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File: 306 KB, 947x928, 542F0B06-6481-42E9-B7FD-0400ADE1EA10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14845384 No.14845384 [Reply] [Original]

at spot price ($160). how bad did i fuck up, anons?

pic related

>> No.14845396

bommer junk metal nice

>> No.14845407


>> No.14845432

anyone own like a bar of silver? could i put a 100oz bar of silver on my desk or does it have to be kept in plastic?

>> No.14845440


>> No.14845443

Good choice anon! I have some of those same rounds.

>> No.14845451

Based congrats on owning real money and not fake internet money

>> No.14845455

You could put it on your desk, just buy a secondary market one that's already been handled. That way your not fucking up the finish on a shiny new bar.

>> No.14845459

Should have got it when they were 15.07 :)

>> No.14845487


>> No.14845491

You did good. Pick up any spot deals you can.

>> No.14845501
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Should have got it at $13 like me

>> No.14845510

any of you silver anons know of other bullion sites with similar starter kits or spot price deals? i'll keep a list for future purchases

>> No.14845542

Here anon let me help you out.

>> No.14845554

thanks anon

>> No.14845572

Provident Metals, Monument Metals. Check here

>> No.14845676

I buy from provident. They ship their metals in a box that say 'bearings'. Pretty clever and discreet.

>> No.14845984

i'll try them next purchase then fren

>> No.14846008

I just bought some silver coins but I want to open the packages and play with them. How much will this hurt resell value? Should I have bought gold coins for playing since they don't tarnish?

>> No.14846047

Good choice, I hit up all those places and buy the first time buyer at spot deals.

>> No.14846055

just put on a latex glove to handle them, and dont scrape them together. put em back in the container with a silica gel pack when you're done

>> No.14846111

Its fucking silver. Put it in a drawer. Why are PM anons always autistic about metals? You dont need gloves and shit lmao

>> No.14846127

>why are anons autistic
nigger, do you know where the fuck you are? 4chan is like 90% INTP/INTJ autists.

>> No.14846166

I mean why tho what are you gonna buy with that

>> No.14846188

If I've been tested as both does that mean I have double autism?

>> No.14846194

going to acquire 50 ounces just to have in my safe. the same reason i always have at least $2,500 in my home safe--just in case.

>> No.14846211


>> No.14846295

If they are generic it doesn't really matter you're probably only gonna get spot or a little over. I like more limited mintage coins and with them I am pretty careful in handling. Just buy a couple of cast bars/rounds and fondle them.

>> No.14846345

silver is useless. at least gold can be melted down and used in technology applications. silver is basically worthless. it's only quality is that it's shiny. makes good silverwear but that's about it.

>> No.14846346

Bold has really good prices on mint tubes, Eagles are only like 1.70/1.80 over spot I think. Lower than pretty much anyone else unless you are buying hundreds of coins.

>> No.14846389

I got this a few months ago. Only problem is they are ugly as shit. Other than that it's fine.

>> No.14846390

I bought the exact same thing several hours ago OP. I think we did the right thing

>> No.14846493
File: 1.96 MB, 1920x2800, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only stack ancients

>> No.14846514

Buy a 10oz Scottsdale stacker. Best chunky little bar out there.

>> No.14846549

>check date
>check writing on coin

kek, how npc can you be to get THIS scammed

>> No.14846636

How stupid can you get? Silver has far more industrial uses then gold

>> No.14846660
File: 133 KB, 1109x1112, DAB47102-4AC5-4FA5-B54B-60688C78D5D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are ugly

how anti-semitic of you, goyim.

>> No.14846711

I do like Bold. The spot deal from the doesn't include free shipping but that's just an excuse to get more.

>> No.14846871

i sold some of my BTC gains for 5kg of solid gold that i keep in my gun safe

>> No.14846898

you're retarded if you have $230k worth of gold in your home safe.

>> No.14846925

the safe weighs over half a ton and is one of the most secure ones you can buy. i have a motion detecting webcam on it linked to my phone which will give me a notification and video if it detects motion. the webcam is easy to set up

>> No.14846941

this is a joke right? coins made in BC would obviously not have the correct date.

>> No.14847294

You think the roman empire didn't have writing and the alphabet?

>> No.14848377

bump this for the stacker anons with the hookups online

>> No.14848451

Wear cloth gloves, latex produces problems:)