested in ripple, then I heard it was a scam, now I'm interested again, after realizing it's more than just XRP

>> No.152237

The Ripple wallet is useful. Its not just to store XRP but also any currency or virtual currency

>> No.152275

>Its not just to store XRP but also any currency or virtual currency

I'm kind of lost on the whole storing other currencies part. If someone sends you USD through Ripple, how do you get the USD into a bank account?

>> No.152323

You can either connect your Ripple account to a gateway (Snapswap and Bitstamp are the main ones), and they will deposit the money directly into your bank account, or you can convert it to BTC through the client and cash it out at a Bitcoin ATM.

>> No.152348


I looked at Bitstamp. There's nothing on its page about Ripple USD (or Ripple at all- nearly all of these sites are niggardly with things like basic howtos and explanations).

I'll try SnapSwap, I suppose, and hope it doesn't end up like Mt. Gox.

>> No.152344

question for users of bitcoin alternatives - are these things accepted everywhere bitcoins are? Are they really a currency?

>> No.152375

Yeah Bitstamp is relatively frustrating in that they require you to get authenticated with ID and current utility bill to prove place of residence. Then it takes like 2 week process before you can actually use their gateway. Once you are verified then you can connect to your Ripple account and it is pretty straightforward. It is just a hassle.

>> No.152385

The good thing is that whatever Gateway you use it doesnt actually get stored on that Gateway it gets stored directly in the Ripple client even if you are doing trading or exchanges. If one gateway fails you can go through another one to pull your USD or other currency out.

>> No.152389


Oh for the love of...

>Please contact support to register a bank account with your SnapSwap profile.
>contact support
>to do the most basic thing possible

Not fucking ready for prime time.

And this is sketchy as fuck:


I mean just LOOK AT THIS. It's got "Fly by night" written all over it. Go to a fucking Bank of America? Fucking mail them a check? They don't even process credit or debit cards, like every other fucking merchant ever? THIS is supposed to be the Future of Payments? It's ridiculous. I'm not trusting these people with shit.

>> No.152421

>literally one guy defending ripple for the entire thread

You're a good shill nUNJD8+o. You're doing a good job

>> No.152426

>Not fucking ready for prime time
Yeah thats the thing lol. Ripple is still in Beta so the exchanges themselves are still establishing processes and refining them.
>Go to a fucking Bank of America? Fucking mail them a check?
I haven't used that feature with SnapSwap but I think you can do an electronic transfer online from bank to bank.

>> No.152445

Just one person? Lol youre silly.

>> No.152469

>giving google control over your money

fuck no

>> No.152475


Wow, a whole army of 5 shills instead of just one! Cool

>> No.152484

>bank transfers, as in you have to contact your bank to initiate one
But that's still completely ridiculous. I wanted to try Ripple out because it claimed to do things (like transfer actual money!) that I found useful. It can't do them, or at least not well. Wasn't this thing supposed to be funded by Google, as all the shills were claiming earlier? Where's the Ripple-centric exchange? Why the hell are my two choices a Bitcoin exchange and a clearly fly-by-night company that can't get its shit in gear?

Unless a whole lot of people get their asses in gear, Ripple will never supplant Paypal (which badly needs supplanting) or anything else.

>> No.152489
File: 9 KB, 225x225, shills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Because someone that shows a favorable opinion towards something is an automatic shill. In that case I am also a shill for french fries and women!

>> No.152494


someone who shows a favorable opinion towards an obvious scam is a shill you fucking idiot

>> No.152506

>like transfer actual money!
It can. If you want to transfer USD into your bank or out of your bank you just have to follow that banks protocols. Otherwise everything else in the Ripple client is instant and straightforward. Same thing with Paypal. They have to interact with the banks in order to transfer money in and out.

>> No.152513

>obvious scam
How so? Do you even know why? Or do you just repeat what you hear other people post?

>> No.152565

BTC shills like you spam up every Ripple post with "its a scam!" Then you get refuted and someone proves that XRP really isn't unlike BTC at all in that respect then you go away. Then someone else inevitably pops up a little later and it becomes a cycle. Its pretty funny.

>> No.152597

>It can. If you want to transfer USD into your bank or out of your bank you just have to follow that banks protocols.

This doesn't tell me anything of value.

My current recommended option seems to be SnapSwap, which is just bad. And yet some other Ripple site says that anyone can be an exchange. (If so, why hasn't someone smarter stepped up?)

The more I look at Ripple, the more it seems to be "five guys in an office pretending to be a major company"...

>> No.152613

>five guys in an office pretending to be a major company
Not exactly. https://www.ripplelabs.com/team/
Also, other exchanges will pop up. It will just take some time (maybe mid this year?). You have to remember that Ripple isn't even officially released yet and still is in beta phase. It is still working on functionality and ease of use and will work out the kinks as they come to it.

>> No.152740

Oh. Oh God. This is hilarious.

The founders of Ripple are keeping 20 billion of it themselves (the equivalent of a 20% premine).

A tiny amount of XRP is destroyed- not taken in by someone else, *destroyed*- every time a transaction is made.

They want this to be "the future of money" and have major banks using it.

Now, tell me- what would happen if Ripple does win the bit wars, the whole world does actually start using this (especially major banks), and lots of XRP is destroyed?

Wouldn't someone sitting on 20 billion XRP be pretty much able to hold the entire economy hostage at that point?

THAT appears to be their cunning plan. Seriously. I gotta say, guys, when you go for the gold, you go for the fucking gold...

>> No.152784

>*destroyed*- every time a transaction is made.
Very very very miniscule amount is destroyed to prevent DDoS attacks. Let me put it this way. At the rate Ripple is destroyed it will take 25 million years for it all to be gone.

>> No.153945

Ripple XRP press release coming in acouple days. I dont know what it is for but looking forward to it.

>> No.153958

So soon? Damn I wanted more time to mine...

>> No.153968


I thought you couldn't mine it. Am I missing something.

>> No.153976

Sorry I misspoke. When I say "mine" technically you are donating computing power towards cancer research through World Community Grid and are given XRP in return.

>> No.153990


>> No.153997

I dont even know why this thread is up here. Are you guys trying to pump XRP before its even released? Relax and be patient.

>> No.154058

Mostly everything is down right now but aAuroracoin and Ripple are in the green. I know why the Iceland coin is up but what is going on with Ripple? Is something in the works?